- Eminem Untitled 歌詞
- Eminem
- Nah man, not quite finished yet!
小子離結束還遠著呢 Girl, I think you just might have tried 姑娘我覺得你只是有點累了 To pull a motherfuckin' fast one . I'm mad TM還想讓我快點我都快瘋了 You just hurt my goddamn feeling 你還傷害了我那該死的感情 And that was the last one I had 這已經是我的所有了 Does this look like an arcade, trying to play games? 難道這看起來像個遊樂場讓你來玩遊戲的? See this saw blade? See this silhouette 沒看到這是把劍?那輪廓總看清了吧? Of a stalker in your walkway? Better cooperate 在人行道上對我死纏爛打?我勸你還是乖乖合作 Or get sauteed and rotisseried while you're hog-tied 不然就把你綁起來香煎紅燒 MC's get so quiet you can hear MC 都沒說話你都聽見了吧 A motherfucking dog whistle when I walk by 每次老子經過的時候總有條瘋狗亂叫 Colt Seavers on a mule stunting on that ass Colt Seavers坐在那只屁股發育緩慢的騾子上 Like a fuckin' Fall Guy! I don't gas my Mercedes 就像個該死的替身(Fall Guy1981年美國動作冒險劇Colt Seavers出演)我的奔馳還沒有加油 After midnight, I treat it like a Mogwai 午夜過後我就當它是個魔怪 Cause it will turn into a Gremlin and run over kids 因為它會變成一個小鬼追著小孩子跑 Women and men - 'Vrinn Vrinn!' - motor so big 男的女的都大呼小叫的-“鬼來啦鬼來啦”-有汽車那麼大啊 You can fit a midget in his engine 引擎蓋那兒都裝得下一個小人了 Bitch, gimme them digits, why you cringin'? 傻逼你把數據給他們不就得了TM 就知道哭 Not by the hair on my chinny-chin-chin will I spend spend 就連我下巴上的一根汗毛都不願意為你花錢 Even 10 cents on you. Since when 就算是一毛錢我都嫌多 Do you think it's gonna cost me a pretty penny 你認為你能從我口袋拿走很多? Shit, if I think a penny's pretty 省省吧一分錢已經夠多了 Just imagine how beautiful a quarter is to me 你可以想像這一刻在我眼裡有多美 Eenie-meenie-miney-mo, catch an eskimo by his toe 猜猜我是怎麼抓住那個愛斯基摩人的 While he's trying to roll a snowball 很簡單他滾雪球的時候抓住他的腳趾頭就行了 But, don't make him lose his cool 但不要讓他發火 If he hollers better let him go y'all 如果他叫的好聽的話我就放了他 You dont own me 你並不擁有我 Now here we go, go, go! 現在我們開始吧 Get up baby, get a move on like a U-Haul 起來吧寶貝趕緊動起來就像U-Haul (美國搬家公司U-Haul專車)一樣 You can rack your brain like pool balls 像打台球一樣絞盡腦汁 You wont ever think of this shit 你根本就不會想這些狗屁事 'Yeah, honey, you called?' Well here I come “嗯親愛的你給我打電話了?” 好我就來 Havoc on a beat, I wreak it 是時候來一場肆行暴虐了 Evil: I see, hear and speak it 什麼非禮勿視、勿聽、勿說我都乾了又怎樣 Lady put your money on Shady , fuck that other weak shit 小妞用你的錢賭老子贏嚇死這些該死的膽小鬼 Put your eggs in the same basket 把所有資源都壓在我身上就是你的發財之道 You can count every motherfuckin' chicken fore it hatches 誰說蛋沒孵化之前先別急著數雞仔?你只管準備好收錢吧 Cause you can bet your ass we gonna get it crackin' 可以肯定的是我們一定能幹跨他們 Like Kraken and Titans when theyre clashin 就像海怪和泰坦巨人打鬥時那樣 Get your brains bashed in so bad 一招就讓你爆頭 You're gonna have Kurt Cobain askin' 科特柯本(涅槃樂隊主唱)都想問問你了 To autograph a bloodstained napkin 在血跡斑斑的餐巾紙上籤上你的大名 Unfashionable and about as rational 老套的太過於理性 As a rash on a fag's asshole 就像那個混蛋同性戀渾身佈滿的皮疹 Now let's take that line run it up the flagpole 就現在拉著旗繩升起勝利的旗幟 With Elton, see if he's cool with it 叫上埃爾頓看他還有以前那麼酷嗎 Don't stand there and look stupid at me 別站在那兒傻逼一樣的看著我 Bitch I ain't in the mood for this shit 蠢貨我現在沒心情搭理這玩意兒 Get my dick, Google it, til it pops up 想知道我的老二有多大谷歌一下(eminems dick) 窗口彈出來你就知道了 Y'all just so motherfuckin' full of shit 你他媽的就是一坨屎 That you stopped up 現在你又啞巴了 Me I'm always shitting diarrhea of the mouth 老子就是嘴臭的像腹瀉一樣罵個不停 Till your speakers crap out, ' pfft, huh what?' 至少在你的講話人被踢出去之前“哼,哼什麼哼?” Girl you got a hot butt, like a lit cigarette 小妞你的屁股真性感火辣的就像支燃燒的香煙 (Chig-chigga-ret) But you won't get a hot fudge sundae (Chig-chigga-ret)也罷反正你也吃不到一杯熱巧克力聖代 From me so don't strut my way, slut because… 所以別趾高氣揚的在我眼前晃因為你就是個蕩婦 You dont own me 你並不擁有我 Now here we go, go, go! 現在我們開始吧! And now that I got your panties in a bunch 我剛剛弄到了一捆你的內褲 And your bowels in an uproar 我也知道你的那些花花腸子 Ima show you why I came 這不就告訴你我來這的原因了 So you stop asking me what the fuck for 所以你他媽別再問我為啥了 Now look, you little slut, cunt whore 看看你這個你小蕩婦,屄妓女 I know you want more 我知道你還想要 Bitch, it's time to put the math back into Mathers 賤人是時候跟你算一下賬了 Cause I'm a fuckin' problem, run boy 我就是個累贅離家出走的男孩 Every flow, got it mastered, so 每個押韻老子都能掌控的剛剛好 Every last word that you fuckin' fags heard 你這個死同性戀聽到的每一一個詞 Comes straight from the fishs ass 都是直接從那傢伙的屁眼裡冒出來的 Yeah, in other words I'm a 'bass-turd' 是的換句話說就是我是個“低音糞” Looking at me like I killed Kenny 那樣看著我就像是我殺了kenny一樣地盯著我(動畫片《南方公園》kenny在劇中死了86次) Gas in the tank ? Yeah, still plenty 油箱還是滿的嗎?沒錯還多得很 No morals are instilled in me so remorse 我心裡毫無道德可言悔恨已把我吞噬 I really don't feel any 我真的沒有任何感覺 Eat your heart out, Hannibal, understandable 漢尼拔啃噬你的心臟 可以理解 Why you’re jealous, fucking animal? 你在嫉妒什麼?畜牲? I got cannibal magnetism 我身上有食人魔的魅力 Cant resist em, now can you, ho? 完全無法抗拒 你可以嗎 嗯? “Shady I don't understand your flow”, understand my flow? shady 我無法理解你說唱的韻律 Bitch, I flow like Troy Polamalu's hair boy 小婊子我的韻腳就像飄發哥那頭茂密的黑頭髮(美國橄欖球球員) Don't you dare try to follow or compare boy 諒你也不敢模仿我也不敢和我比較 I 'm raw, you ain't even medium-rare 說我是新人,你甚至連露面的機會都得不到 Stay the fuck outta my hair, boy 趕緊滾出我的視線小子 You can look, you can stare and point 你可以注視我對我指指點點 But you can't touch, I'm too clairvoyant 但你別想碰我一根手指頭老子有雙千里眼 I don't get it man, is there a void? 我不明白,這還有空位嗎? All this weak shit, what am I, steroids? 都是些沒用的廢物 我又算什麼呢,類固醇嗎? Well bitch I'm back, with some shit for that ass 恩婊子們老子回歸了還有一堆爛攤子等著收拾 And your trunk: elephant, hemorrhoids 而你的存在就是個擺設毫無價值還長滿痔瘡 And remember boys… 還有你們都給老子記住...... You dont own me 你並不擁有我 Now here we go, go, go! 我們現在開始吧 Thank you for coming out 感謝你們能來 I hope you enjoyed the show 希望你們喜歡我的節目 Until next time, peace 下次再見保重