- Lil Tjay go crazy 歌詞
- Lil Tjay
- [Intro: Lil Tjay & Pop Smoke]
Ooh-oh, ooh Ooh-oh, ooh-oh 808 Melo製作 (Shoutout to 808 Melo) 我只有十九歲他們期待我改變現狀 Only nineteen, they expectin me to change shit 開始追逐夢想一年的時間我名聲大噪 Started chasin dreams, in a year, I was famous 登上公告牌榜單的年輕人走過漫長的道路才出人頭地 Youngin on that Billboard, came a long way from the gang shit 我知道他們注視著我好像我說著他們聽不懂的話 Know they must look at me like I speak another language 我扶搖直上令人望塵莫及讓我的城市封鎖起來 I be goin off, off the top, put my city in a lock 讓我小試牛刀聽著這就是我得到的結果 Try my shot, look, this is what I got 我迫不及待我想我們當中有人無法理解 I couldnt wait, I guess some of us couldnt relate 如果我看見有人幹得很棒我不會心生嫉妒 I wouldnt hate if I saw someone doin great 我付諸行動激勵我前行看看我如今的地位 I actually did, it motivated me and look at me here 從年初開始就引發轟動 Started thumpin from the top of the year 突然之間他們停下腳步目不轉睛地註視著 All of a sudden, *****es stop and they stare 當看守不在時他們不相信我, 我並不在乎現在我呼風喚雨, 告訴這些對我懷恨在心的人用心討好我 When the watch wasnt there, they aint believe in me, I didnt care, I could shit now, told them haters on my body, 'Put my **** down' 因為我說的一切都是大受歡迎 Cause everything I breathe is a hit now 這是我獨特的flow 我沉浸在我的魅力裡 Its my own flow, Im in my mojo 在我的私信列表裡想要跟你聊天 In my DM, tryna chat you up 我可以侃侃而談即使我獨自一人我也奮勇向前 I can talk hot cause Im on go, even when Im solo 哥們知道我全副武裝單獨行動 Niggas know I keep it on me, dolo 不要跑去找警察 Dont go runnin to the po-po 我一直知道我會超過你 I been knew Iwould pass you 你應該一直做我的小弟 You just shouldve been my little bro, bro 說實話我和你的妹子盡情纏綿 Truthfully I had your BM on the low-low 就在蒙德里安酒店裡 In the Mondrian, oh, no Oh-no, oh-no, oh-no, oh-no, oh-no, oh-no 牛仔褲裡塞滿鈔票我盡情炫耀 Money in my jeans, I done flexed up 我感覺這是2021年最好的時刻這是我最好的作品 I be feeling like the best of 2021 , thats my best of 因為我不會對金錢感到滿足 Cause blue cheese, I cant get enough 哥們不敢相信我是冉冉升起的新星 Niggas, aint believe when I was next up 我絕對不會偷姦耍滑 I was never a finesser 勇往直前拿到屬於我的東西 Had to go and get my own shit 我總是銳意進取 I was always a progressor 時機已到是時候盡情放縱了 Time-time, time to go crazy 女孩來到我身邊給我來一點酒寶貝 Come right here girl, wine for me, baby 通常情況下我對酒不感興趣但是你讓我躍躍欲試 Normally a nigga dont wine, but you make me 想要來到你身後暢飲美酒漂亮的女孩 Wanna get behind and dutty wine, pretty lady 嘗試兩次失去理智想要看見你盡情搖擺(寶貝) Oh-ayy, two times, go crazy, wanna see it clap (Ooh, baby ) 嘗試兩次失去理智 Oh-ayy, two times, go crazy 我只想看見你酣快暢飲漂亮的女孩 I just wanna see you wine, pretty lady 我的人生是如此瘋狂 My life, so crazy 白手起家你想知道他們願意給我多少錢 Came from nothing, you gon wonder what they pay me 我的人生是如此瘋狂 My life, so crazy 我發誓我的目標是比Jay-Z更有錢現在我無法停止 Swear the goal is to be richer than Jay-Z, I cant stop now 我還記得我夢想著擁有敞篷進口跑車 I remember dreamin foreigns with the top down 現在我的人生猶如一場電影現在我佔據一席之地 Now my life is a movie, Im in my spot now 想要抵達巔峰我發誓現在我不會停止 Tryna hit the top now, swear I will not stop now 別挑釁我別挑釁我你會挨子彈 Dont try, dont try, you get shot down 牛仔褲裡塞滿鈔票我盡情炫耀 Money in my jeans, I done flexed up 我感覺這是2021年最好的時刻這是我最好的作品 I be feeling like the best of 2021, thats my best of 因為我不會對金錢感到滿足 Cause blue cheese, I cant get enough 哥們不敢相信我是冉冉升起的新星 Niggas aint believe when I was next up 我絕對不會偷姦耍滑 I was never a finesser 勇往直前拿到屬於我的東西 Had to go and get my own shit 我總是銳意進取 I was always a progressor 槍聲響起屍橫遍地 Bang, bang, body on the ground 我身邊都是厲害的槍手沒人敢胡作非為 All I hang around is drillers, nobody dont play around 與Smelly交談我們採取行動我們清空整個城鎮 Talk on Smelly, we gon slide, we emptyin out the town 我成功了一次我要發起另一輪攻擊 And I hit it one time, Ima get another round 我扣動扳機直到我完成任務 Ima shoot, shoot til Im done 我來自混亂不堪的街頭以前鋌而走險是為了樂趣 Im ready for them trenches, used to do this shit for fun 我年輕氣盛沒有槍我不會離開 Im a young OG, I cant leave without my gun 我腰纏萬貫他們想成為我這樣的人他們是我的孩子 Im a rich young nigga, they wan be me, they my sons 我是王者我是史上最強不久之後我會成為傳奇 Im a king, GOAT, soon I be a legend 我發誓我早就知道我會成功因為從我七歲開始 Swear I been knew I could do it cause started at age of seven 我是史上最強我沒什麼好說的 Im a GOAT, aint got too much else to say 我依然記得我蹉跎的所有歲月 I still be reminiscin all that time I put away 如果你從未背信義氣今天你會和我在一起 If you never show disloyalty, you with me here today 我不能自毀前程我已經找到方向 I cant have no ****ups, I already found the way 釋放所有士兵我知道Pookie在來的路上 Free all of them soldiers, I know Pookie on the way 為這些從始至終都堅定不移的哥們歡呼 Shoutout to them niggas that stayed solid all the way 牛仔褲裡塞滿鈔票我盡情炫耀 Money in my jeans, I done flexed up 我感覺這是2021年最好的時刻這是我最好的作品 I be feeling like the best of 2021, thats my best of 因為我不會對金錢感到滿足 Cause blue cheese, I cant get enough 哥們不敢相信我是冉冉升起的新星 Niggas aint believe when I was next up 我絕對不會偷姦耍滑 I was never a finesser 勇往直前拿到屬於我的東西 Had to go and get my own shit 我總是銳意進取 I was always a progressor ] 是時候盡情放縱了 Time to go crazy 女孩來到我身邊給我來一點酒寶貝 Come right here girl, wine for me, baby 通常情況下我對酒不感興趣但是你讓我躍躍欲試 Normally a nigga dont wine, but you make me 想要來到你身後暢飲美酒漂亮的女孩 Wanna get behind and dutty wine, pretty lady 嘗試兩次失去理智想要看見你盡情搖擺(寶貝) Oh-ayy, two times, go crazy, wanna see it clap (Ooh, baby) 嘗試兩次失去理智 Oh-ayy, two times, go crazy 我只想看見你酣快暢飲漂亮的女孩 I just wanna see you wine, pretty lady