- Eminem I Get Money (Freestyle) 歌詞
- Eminem
- [Verse]
哈哈 Haha 來吧 Yeah, 來吧 Yeah, 我找到節奏了 I get it 我要開始rap了 I run this rap shit, 現在猜猜誰回來了? Now guess who's back 你以為我離開了你們 You thought I left you, 我為什麼會那樣做? (1,2,3) Now why would I do that? (1, 2, 3) 他們繼續討論著誰是最好的說唱歌手,他們都差不多 They keep on sayin' the same rappers are the best jay-z和侃爺 Jay-Z and Kanye West, 可能他們只是想 Maybe they're just tryna distract it 從我歸來的這個事實上分心吧 From the fact that I'm comin' back 或者可能因為我不是黑人 Or maybe it's cause I ain't black, 可能是因為這個 Maybe it's because of that 可能是因為我是銷量最好的說唱藝人 Maybe it's because I'm the highest sellin' artist in rap 當我坐回辦公室對我那些獎碑打飛機的時候 While I'm sittin' back in my office jackin' off to my plaques 我依然生著病,我怎麼會生這麼長時間的病 I'm still sick, how can I be sick this long 但我也依然活著,就像魔術師約翰遜一樣(魔術師約翰遜感染艾滋但病情一直控制得很好) And I'm still alive, Magic Johnson arise 我很樂意讓我的對手認為我已經死了 I thrive on makin' my opponents think that I've died 那時候的我突然爆紅 That's when I just pop up outta nowhere , 是的我們現在談到那個時候 Oh yeah, there we go there 見鬼我都忘了他當時掙了多少錢 Damn I forgot how much money he got 在聖特羅佩海灘, On the beach of St. Tropez, 但你的男人可不會躺著(梗來自於P.diddy的I need a girl part.2 Have you ever been to Saint Tropez,Or seen a brother pla But your man don't lay 躺在太陽下,因為我不會曬成棕色的皮膚 In the sun cause I don't tan, I burn, 把血塊燒掉 Blood clot 當你學到我們賺了多少錢 When you gonna learn how much money we've earned 我在25歲來到這個說唱遊戲是什麼感覺 How does it feel to know I came in this game at 25 我可以在我得到2000萬銷量的 And coulda retired at 29 29歲退休 In my 20's still 然後50在這兒舔著可口可樂的屎(指50投資可口可樂旗下的維他命水) And Fif' here to lick on that Coca-Cola shit 他甚至都不用再看一下可樂就拿到了錢 And he ain't even gotta look at coke to even hold a brick 天哪,他得分了 No more, oh boy, goddamn did he score 他從他店裡賣完了包又賣瓶子的 To go from sellin' bags to bottles right out the store shady敲擊著坐在辦公室的人,他拍打著我們 And Shady hit the box office man , he knocked the socks off us 我的前妻已經簽訂好了協議,你這個混蛋無利可圖 My ex-wife is set for life, you profitless cocksuckers 所以你現在離我們遠點,我們可是付了錢的 So stay the fuck off us, we make pay 我只是一個超級謙虛的慢性子MC,好吧? I'm just a super easy modest MC, okay? 直到我聽見這個詞,那時候我開始不傻了 Til I hear the word has been, that's when I start spazzin' 我變聰明了,過來親吻聰明屁股 Smart asses, kiss a smarter ass then 我就是說唱界的最厲害的奇蹟,犢子們 I'm the best thing that ever happened to rap , bastards 我可是金發碧眼的白種人啊,現在快把侃爺的眼鏡給我! I'm a blonde Dre, now gimme Kanye's glasses!