- Radical Face The Road to Nowhere 歌詞
- Radical Face
- 製作人: Ben Cooper
閃電悄悄爬上了牆 The lightning climbing up the walls 指尖在玻璃上滑動 The finger drawings on the glass 那張曾經被踏足過的地圖 The map of those who used to live here 直到被鍍金的手指打破 Until the gilded hand was broken 總有一個聲音在我困頓的意識裡 Often theres a voice in my sleeping mind 在我的頭顱裡傾訴 The words inside my skull at night 但我一清醒,就記不清那碎語 But once I wake, I cannot read them 我那流著血液的手掌仍存在一個疑問 My bloody hands remain a question mark 在破碎的時間裡尋找問題的答案 Sifting through the hiccups of time 我們將深藏在城市之中 Well hide in the bones of the city 與引擎一起咆哮 The engines sing along with their cries 這首歌,意味著災難 This song, it spells disaster 但我們在笑聲中將它隱埋 But its buried beneath the laughter 從他們嘴裡說出的話 The words that fall from out their mouths 能夠讓你身敗名裂 Can change in your hands and split the skin 所以我選擇置身事外 So I will keep myself apart 與探究的雙眼和無聊的特權 from shining eyes and privileged boredom 那些我從不同尋常的人身上學到的道理 The thing that Ive learned from unusual blood 永遠不能讓我內心平靜 Is never touch a persons comfort 總有人高呼改變 The voice of change is often heard 但公平也已到來 But fear itself has come to visit 在破碎的時間裡尋找問題的答案 Sifting through the hiccups of time 我們將深藏在城市之中 Well hide in the bones of the city 與引擎一起咆哮 The engines sing along with their cries 這首歌,意味著災難 This song, it spells disaster 但我們在笑聲中將它隱埋 But we drown it out with laughter 我們的雙眼 And our eyes 一直仰望天空尋找答案 They were always pointed at the sky looking for an answer 我們的雙手 And our hands 有著黑灰的污漬卻忙著解決問題 They were stained in black and grey busy solving problems 我們的背脊都背負著未知,直到它摧毀我們 And our backs all bear the load of all the things well never know until it breaks us 在這舒適的環境中我們再不會質疑我們的價值 And in the comfort of the Earth we will not wonder what were worth 但是我們將在嘈雜中睡去 No, we will sleep soundly 伴隨它走向虛無 All along the Road to Nowhere