- 斯威特MCSWEET 與惡同行 歌詞
- 編曲: Young Swisher Beats
混音: 官碩 母帶: 官碩 翻譯: 知一白 該死的混蛋你搞砸了一切 ****** * bastard screwed everything up 該死的混蛋你搞砸了一切 ******* bastard screwed everything up 該死的混蛋你搞砸了一切 ****** * bastard screwed everything up 接受審判吧go to hell Be ready for your judgement, go to hell 看看你狼狽的臉和手上的紅色 Look at your embarrassed face and blood on your hands 這一幕你一定會印象深刻 You must be impressed by this scene 數不清有多少和你來自同樣地方 I can't remember how many kids from the same place as you 的小孩被我審判過 Were judged by me 你一定有太多的藉口吧 You must have a lot of excuses 說你後媽對你不好吧 Say that your stepmother treated you badly 難道殺了她你生活的問題就能解決麼? Would killing her solve the problem of your life? 你還是沒有找到問題的方向 You did not find the direction of your problem 逃避問題嘴硬是你的強項 Run away and be stubborn is your strength 當你在18層的電梯裡游盪 When you wandered around in the elevator on the 18th floor 就知道你的罪惡是不可原諒 You know your sins are unforgivable 你對不起你自己的未來 You are sorry for your own future 我通過幻世鏡看到你的生活應該是蔚藍 I saw your promising future through the phantom mirror 你腦子裡怎麼總在回憶過去 Why do you always think about the past life 好好的人生被tm的摧殘 Your good life was ****in destroyed 小子征服比毀滅更有爽快感 Son Conquest is cooler than destruction 你聽聽你的辯解詞像不像唱快板 Listen to your defense. It sounds like clapping 活該! You deserve it! 帶著你的夢想go to hell You and your dream go to hell 和那棟老房子go to hell You and your old house go to hell go to hell go to hell go to hell go to hell
該死的混蛋你搞砸了一切 You ****ing bastard screwed everything up 幹嘛還回憶著美好的昨夜 Why do you still think about the beauty of last night 你以為用暴力就能把問題都給解決 You thought you can solve everything with violence 命中的贈予是昂貴的價格shit The price is always exacted for what fate bestows. Shit 拿起凶器鋒利 Pick up. Weapon. Sharp 就為了重逢在一個易碎的夢裡 To be reunited in a fragile dream 忍受不了現實對你的衝擊 You can't stand the impact of reality 也忍受不了他們把你當空氣 You can't stand they treated you like nothing 曾經也想加入她讓她不會嫌棄你 You thought about embrace her and so she wouldn't despise you 所以立的投名狀也不過是屁 So called oath is just a fart 畢竟你不是她親生的 After all you're not her child 你的基因和血項包括性格都寫上了異 You different genes, different blood, different personality Yo 我的兄弟 Yo My brother 你把問題看的太淺顯 You take the problem too lightly 別總回憶過去的一點點 Don't always live in the past 這世界很大經常會改變 The world is big and it always change 無數的後者還想學習你 Countless latter want to learn from you 以為自己是解救這家庭這市場的大夫 Thought themselves are the cure of the family issue 不甘心和網絡上的侮辱 Unwillingness and cyberbully 走起來吧瓷這又是一次最公正的敗訴 Let's go bro this is the other fairest loss 暴力是最容易的方法瓷 Violence is the easiest way bro 最複雜的方法是裝傻瓷 The most complicated way is playing the fool bro 這是場舊時代紛爭瓷 This is an old-time strife bro 看你螳臂當車我的瓷 You can' t stop the future coming bro 老情節還指望自己的媽媽會回 The old plots were counting on your mother would come back 深夜流淚 Tears in the night 落魄的家庭猶如廢棄的老房子 The broken family is like the old abandoned house 山谷裡頭漂浮著白色的雷 White thunder floated in the valley 落幕的劇場一個不重要的角色 Trivialcharacter in the last scene 你能聽懂我說的是什麼麼 Can you understand what I’m saying 願你有個好結果 May you have a happy ending