- Eminem Leaving Heaven 歌詞
- Skylar Grey Eminem
- Eminem:
Yeah Yeah I knew this day was coming 我早知道,這一天要來了 Sometimes you gotta come back down 你要不時地回頭看看 It's all going to hell now man 一切都糟透了 Stoop to someone's level 降低到某人的檔次 Yeah Yeah Eminem: Five dozen flies buzzin' over your head 無數飛蠅圍繞在你頭頂 Call me the Grim Reaper sleep is my cousin 我是死神化身,長眠乃我身邊臣 You dead to me now and I'ma be the last face you see 在我眼裡你已與死人無異 'Fore you die cussin' 我是你在咒罵聲中死去前見到的最後一張面孔 My eye a tiger's and I'm a survivor so I will rise up and 眼神凶狠,挺過磨難,所以我會冉冉升起 What (what) Be triumphant 'cause when I'm looking at my legacy 觸到勝利的光芒,當我審視自己留下的財富時 Leg I see (Leg I see) Bunch of dogs tryna dry hump it 一群卑鄙小人試圖玷污它 Like Triumph The Puppet so I'm like 'f**k it' 就像那隻玩具狗Triumph,去TM的 Pile the carnage up 'til its so high it's touching the sky 把屠殺後的屍體堆積起來,直到聳入天際 Let 'em all line up and attack 讓他們站好隊,然後發起攻擊 Single filing up in the stack 一個接一個地向上堆起來 Call 'em toy soldiers 把他們當作玩具兵 Yeah Yeah 'Cause they just wind up on their backs 因為他們背上都上好了發條 Now the sky's nothing but black 此刻的天空,黑暗已成定局 But I am not coming back I done told ya 我告訴過你,這是一條不歸路 I told the woke me to go to sleep 我讓清醒的我沉沉睡去 But still they keep on provoking me 但他們一直在激怒我 They're hoping to see me completely broken emotionally 想把我逼到情緒徹底崩潰 But how in the f**k am I not supposed to be woke 當這些混蛋不停地抨擊挑釁我時 When these f**kers just keep poking me now 我TM還有什麼理由繼續昏睡呢 Skylar Grey: I 'm leaving Heaven 我要離開天堂 I'm leaving Heaven 我要離開天堂 Angels won't find me 天使不會知道 Where are you going 我要去向何處 Eminem: I've been down kicked 我曾被打倒在地,被拳腳相加 Like around six thousand times since I was a kid 從孩童時期便是家常便飯 As a child picked on clowned 被人挑刺找茬,被人取笑戲弄 Countless times I've been outed 被人排擠在外更是數不勝數 Gotta remind myself of it every now and then 不停地提醒自己不要忘記過往的種種 Yeah Yeah So the route I went's self-empowerment 所以我選擇自己握住自己的命運 In a hole taught myself how to get out of it 在困境之中自己教自己如何擺脫 And balance it with talents wit 用天賦智慧與之抗衡 'Cause life is like a penny 生活就像一美分 Life is like a penny (生活就像一美分) 'Cause it's only one percent 只有百分之一的人 Who overcome this s**t 能真正克服 They found the wit 曾經所遭受過的噩夢 I went AWOL like what my back was up against 窮途末路之時我會暫時逃開 Don't tell me 'bout struggle b***h I lived it 別跟我談掙扎,我一路都是這麼走過來的 I was five or six the first time I got my hind end kicked 第一次被打我只有五六歲 Malcolm Isaac and Boogie jumped me and took my tricycle Malcolm, Isaac和Boogie跑過來搶走了我的三輪玩具車 And I don't know if I would call that white privilege yeah 不知道這算不算“白人特權” But I get it how it feels to be judged by pigment 我知道因膚色被歧視是什麼滋味 Besides getting it from both sides of the tracks 並且被8英里兩邊的人同時歧視 But I swore I'd get them back 但我發誓要把一切都奪回來 Even if it meant selling my soul to get my revenge and 即使復仇意味要出賣靈魂 What What Thought of a scheme and it got me to thinking 我醞釀一個陰謀,為之陷入沉思 If I can believe in myself I could prolly achieve it 如果我相信自己,那我應該就能做到 That's part of the reason I do all my talking when Hecan 這是部分我只與墨水談心的原因 And as long as I'm breathing 只要還活著 I vow to smother and beat them 我發誓要讓他們無法呼吸,嚴厲毒打他們 Got a heart of a demon go at 'em and I'ma get even 天啊,多麼惡毒的心啊!發動攻擊,我還要變本加厲 Like I'm in the Garden of Eden 彷彿置身於伊甸之園 I'm 'bout to go off of the deep end 我正處於情緒失控的邊緣 This evil is calling 惡魔蠢蠢欲動 I'm already seething and 我早已經怒火中燒 Skylar Grey: I'm leaving Heaven 我正離開天堂 I'm leaving Heaven 我正離開天堂 Angels won't find me 天使們不會知道 Where are you going 我正去向何方 Eminem: Okay so while Macklemore was keeping his room nice and neat Macklemore整理房間的時候 Yeah Yeah I was getting my a*s beat twice a week 我在一周之內被揍了兩次 What What Looking for a place for the night where I could sleep 四處遊蕩,只為找一個能讓我安心入睡的地方 Flippin' sofa cushions over just tryin' to see 翻開沙發墊,只想看看 If I could find some change and scrape up for a bite to eat 能否找到一些錢買點吃的填飽肚子 It's nice to me find a couple dimes a piece 如果我和Denaun足夠幸運找得到25美分 Twenty five cents each'd get us a bag of chips 我們就能買一大袋薯片 We'd be glad to get that even we if we had to split 儘管得分著吃,我們還是很高興 We'd do backward flips looking back at it 回首往事,我倆會笑得前俯後仰 I think that would fit with the definition of not having s**t 可能一貧如洗就是那樣吧 Couple that with the fact my mother was bats**t 再加上媽媽像神經病一樣 Pop was a sack of s**t yeah he died but I gave half a s**t 爸爸也是人渣,他死了我一點兒都不在乎 Yeah which brings me back to the real dad that I zero had 這讓我想起了我從未擁有過父愛 Since a year-old forty- seven year-old scab 一道跟了我一輩子的傷疤 Just to hear them words ear piercing 聽見你的死訊我只覺得刺耳 Like my earlobe stabbed with a needle for an earring 就像打耳洞的痛感一樣 Should I feel upset 我該難受心痛嗎? You were dead to me 'fore you died 在我心裡你從未活過 Me tear no shed 我?我不會為你流下哪怕一滴眼淚 Should I have made a mural at your funeral 我該為你的葬禮畫一幅肖像嗎? Had your coffin draped with a hero's flag 我該為你的棺木披上英雄旗嗎? Where the f**k you were at De'Angelo在Rio Grande把我打到昏迷十天的時候 When De'Angelo done hurt me real bad at the Rio Grande 你TM又在哪裡? Never met your grandkids f**king coward 從不來看看你的孫女們,你TM就是個徹頭徹尾的懦夫 Only gut you had was from your stomach fat 你沒有勇氣,有的只是肚子裡的脂肪 I couldn't see your a*s going to Heaven 你不配得到上帝的救贖 So I'm asking for a pass to go to Hell 所以我給你要了張地獄的通行證 So I can whip your f**king a*s 以便我能鞭撻懲罰你 I hate that I'll never get to say 'I hate you' to your face 我真恨自己沒機會當著你的面發洩對你的恨意 No coming back from where I'm going 此去無意再歸來 Sky is dark my soul is black hand on the shovel 天空昏黑,我的靈魂亦是如此,拿起鏟子 Dig with the blade up and then I step on the metal 腳踩在上面,掘開泥土 Vendetta to settle tell the Devil 了斷對你的積怨,告訴魔鬼 Skylar Grey/Eminem: I'm leaving Heaven 我已離開天堂 Yeah Yeah I'm leaving Heaven 我已離開天堂 You know I should dig your motherf**king a*s up (知道嗎?我真該掘開你的墳墓) Angels won't find me 天使不會知道 Just to spit in your f**king face (往你臉上吐口水) Where are you going 我已去向何方 Holding my baby pictures up like you're proud of me (拿著我嬰兒時的照片,好像你為我驕傲一樣) I'm leaving heaven 再見了,天堂 F**k you b***h (這句自己會意) I'm leaving heaven 永別了,天堂 You know what (你知道嗎?) Maybe if I had had you (如果你當初沒有棄我而去) Angels won't find me 天使們不會知道 I wouldn't have went through half the s**t (我所經歷的痛苦磨難 I went through so I blame you 可能不及已有的一半,所以我真的怨恨你啊) Where are you going 如今我藏匿別處 Or maybe I should say 'Thank you' (或者我該謝謝你) 'Cause I wouldn't have been me (這才成就了現在的我) Skylar Grey/Eminem: So you better you better run 你最好逃開 Yeah Yeah So I'ma let it go now (往事如煙,無處祭奠) You better you better run 你最好逃開 Rest in peace (安息吧) You better you better run 你最好逃開 Cocksucker (混蛋) You better you better run 你最好逃開 See you in Hell (在地獄等我吧)