- The National So Far So Fast 歌詞
- The National
你躺在我身前的門口 Lay down in the doorway in front of me 阻擋了我的路,讓我無法離開 And make yourself impossible for me to leave 我記得一個溺於深水的孩子,我記得一個處於烈火中的世界 I remember a kid in the water, I remember a world on fire 我剛從其中掙脫,整個夏天無比炎熱 I was just coming out of it, it was so hot all summer 用急速的腳步走了太遠 I get so far, so fast 道路是如此之遠,我的步伐隨之加快 I get so far, so fast 猛烈的暴風雨,忽而停止,毫無波瀾的汪洋大海 The storm, the blackout, the quiet sea 你徑直地向裡衝去,漸漸離我而去 You went running right into it, away from me 朋友在木房里相聚,孩子們在樹上玩耍 We have friends in good houses, we have kids in the trees 現在我除了失眠的夜一無所有 Now I have nothing but sleepless nights, about everything 用急速的腳步走了太遠 I get so far, so fast 道路是如此之遠,我的步伐隨之加快 I get so far, so fast 你不知道總有一天會有人來找你嗎?
如果你忘卻自己是誰,他們會提醒你 Dont you know someday somebody will come and find you? 我們在這附近再也見不到你了,但沒關係 If you dont know who you are anymore, they will remind you 我會大聲喊出你的名字,你就會回家了 We dont see you around here anymore, its okay 有那麼多事情讓我失去理智 I will say your name out loud and you will be home 你認為我是什麼,這從來都不是我 There are so many things that drive me crazy 你的言語總能救我於水深火熱之中 What you think I am, its never been me 你能離開再和我談談嗎? Hearing you talk always saves me 走了太遠,走得太快 Can you get away and talk to me? 用急速的腳步走了太遠
道路是如此之遠,而我的步伐隨之加快 I get so far, so fast I get so far, so fast I get so far, so fast