- Beyoncé Best Thing I Never Had 歌詞
- Beyoncé
- What goes around comes back around (hey my baby)
萬物周而復始,一切回到起點(嘿,我的寶貝) What goes around comes back around (hey my baby) 善有善報,惡有惡報(嘿,親愛的) What goes around comes back around (hey my baby) 種什麼惡,遭什麼罪(嘿,我的愛人) What goes around comes back around (hey my baby) 你終會得到應有的報應(嘿,你個小妖精) There was a time 曾經有一段時光 I thought, that you did everything right 我天真地以為,你就是我苦苦尋找的真命天子 No lies, no wrong 你是那麼完美,沒有一點點謊言,沒有任何缺點 Boy I, mustve been outta my mind 男孩啊,我那時準是被愛情沖昏了頭腦 So when I think of the time that I almost loved you 當我不顧一切地奔向你時 You showed your ass and I saw the real you 你卻露出了你的狐狸尾巴,使我看清了真實的你 Thank God you blew it 感謝上帝,你失算了 Thank God I dodged the bullet 謝天謝地,我躲過了一劫 Im so over you 我決定和你分道揚鑣 So baby good lookin out 所以親愛的,我祝你好運 I wanted you bad 也希望你不得善終 Im so through with it 我總算看透了一切 Cuz honestly you turned out to be the best thing I never had 我曾經固執地以為,你會永遠是我一生無可替代的摯愛 You turned out to be the best thing I never had 我也會是永遠深愛著你的女人 And Im gon always be the best thing you never had 說實話,老娘如此堅決地甩了你才是我人生最正確的選擇 I bet it sucks to be you right now 我敢打賭,此刻你肯定遍體鱗傷,令人厭惡 So sad, youre hurt 看到你如此受傷,咎由自取,我反倒高興起來 Boo hoo, oh, did you expect me to care? 噢,老娘早已不在乎你的死活 You dont deserve my tears 像你這樣的負心漢,不值得我為你傷心落淚 I guess thats why they aint there 我想,這就是你找不到女朋友的原因 When I think that there was a time that I almost loved you 當我不顧一切地奔向你時 You showed your ass and I saw the real you 你卻暴露了你的本性,我看清了真實的你 Thank Godyou blew it 感謝上帝,你沒有得逞 Thank God I dodged the bullet 謝天謝地,我逃過此劫 Im so over you 我決定與你一刀兩斷 Baby good lookin out 所以親愛的,我祝你好運 I wanted you bad 也希望你不得善終 Im so through with it 你終究躲不過我的火眼金睛 Cuz honestly you turned out to be the best thing I never had 我曾經固執地以為,你會永遠是我一生無可替代的摯愛 I said, you turned out to be the best thing I never had 我也會是永遠深愛著你的女人 And Ill never be the best thing you never had 說實話,老娘如此堅決地甩了你才是我人生最正確的選擇 Oh baby I bet sucks to be you right now 我敢打賭,此刻你肯定遍體鱗傷,令人厭惡 I know you want me back 我知道,你竭盡全力想要我回心轉意 Its time to face the facts 但我心意已決 That Im the one thats got away 你該好好審視自己的虛偽 Lord knows that it would take another place, another time , another world, another life 老天都明白,我應該放下過往,不再遲疑,不再等待,向一段美好而全新的戀情奔去。去尋覓屬於我的,新的生活,新的世界,新的人生 Thank God I found the good in goodbye 感謝耶穌,讓我明白了分手能讓人解脫 I used to want you so bad 我希望你不得善終 Im so through it that 我早已看穿了一切 Cuz honestly you turned out to be the best thing I never had 我曾經固執地以為,你會永遠是我一生無可替代的摯愛 You turned out to be the best thing I never had 我也會是永遠深愛著你的女人 And I will always be the , best thing you never had. 說實話,老娘如此堅決地甩了你才是我人生最正確的選擇 Best thing you never had! 是你一生的最愛 I used to want you so bad 我希望你不得善終 Im so through it that 我早已看穿了一切 Cause honestly you turned out to be the best thing I never had 我曾經固執地以為,你會永遠是我一生無可替代的摯愛 Oh you turned out to be the best thing I never had 我也會是永遠深愛著你的女人 Oh I will never be the best thing you never had 說實話,老娘如此堅決地甩了你才是我人生最正確的選擇 Oh baby, I bet it sucks to be you right now 噢,寶貝,我敢肯定,你此時並不好過 Goes around, comes back around 萬物周而復始,一切回到起點 Goes around, comes back around 善有善報,惡有惡報 Bet it sucks to be you right now 我敢肯定,你此時並不好過 Goes around, comes back around 種什麼惡,遭什麼罪 Bet it sucks to be you right now 我敢肯定,你此時並不好過 Goes around, comes back around 你終會得到應有的報應 Bet it sucks to be you right now 我敢說,你失去我是你人生中最大的錯誤