- Epik High Slow Motion 歌詞
- Epik High
일시정지'기억의지속'에휘어지는시간. 一時靜止,在記憶的速度中 장미꽃이피어내미소에 玫瑰花開,在我的微笑中 굳은피가되어죽음이흩날리곤해 血液凝固,死亡隨之而來 난숨을쉬는피그말리온Yeah 讓我窒息的皮格馬利翁Yeah Flashing light, black and white Flashing light, black and white 숨죽인emotion 내목청이 喘不過氣emotion 我的嗓子 쏟아내는소리slow motion 射出的聲音slow motion
안대처럼 눈길덮어가는번화가의무질서 眼罩一樣蒙住了眼睛鬧市中無秩序
마치눈먼화가의붓질 像一個盲人畫家的筆觸 I think it's time 암실처럼검은밤 I think it's time 像暗室一樣漆黑的夜 눈가에겨울강을채워가듯얼은땀 眼睛裝滿冬日的江凝結的汗水 내어리석은삶너무달렸어. Oh I was a fool 我傻傻的人生太不一樣了Oh I was a fool 잠시느려지니까죽음조차도beautiful 暫時放慢腳步連死亡也beautiful
Love and pain 기억의 속도, slow motion Love and pain 記憶的速度slow motion
Dreams, nightmares 결백의속도, slow motion Dreams, nightmares 潔白的速度slow motion 듣고있어심장박동의소리 在聽著心臟跳動的聲音 온몸을감싸고도는이솜같은느낌의고리 整個身體被棉花纏繞的感覺 눈으로보긴힘들듯해이건제3의손길 用雙眼看也很費力這是第三次伸出援手 날묶지도않고묶어둔이푸근한온기 我似乎被捆綁又好像未被捆綁的這細膩的暖氣
들릴듯 말듯안개밖은단막극 似聽非聽的外面的獨幕劇 섞여만가는빛과난모를손이한가득 交織的光芒和我不知道的手到處都是 머린좀깨질 듯아픈데깨기는싫어 腦袋像要炸掉一樣的痛討厭這感覺 되감기는것영원하기를 後退是永恆的意志 어쩐지이곳은시간이어색해 這地方這時間有些尷尬 느릿한내움직임에맞춰서 慢慢的我的移動停止了 따라걷게되어버린건아닐까 被拋棄了獨自離去 생과사의경계선인것만같은데 就像生與死的界限 잠들것같아편해서 像睡著了一樣舒服
Love and pain 기억의속도, slow motion Love and pain 記憶的速度slow motion
Dreams, nightmares 결백의속도, slow motion Dreams, nightmares 潔白的速度slow motion
Slow, slow motion 아름답게퍼져가는 Slow, slow motion 美麗地展開的 표정마법같이빠져들어미소짓게하는요정 表情像是讓人能深陷微笑像魔法一樣的精靈 Love, love potion 아름답게꺼져가는 Love, love potion美麗地展開的 조명모두같이손흔들어내삶의마지막공연 隨著燈光所有人一起揮動雙手我人生最後的公演 Slow, slow motion 아름답게퍼져가는 Slow, slow motion 美麗地展開的 표정마법같이빠져들어미소짓게하는요정 表情像是讓人能深陷微笑像魔法一樣的精靈 Love, love potion 아름답게꺼져가는 Love, love potion 美麗地展開的 조명모두같이손흔들어내삶의마지막공연 隨著燈光所有人一起揮動雙手我人生最後的公演 Lose your emotion Move in slow motion Lose your emotion Move in slow motion
The remedy for memories The remedy for memories
Live your life in slow motion Live your life in slow motion
Lose your emotion Move in slow motion Lose your emotion Move in slow motion
The remedy for memories The remedy for memories
Live your life in slow motion Live your life in slow motion
Lose your emotion Move in slow motion Lose your emotion Move in slow motion
The remedy for memories The remedy for memories
Live your life in slow motion Live your life in slow motion
Lose your emotion Move in slow motion Lose your emotion Move in slow motion
The remedy for memories The remedy for memories
Live your life in slow motion Live your life in slow motion