- Selena Gomez Let Me Get Me 歌詞
- Selena Gomez
就像一聲虔誠的祈禱深夜仍於身周閃爍跳躍 Like a prayer surroundin us movin, up at this late 每字每句皆具解脫之情 Every word is relief 起舞為一陣突然來襲的癲狂我的寶貝們與我 Ima dance for therapy, all my babies and me 但今晚它屬於徹頭徹尾的自由 But tonight, its for free 沒有難纏的自我蓄意破壞思緒不被允許鬆弛 No self-sabotage, no letting my thoughts run 我和我的靈魂雙雙墜地 Me and the spiral are done 點燃華麗的面具數月以來早已疲於它替我偽裝 Burn this camouflage Ive been wearing for months 試著讓自己快樂起來哪怕就這一次 Tryna let a little happy in for once 我急需讓我的思緒休憩 I need to let my mind rest 可是我的身體正在蠢蠢欲動 While my body reflects (Out) 別讓我失望我不會讓自己心灰意冷 Dont get me down, I wont let me get me down 別讓我失望我不會讓自己心灰意冷 Dont get me down, I wont let me get me down 此刻我飄飄然如同身在九霄我不會放任自己 Im good right now, I wont let me get me— 拿走你那顆疲憊不堪的心盡情地彰顯自我 Take that tired heart and go and turn it inside-out 沉浸其中肆意人生盡情熱舞 Diving in ferociously, dancing intimately 我與真正的自我融為一體 Im so connected to me 黑暗中我終於放開自己把身份姓名通通埋葬 In the dark, Im letting go, so anonymously 我猜這就是人們口中自由的感覺 I guess this is what it feels like to be free 我如此急切的想要思緒休息 I need to let my mind rest (My, my mind) 與此同時我的軀體正在盡情起舞 While my body reflects (Out) 別讓我失望我不會讓自己心灰意冷 Dont get me down, I wont let me get me down 別讓我失望我不會讓自己心灰意冷 Dont get me down, I wont let me get me down 此刻我飄飄然如同身在九霄我不會放任自己 Im good right now, I wont let me get me— 拿走你那顆疲憊不堪的心盡情地彰顯自我 Take that tired heart and go and turn it inside-out 別讓我失望我不會讓自己心灰意冷 Dont get me down (Get up), I wont let me get me down 別讓我失望我不會讓自己心灰意冷 Dont get me down (Get up), I wont let me get me down 此刻我飄飄然如同身在九霄我不會放任自己 Im good right now (Get up), I wont let me get me— 拿走你那顆疲憊不堪的心盡情地彰顯自我 Take that tired heart and go and turn it inside— 哦老天我猜這就是人們口中自由的感覺 Oh, my, I guess this is what it feels like to be free (Ooh) 哦老天我猜這就是人們口中自由的感覺 Oh, my, I guess this is what it feels like to see me (Ooh, down) 請振作起來 (Get down) Dont get me, oh (Down) 請振作起來 (Get down) Dont get me (Down ) 拿走你那顆疲憊不堪的心盡情地彰顯自我 (Get down) Take that tired heart and go and turn it inside-out 別讓我失望我不會讓自己心灰意冷 Dont get me down (Get up), I wont let me get me down (I wont let me get me) 別讓我失望我不會讓自己心灰意冷 Dont get me down (Get up), I wont let me get me down 此刻我飄飄然如同身在九霄我不會放任自己 Im good right now (Get up), I wont let me get me 拿走你那顆疲憊不堪的心盡情地彰顯自我 Take that tired heart and go and turn it inside-out