- Regina Spektor Wallet 歌詞
- Regina Spektor
- Regina Spektor - Wallet
我撿到了一個錢包 I found a wallet, 我撿到了一個錢包 I found a wallet 裡面放著你的小小家庭照 Inside were pictures of your small family 那時候你還年輕,一頭黑髮 You were so young, your hair dark brown 你出生於1953年 You had been born in 1953 你剛剛過期的駕照的塑料殼上 Your winter birthday was stamped on the plastic 印著你在冬天的生日 Of a license so recently expired 走進家門時我太累了 I was so tired as I walked through my door 讓錢包裡的東西都掉到了地上 I let all the contents of your wallet on the floor 就像一處神聖的遺址
或是一本神秘的小說 And like a holy relic 我在昏暗的燈光下翻看它們 Or a mystery novel 尋找一條線索 I thumbed them in the dim light 一張百事達卡 Searching for a clue- 一張老舊的水果杯貼紙 A Blockbuster card, 一張被揉皺的皮靴收據 An old stick of Juicy Fruit 我沒有錢包 A crumpled receipt for a pair of leather boots 我沒有錢包
我用橡皮筋把我的卡都箍在一起 I have no wallet, 我空出一隻手在口袋裡摸索著 I have no wallet 想找幾張紙和零錢 I keep my cards together with a blue rubber band 我會帶著你的錢包 And with a free hand I search in my pocket 去到附近的百事達 For pieces of , pieces of paper and change 他們會找到你的號碼
在他們的電腦中 I'll take your wallet 你永遠不會知道我是誰 To my local Blockbuster 我也永遠不會與你相識 They'll find your number 但是你該有多開心 in their computer 當他們打電話給你 You'll never know me I'll never know you But you will be so happy When they call you up.