- U2 If God Will Send His Angels 歌詞
- U2
- Nobody else here baby
這裡空無一人,寶貝 No one here to blame 這裡沒有人再責備 No one to point the finger 沒有人再指指點點 It's just you and me and the rain 此刻只剩下雨中的你我 Nobody made you do it 沒有人驅使你 No one put words in your mouth 沒有人讓你說怎樣的話 Nobody here taking orders 沒有人接受命令 When love took a train heading south 當愛乘火車駛向南方 It's the blind leading the blond 我們眼前一片黑暗 It's the stuff, it's the stuff of country songs 這一切在鄉村歌曲中傳唱 If God will send his angels 嘿,如果上帝派出他的天使 And if God will send a sign 如果上帝給予我們指示 And if God will send his visions 如果上帝派出他的天使 Would everything be alright 一切真的會好起來麼
上帝袖手旁觀已多時,寶貝 God has got his phone off the hook, babe 他是否願意重新拯救眾生 Would he even pick up if he could 我們看到一個孩子 It's been a while since we saw that child 在小區閒逛 Hanging round this neighborhood 你看到他的母親在走廊販售青春 You see his mother's dealing in a doorway 看到聖誕老人衣冠襤褸 See Father Christmas with a begging bowl 耶酥對此坐視不管 Jesus sister's eyes are a blister 高街是從未有過的逼仄 The High Street never looked so low 我們眼前一片黑暗 It's the blind leading the blond 警匪是一丘之貉 It's the cops collecting for the cons 希望和信任在哪裡 So where is the hope and where is the faith 還有你說的愛 And the love...what's that you say to me 愛是否點亮了你的聖誕樹 Does love...light up your Christmas Tree 下一刻你便吹熄愛僅存的火種 The next minute you're blowing a fuse 將童真的卡通變為冷漠的戰報 And the cartoon network turns into the news 如果上帝派出他的天使 If God will send his angels 如果上帝給予我們指示 And if God will send a sign 如果上帝派出他的天使 Well if God will send his angels... 我們將去向何方 Where do we go? 我們將去向何方 Where do we go? 耶穌從未讓我失望
我曾目睹他的傷痕 Jesus never let me down 他們以神之名牟取暴利 You know Jesus used to show me the score 人們已經趨之若騖 Then they put Jesus in show business 這一切在鄉村歌曲中傳唱 Now it's hard to get in the door,angel 我想無聲的侵蝕不曾止息 It's the stuff, it's the stuff of country songs 如果上帝派出他的天使 But I guess it was something to go on 我確信我們求之若渴 If God will send his angels 如果上帝派出他的天使 Sure could use them here right now 我不會渴求生命 Well if God would send his angels 我希望愛人能感受到我的靈魂 And I might not want my life 我想要我和我的愛人 I want my lover feel my soul 我希望獨自感受 And I want my love and I 如何? And I want to feel alone How?