- Kristin Chenoweth Mine to Love 歌詞
- Kristin Chenoweth
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你像暴風雨一般出現 You happened like a sudden storm 讓我猝不及防 That caught me my surprise 那一刻如此突然 In an accidental 也同樣讓我無法承受 Devastating moment of my life 你的善良撥動我的心弦 You upset me with your kindness 你的微笑攪亂我的思緒 You upset me with your smile 你叩開我的心門 You cracked my heart wide open 這一刻的感覺如此真實 And I felt alive for a little while 你曾是我的,可以把你擁入懷中 You were mine mine to hold 在外面下著寒冷的雨時 In the rain out in the cold 可以把你緊緊抱在懷裡 With a stolen cup of coffee 在沒有人知曉的地方 At a place that no one knows 我曾經這樣抱著你,這就夠了 You were mine just enough 每一寸呼吸都變得艱難 That each breath I take keeps getting tough 每一個親吻也都沒有了時間 And every kiss is running out of time 我曾擁有你,但我沒有愛你的權力 You were mine but you were never mine to love 從來都沒有 Never mine to love 我們把彼此當成秘密 We kept each other secrets 我們也從來不提任何條件 And we never made demands 這是如此的刺激 It was so exciting 從來不做任何計劃 Never making any kind of plans 我們打破所有規則 We tore up all the rule books 我們把它們拋在腦後 And we cast them to the wind 現在我又開始尋找這些規則 Now I'm left just chasing pages 試圖再去找回原來的自己 Trying to find myself again 你曾是我的,可以將你擁入懷中 You were mine mine to hold 告訴彼此從未講述過的故事 Sharing tales we never told 在多年以前那個漫長的夏日 On a long lost day last summer 我們的腳下踩著細沙 With the sand beneath our toes 我們分享過那一時刻,這就足夠了 You were mine just enough 每一寸呼吸都變得艱難 That each breath I take keeps getting tough 每一個親吻也都沒有了時間 And every kiss is running out of time 我曾擁有你,但我沒有愛你的權力 You were mine but you were never mine to love 從來都沒有 Never mine to love 我可以擁有你的那一刻 You were mine just for a minute 就好像是坐過山車 Like a roller coaster ride 開始的時候我害怕極了 I was scared when I hot in it 然後我笑著直到結束時我哭了 Then I laughed untill I cried 現在我又回到了起點 Now I'm back at the beginning 但我從這扇門走了出去 And I'm walking out the door 因為你知道我不能再這樣做了 Cause you know I just can't do this anymore 你知道我不能再愛上你了 Oh you know I just can't do it anymore 我曾擁有你,可以將你擁入懷中 You were mine mine to hold 現在秋天又來到了 Now the leaves are turning gold 我們共度的那一年 And the year we spent together 永遠的埋在我的心裡 Burns forever my soul 我曾擁有你,這就足夠了 You were mine just enough 每一寸呼吸都變得艱難 That each breath I take keeps getting tough 每一個親吻也都沒有了時間 And every kiss is running out of time 祝我好運吧,我會沒事的 Wish me luck I'll be fine 我擁有過你 You were mine 你是我的,但我沒有愛你的權利 You were mine but you were never mine to love