- 斯威特MCSWEET 一切會好的 歌詞
- 編曲: Omito
混音: 官碩 母帶: 官碩 和聲: OG高 時間軸:知一白 翻譯:張千C.Jam 不能用老俗套討你的歡心 Ain't no cheesy way to make u pleased 沿著夏天軌跡看夜晚的繁星 Lookin' at da stars at night along da track of summer 陶醉了陶醉了來不及等上下一秒 No time 2 waste cuz I got revel in it 心動感催促我這次靠近要趕緊 Da feelin of heartbeat urges me to hurry up this time if I wanna capture it 太陽有日出就會有日落 When da sun rises, there will be a sunset 海那邊的景色每個水手都會憧憬過 Every sailor will look forward to the scenery beyond da sea 發誓不給自己留下遺憾 I swear not 2 leave regret fo maself 這畫卷我要的不只是經過 I want mo than just passin through this picture no pain no gain 有耕耘就會有收穫 If you plough, you will reap 讓我揚起北京城的帆 Let me lift da sail of BJC 到了30還想追上這趟航班 I still want 2 catch up wiz da flight even I'm already 30 years old 沒人懂我你也有使命感吧 Aint nobody understands me,you gutta a sense of mission too a'ight 在別人燈都熄滅的晚上你打著寒顫 You shiver at night when everyone elses lights r off 問題接踵而至 Problems arrive one after another 有天全世界會知道我的名字 Da whole world will know ma name somedays 開上跟隨我青春的老飛度 Drive da old Fit that follows ma youth 莫欺少年窮少年也能變富 Dont deceive a young man cuz of his poverty,da young man could get rich 2 演出檔期佔滿了夏天 Schedule fo my showcase r already booked fo whole summer 順心如意說爸爸你真酷 They satisfactory n say u r so kool dad 我想你會啊我想你會啊 I thought u will I thought u will 我想你會啊我想你會啊 I thought u will I thought u will 我想你會啊我想你會啊 I thought u will I thought u will 我想你一定能成功的一定會啊 I thought u will get it u will get it 不能用老俗套討你的歡心 Ain't no cheesy way to make u pleased 沿著夏天軌跡看夜晚的繁星 Lookin' at da stars at night along da track of summer 陶醉了陶醉了來不及等上下一秒 No time 2 waste cuz I got revel in it 心動感催促我這次靠近要趕緊 Da feelin of heartbeat urges me to hurry up this time if I wanna capture it 再年輕一回不要宿醉 Ain't no hangover let me young again 有你的生活是一場璀璨的舞會 Life wiz u is a bright ball 忘掉你的抑鬱還有什麼不高興 Forget about ur depression,What else r u unhappy about? 沖向終點前你數著One two three Count before u rush 2 da finish line 1 2 3 屬於你的劇情到了黃金檔 Ur story has reached da golden stage 摸摸你那顆還炙熱的心臟 Touch ur heart it still burnin 挑戰比早起的冰美式更讓我興奮 Challenge makes me mo excited than da Iced Americano fo gettin up early 快點把那些不甘的夢想放心上 Hurry up n keep those unwilling dreams in mind 丹鎮北京貼紙貼滿你的城市 Get Dungeon Beijing stickers all over ur city 消極的氛圍裡我們拉高這裡層次 In da negative atmosphere, we raise da level here 我想你會啊我想你會啊 I thought u will I thought u will 我想你會啊我想你會啊 I thought u will I thought u will 我想你會啊我想你會啊 I thought u will I thought u will 我想你一定能成功的一定會啊 I thought u will get it u will get it 不能用老俗套討你的歡心 Ain't no cheesy way to make u pleased 沿著夏天軌跡看夜晚的繁星 Lookin' at da stars at night along da track of summer 陶醉了陶醉了來不及等上下一秒 No time 2 waste cuz I got revel in it 心動感催促我這次靠近要趕緊 Da feelin of heartbeat urges me to hurry up this time if I wanna capture it 再年輕一回不要宿醉 Ain't no hangover let me young again 有你的生活是一場璀璨的舞會 Life wiz u is a bright ball 忘掉你的抑鬱還有什麼不高興 Forget about ur depression,What else r u unhappy about? 沖向終點前你數著One two three Count before u rush 2 da finish line 1 2 3