- Michael Jackson Shout 歌詞
- Michael Jackson
- Shout
Michael Jackson Ignorance of people purchasing diamonds and necklaces, 無知讓人們在珠寶項鍊上揮霍自己 And barely able to keep the payments up on their lessons, 卻對自身教育吝嗇不已 And enrolled in a class and dont know who the professor is, 進了課堂學習,卻不知是誰在操控教育 How low people go for the dough and make a mess of things , 為金錢竭盡全力, 讓社會亂作一團,人們是多麼可鄙! Kids are murdering other kids for the fun of it, 孩子間相互謀害以此為趣 Instead of using their mind or their fist, they put a gun in it 使用了槍支而不只是邪惡思想與赤拳暴力 Wanna be a part of a clique, dont know whos running it, 希望加入私黨成一分子,卻不知團伙由誰管理 Tragedy on top of tragedy you know its killing me. 悲劇後面連著悲劇,快要讓我窒息 So many people in agony, this shouldnt have to be, 那麼多人水深火熱,世間本不應該如此 Too busy focusing on ourselves and not His Majesty, 每天只顧關心自己,漠視他人 There has to be some type of change for this day and age, 總有那麼一天,現狀會有所改變 We gotta rearrange and flip the page, 到時我們會重整秩序,再把這頁歷史翻過去 Living encaged like animals and cannibals, 猶如被關進牢籠的困獸和食人族 Eating each other alive just to survive the nine to five, 為能活得朝朝暮暮,人們不惜相互間殘忍屠戮 Every single day is trouble while we struggle and strive 我們存在世上的每一天都要掙扎和拼命 Peace of minds so hard to find. 難以尋求片刻心靈的平寧 I wanna shout, throw my hands up and shout 我想嘶聲吶喊,揚起雙臂嘶聲吶喊 Whats this madness all about 這瘋狂世界成了什麼樣子 All this makes me wanna shout 總是想嘶聲吶喊 You know it makes me wanna shout, 你知道這些會令我總想嘶聲吶喊 Throw my hands up and shout 揚起雙臂嘶聲吶喊 Whats this madness all about 這瘋狂世界成了什麼樣子 All this makesme wanna shout, cmon now 所有這些會讓我想嘶聲吶喊 Problems, complications and accusations 麻煩不斷的問題,繁瑣的後遺症和罪名指控 Dividing the nations and races of empty faces 切割著國家和民族蒼白空虛的面容 A war is taking place. 戰爭就要爆發 No substitution for restitution, the only solution for peace 一切不能再恢復如初,和平的答案 Is increasing the height of your spirituality. 取決於你們精神的高度 Masses of minds are shrouded, clouded visions 民眾的心聲被遮蓋,陰雲密布 Deceptions and indecision, no faith or religion, how were living. 誤解欺騙、優柔寡斷,沒有信念失去信仰,我們賴何生存 The clock is ticking, the end is coming, therell be no warning, 光陰一刻不停,末日就要來臨,我們不會聽到警鐘 But we live to see the dawn. 活著只為等待黎明 How can we preach, when all we make this world to be 當我們把世界親手毀掉,讓它成了折磨心智的地獄 Is a living hell torturing our minds. 我們還怎麼去宣揚和說教 We all must unite, to turn darkness to light, 我們必須齊心協力,變黑暗為光明 And the love in our hearts will shine. 讓我們心間的愛重新照耀 Were disconnected from love, were disrespecting each other 我們與愛脫節,我們詆毀彼此 Whatever happened to protecting each other 那些任何形式的所謂保護 Poisoned your body and your soul for a minute of pleasure, 不過是為一時愉悅,蒙蔽你的身心 But the damage that youve done is gonna last forever. 可你造成的創痛,永遠不能癒合 Babies being born in the world already drug addicted and afflicted, 新生兒降臨世間,孰不知毒品已讓世界污濁 Family values are contradicted. 家庭價值衝突劇烈 Ashes to ashes and dust to dust, the pressure is building and Ive had enough. 一切都要灰飛煙滅可怕的壓力越來越重,我簡直忍受不下去 I wanna shout, throw my hands up and shout 我想嘶聲吶喊,揚起雙臂嘶聲吶喊 Whats this madness all about 這瘋狂世界成了什麼樣子 All this makes me wanna shout 總是想嘶聲吶喊 You know it makes me wanna shout, 你知道這些會令我總想嘶聲吶喊 Throw my hands up and shout 揚起雙臂嘶聲吶喊 Whats this madness all about 這瘋狂世界成了什麼樣子 All this makes me wanna shout, cmon now 所有這些會讓我想嘶聲吶喊 Problems, complications and accusations 麻煩不斷的問題,繁瑣的後遺症和罪名指控 Dividing the nations and races of empty faces 切割著國家和民族蒼白空虛的面容 A war is taking place. 戰爭就要爆發 No substitution for restitution, the only solution for peace 一切不能再恢復如初,和平的答案 Is increasing the height of your spirituality. 取決於你們精神的高度 Masses of minds are shrouded, clouded visions 民眾的心聲被遮蓋,陰雲密布 Deceptions and indecision, no faith or religion, how were living. 誤解欺騙、優柔寡斷,沒有信念失去信仰,我們賴何生存 The clock is ticking, the end is coming, therell be no warning, 光陰一刻不停,末日就要來臨,我們不會聽到警鐘 But we live to see the dawn. 活著只為等待黎明 I wanna shout, throw my hands up and shout 我想嘶聲吶喊,揚起雙臂嘶聲吶喊 Whats this madness all about 這瘋狂世界成了什麼樣子 All this makes me wanna shout 總是想嘶聲吶喊 You know it makes me wanna shout, 你知道這些會令我總想嘶聲吶喊 Throw my hands up and shout 揚起雙臂嘶聲吶喊 Whats this madness all about 這瘋狂世界成了什麼樣子 All this makes me wanna shout, cmon now 所有這些會讓我想嘶聲吶喊 shout, throw my hands up and shout 揚起雙臂嘶聲吶喊 Whats this madness all about 這瘋狂世界成了什麼樣子 All this makes me wanna shout 總是想嘶聲吶喊 You know it makes me wanna shout, 你知道這些會令我總想嘶聲吶喊 Throw my hands up and shout 揚起雙臂嘶聲吶喊 Whats this madness all about 這瘋狂世界成了什麼樣子 All this makes me wanna shout, cmon now 所有這些會讓我想嘶聲吶喊