- polaris Sonder 歌詞
- polaris
- Look at yourself
看看你自己現在的樣子吧 Narrow of mind, shallow of breath 心胸狹窄,奄奄一息 So far removed from the plight 深陷困境之中無法逃脫 So far removed from the death of your kin, down-trodden and ill 被逝去的親情束縛,飽受壓迫,身染頑疾 Oh so high as you stood, how heavy you fell 噢你現在站得越高,之後就會摔得越狠 As so many will fall for the bait 正如眾人明知誘惑卻仍願投入深淵 Compassion too little, too late 這遲來的憐憫之心也毫無作用 For some small peace of mind 為了些許心靈上的平靜 How can you walk on the bones of your brothers' broken homes 你又能踐過多少親骨,踏過多少家園? Knowing how karma's cold hand grips at your throat? 你可知道你冰冷的雙手扼住的只會是自己的咽喉? I've been trapped beneath the soil and the dirt 我雖被深埋在泥土之下 Do I close my eyes? Do I close my eyes? 但我可曾瞑目?但我可曾瞑目? Lying still beneath the burden and the hurt 謊言仍被掩蓋在重責與傷害之下 Am I dead inside? Did I make it right? 我心早已死去?我行皆為正道? Left in the dark, in blackest oblivion 只有獨自一人在黑暗之中,在最漆黑的彼岸之中 Only forced me to learn that light comes from within 我才能領悟到光明自虛無而來 And only fades where fear prevails 也只隨恐懼一同散去
你的心歸何處? Where is your heart? 當眾人對你皆為鄙夷,你又如何保全自身? Does it grow weaker each time you think of those you scorned from afar? 自廢墟而來的聲音,是它們正呢喃著你的名字 Their voices rise from the wreck to call you by name 那鮮血染紅的筆刷將一併銘刻我們的罪證 The blood that tarnished the brush will mark us the same 我們究竟做了什麼錯事? What have we done? 我們究竟犯下了什麼罪孽? What have we done? 你戰鬥到底嗎?你能孤身一人戰鬥到底嗎? Can you fight this, can you fight this alone and abandoned? 看看周遭這我們曾熟知的環境 Look where we've landed and know 此事必將有個終結 This must all have a consequence 萬物終難歸其理 Nothing, nothing will make sense again 而你永不能安息 You'll never rest peacefully 你永不能安息 You'll never rest peacefully 你永不能安息 You'll never rest peacefully 你個懦夫,懦夫!你拋下他們一人求死 You cowards, you cowards, you left them for dead 他們在凜冽中顫抖,向你怒斥: Left them out in the cold, they said 你個騙子!小人!你拋售了你的良知 You liars, backstabbers, sold out your own kind 我不能熟視無睹,這篇章永不翻頁 I can't turn a blind eye, can't rewind