- Kings Never Die 歌詞 Eminem Gwen Stefani
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- Gwen Stefani Kings Never Die 歌詞
- Eminem Gwen Stefani
- Here to stay
我仍立於此地 Even when Im gone 即便我已離開 When I close my eyes 當我合攏雙眼 Through the passage of time 淌過流逝的時間 Kings never die 王者永生
我能聽見鼓手在敲鼓 I can hear the drummer drumming 還有喇叭聲,有人在試圖召喚什麼人,我知道有什麼東西即將到來 And the trumpets, someones tryna summon someone, I know somethins coming 但我正在試圖逃離,只為了能夠站在頂峰 But Im runnin from it to be standing at the summit 然後卻驟然跌落:它怎麼會不是我想像的那樣? And plummet, how come it wasnt what I thought it was 是否是,因為太過於美好而無法實現? Was it, too good to be true? 什麼都沒有的我,得到了一切,但那些又太多了 Have nothin, get it all but too much of it 轉眼我就再次失去了所有,難道我嗑了什麼嗎 Then lose it again, did I swallow hallucinogens 因為如果不是,見鬼的它去哪兒了 Cause if not, where the hell did it go ? 而路西法的巢穴裡,我正坐在荷蘭烤箱旁 Cause here I sit in Lucifers den by the dutch oven 只為了選擇成為 Just choosing to sin 即便這意味著我在出賣我的靈魂,但我只想再次成為權威 Even if it means Im sellin my soul, just to be the undisputed again 我會為了獲得勝利不擇手段 Do whatever I gotta do just to win 因為現在特麼的有片烏雲罩在我頭上 Cause I got this ************ cloud over my head 而皇冠就在那兒,在荊棘之上 Crown around it, thorns on it 它已然出現裂痕,而你們這群蠢貨卻從沒想過我會捲土重來,不是麼 Cracks in it, bet you morons didnt think Id be back, did ya? 那麼現在呢,我通過我的方式回到了落魄人群中 How bout that, Im somehow now back to the underdog 然而不管我喊叫得多麼大聲,這是個我永遠都不會退出的競爭 But no matter how loud that I bark, this sport is somethin I never bow-out at 我抱怨這個遊戲,我咆哮,我憤怒,這都是因愛生恨 I complain about the game, I shout and I pout, its a love-hate 但我發現我能解除成堆的質疑 But I found out that I can move a mountain of doubt 即便你們這些已經判我出局,但我卻開始了倒數計數 Even when you ******* are countin me out, and I appear to be down for the count 只有時間能讓我感到釋然 Only time I ever been out and about 開著車在城市裡亂晃,不知道能去到什麼地方 Is drivin around town with my ****** whereabouts in a doubt 因為我已經不再想我為到達這裡都付出了些什麼,但我不會退出 Cause I been lost tryna think of what I did to get here but Im not a quitter 必須振作起來,要么付出一切,要么放棄 Gotta get up, give it all I got or give up 唾棄它,貶低它,踩著它,但持續前進 Spit on, **** on, stepped on, but kept goin 我試著做一個剛愎的人,然而好像用錯了方式 Im tryna be headstrong but it feels like I slept on my neck wrong 因為你正在離開,你也不再關注我了嗎 Cause youre moving onto the next, but is the respect gone? 因為有人曾經告訴過我 Cause someone told me that 王者永不死 (Kings never die) 別跟我講那些悲傷的假故事,你不必白費口舌 Dont give me that sob story liar, dont preach to the choir 你壓根不必為了挖掘真相而把自己捲進來 You aint never even had to reach in the fire to dig deep 生活中沒人給我過任何垃圾,連傳單都沒有 Nobody ever handed me **** in life, not even a flyer 不過我也不會關注任何事情 Wouldnt even take **** into consideration 除掉我路上的所有障礙 Obliterate anyone in the way 我覺得我現在明白為啥這麼多說唱歌手都喜歡炫技,都想和我同台表演來為他們自己添光加彩 I think I see why a lot of rappers get on these features and try to show out on a track with me 但是這實際上只是一場爛到能讓我想退休的表演 But itd actually have to be a ****** blow-out to get me to re-tire 告訴這些新藝術家們,王者永在 Tell these new artists that kings never die 這剛剛是在說我搶鏡了嗎 Did it just say I've been upstaged? 為什麼我會出現在網上,這簡直要令人崩潰 Why am I online? Its driving me crazy 我拿著把槍試圖搞清這些玩意兒 Im ridin shotgun tryna get a gauge 到底現在什麼東西這麼流行,但我並不會去做這些 On whats hot, but Im not one to conform 但是隨著這些破爛的日子 But as days pass in this **** 流言紛紛繞繞,我聽到他們說 And opinions sway, I can hear em say 如果我仍然這樣四射,沒准我能維持住這個奇蹟 If I stay passionate maybe I can stage a miraculous 捲土重來就像我離開的時候 Comeback as if I went away 但是貶低者為了那些叛徒說了太多話 But detractors just say so much for the Renegade 總有人想讓我失去理智 Someones gonna make me blow my composure 現在我又來了,站在舞台,但卻感覺像是站在籠子裡 Here I go again, center stage and I feel like Im in a cage 他們是這樣想看到一個冠軍的慘敗 They so want a champion to fall 所以我在放肆地嘲笑他們,因為我知道我們會戰勝他們所有 Its no wonder why I laugh at em, cause why cant we win em all? 所以讓這些憤世嫉俗的人說的話都見鬼去吧 So **** what these cynics say 於是我踏上了舞台向他們展示我的不屈服 (It) just goes ta show that when my backs against the wall 即使我再次深陷困境,但我仍然勇敢面對 And Im under a tack again, that Ill act as if Im posed ta 我在努力壓抑著我的怒火,因為成堆的徽章堆在我辦公室裡 With this pent up rage, cause all these plaques in my office 堆在地上,卡住了門 On the floor stacked against the door 難道它們也只是希望我能捲土重來的隱喻嗎 Are they just metaphors for the odds of me comin back again? 因為所有的這些成就,這些表揚,這些嘉獎 Cause all the accomplishments, accolades, awards 還有這些獎杯,現在已經沒有了任何意義 And trophies just dont mean jack anymore 如果我今天還在這兒,而明天卻不得不離開 If Im here today and gone tomorrow 那麼我就現在就不會 And Im not gonna be 仍然站立在這裡 Here to stay 就算我已經離開 Even when Im gone 當我合上我雙眼 When I close my eyes 時間靜悄悄流過 Through the passage of time 而王者永垂不朽 Kings never die 我想要的,我就會來爭取 I want it, Im comin to get it 所以你們這些別以為你們能做到拳皇一樣 So you son of a ******* dont duck youre gonna get ******* Bowed 用你們自己的方式停止批判吧,你們的那些破爛玩意兒都將隨風飄逝 Criticsll end up in critical, think your **** is **** all youre gonna get is smoked 而且不會停止,除非我重返巔峰,一個人站立在王座之上 And Im not stopping til Im on top again, all alone and on a throne 像一個尊重的標識,或者一章效忠的詩篇,再或者一首屬於我的讚歌 Like a token of respect, or a homage poem, or an ode Ive been owed 我揮舞著我的雙臂,用力得彷彿要打碎我的鎖骨 Tossed in the air by my own arm, and launched so hard it broke my collarbone 即便我的時間已經到來,但我仍然不會離開 And when its my time to go , Im still not leaving 沒人能阻止我,我並不知曉但有人曾經告知我 Stop for no one, I dont know but Ive been told an obstacle that 如果你的路上有障礙,那麼清除掉它,這是向著勝利進發的時間了 Blocks your road, knock it over, time to go for that pot of gold, cause 因為他們說過,王者永不死 They say kings never die 去問問Jam Master Jay吧(Hip-Hop傳奇,2002年遇害,享年37歲) Just ask Jam Master Jay 他們才生出雙翼,踏上勝利 They just grow wings and they fly 所以,舉起手來,觸摸天空 So, hands up, reach for the sky 試著抓住這些瞬間,並且拖延它們 Try to hold and prolong these moments 因為你不經意的一眨眼 Cause in a blink of an eye 它們就會消失不見 Theyll be over 保護好你的傳奇,就像Shakur一樣(Hip-Hop傳奇,1996年遇害,享年25歲) Tryna secure your legacy like Shakur 並且確保沒人能到達你的水平 And ensure nobodys ever gonna be what you were 所以在你離開這里之前 So before youre leavin this Earth 你想讓人們感受屬於一個邪惡思想狂暴的怒火 You want people to feel the fury of a pure evil cerebral berserk 話語的執事,音節的天才正在工作 Deacon of words, syllable genius at work 再說我覺得他們誤解了我的善意,把它們當成弱點,那就不用在意這些了 Plus Im thinkin that theyre mistakin my kindness for weakness, kill em with meanness 我為了奶粉和香水而來 I went from powdered milk and Farina 為了在漢堡上塗上花生醬 To flippin burgers on the grill for some peanuts 我在斗獸場徘徊,叫我Gilbert Arenas(NBA球員),這對那些追夢者仍然有著吸引力 From Gilberts to arenas, call me Gilbert Arenas, still appeal to the dreamers 我將這些搬上銀幕,但是Rocky們仍然想要讓Khalil演奏出那些節拍(電影《洛奇》與R&B歌手、作曲者) I made it to the silverscreen but Rockys still what the theme is 因為創作節拍和破壞節拍對我來說完全是兩碼子事兒 Khalil on the beat cause makin the beat aint the same feelin to me as killin the beat is 你覺得打敗我就能獲得一席之地了嗎 Or fulfillin to me is what fillin a seat is 你以為是“聲音”Thirstin Howl嗎(Hip-Hop歌手) Its that 'Sound Bombing' Thirstin Howl Common, Underground, Diamond D, Outsidaz (均為Hip-Hop界內人物) Common, underground, Diamond D, Outsidaz 慾望在胃袋裡翻滾,咆哮,想把所有的人都踢出節奏 Stomach growl, throbbin hunger, out-rhymin everyone 上帝只給我一次機會,我發誓我不會讓你失望 God just give me one shot, I swear that I wont let you down 我會成為永遠,即便只是在地面上 Ima be around forever-and-a-day, even in the ground 你將永遠不會聽到他們說我沒法 You aint never ever gonna hear em say I aint 一直矗立在這兒 Here to stay 就算我已經離開 Even when Im gone 但我閉上我雙眼 When I close my eyes 時間默默流淌過 Through the passage of time 而王者永垂不朽 Kings never die