- Eminem Renegade 歌詞
- JAY-Z Eminem
- Motherfuckers say that I'm foolish, I only talk about jewels
這幫傻逼說我很傻,說我只會炫耀我的珠寶 Do you fools listen to music or do you just skim through it? 你們這幫蠢傢伙是真在欣賞我的音樂還是在潦草地略讀 See I'm influenced by the ghetto you ruined 被你們摧毀的貧民區在潛移默化我 That same dude you gave nothing, I made something doing 那個你什麼都捨不得給的傢伙,我卻做出了一番事業 What I do, through and through and I gave you the news with a twist it's just his ghetto point of view 我給你帶來扭曲的新聞,不過是從一個窮人的角度 The renegade you been afraid 我是那個你們都害怕的叛徒 I penetrate pop culture , bring 'em a lot closer to the block where they 我滲透了流行文化,將他們領近如今的音樂文化不只一點點 pop toasters, and they live with they mums 他們和他們的媽媽生活在一起 Got dropped roasters, from botched robberies niggas crotched over 撿起被丟掉的烘烤機,是被哪些粗心的黑人搶劫犯漏下的 Mummy's knocked up cause she wasn 't watched over 年輕媽媽不小心肚子被搞大 Knocked down by some clown when child support knocked 當孩子們頂著們,卻被一群小丑撞倒在地 No he's not around now how that sound to ya, jot it down 可他現在卻不在這裡了,你們聽了是什麼滋味? I'll bring you through the ghetto without ridin round 我會把我的歌帶進貧民窟,沒有任何廢話 hiding down duckin strays from frustrated youths stuck in they ways 躲避那些頑固的不良少年 Just read a magazine that fucked up my day 讀了一本雜誌,毀了一天的心情 How you rate music that thugs with nothing relate to it? 你們怎麼能用毫不相關的東西來評論我的音樂 I help them see they way through it, not you. 是我幫助他們看清,而不是你 Can't step in my pants, can't walk in my shoes 你不可能在在我的地位上思考 Bet everything you worth; you lose your tie and your shirt. 把你所有的東西和我打賭,你會輸的連襯衫領帶都不剩 Since I'm in a position to talk to these kids and theylisten 我現在的身份是可以和孩子們溝通的 I ain't no politician but I'll kick it with em a minute 我不是政治家,但我還是可以和他們爭論一下 Cause see they call me a menace and if the shoe fits I'll wear it 因為他們叫我禍害,如果這鞋合適那我就穿了 But if it don't, then ya 'll swallow the truth grin and bear it 但如果不合適,那你們就把事實吞下去並且閉嘴 Now who's the king of these rude ludicrous lucrative lyrics 現在誰才是這些滑稽又能賺錢的歌詞的王者 Who could inherit the title, put the youth in hysterics 誰又能繼承這個頭銜,讓青少年瘋狂 Using his music to steer it sharing his views in his marriage 用他的音樂做為引導,分享他關於婚姻的觀點 But there's a huge interference they're sayin you shouldn't hear it 但是卻有一個很大的干擾,他們說你不該聽這些 Maybe it's hatred I spew, maybe it's food for the spirit 也許我迸發出的憤怒,才是精神的食糧 Maybe it's beautiful music I made for you to just cherish 也許這才是我為你們創作的美妙的音樂,你們就珍惜吧 But I'm debated disputed hated and viewed in America 但我在美國受到那麼多爭論 as a motherfuckin drug addict like you didn't experiment? 作為一個癮君子被爭論,但是說得好像你們沒有相同的經歷似的 Now now, that's when you start to stare at who's in the mirror 現在,現在,當你開始審視鏡子裡的自己 and see yourself as a kid again, and you get embarrassed 看到你自己又變成了一個小孩,你會感到尷尬吧 And I got nothing to do but make you look stupid as parents 我除了讓你們做家長的意識到愚蠢以外我無事可做 You fuckin do-gooders - too bad you couldn't DO-GOOD at marriage! 你們這些“行善者”,在婚姻上可沒這麼善良吧 And do you have any clue what I had to do to get here I don't 你們不可能知道我為了到達這個位置付出的一切 think you do so stay tuned and keep your ears glued to the stereo 我不那麼認為你就可以俯首帖耳的聆聽我 Cause here we go, he's {Jigga durra Jigga da chk Jigga } 因為現在我們就要開始了 And I'm the sinister, Mr. Kiss-My-Ass it's just the.. 我就是那個險惡的人,“舔我的屁股先生” RENEGADE! Never been afraid to say 我就是叛徒!我從來不怕說任何東西 what's on my mind at, any given time of day 任何時間,我腦子裡有什麼我就說什麼 Cause I'm a RENEGADE! Never been afraid to talk 因為我就是叛徒,我不怕說任何東西 about anything (ANYTHING) anything (ANYTHING), RENEGADE! 任何事,任何事!我就是叛徒 Never been afraid to say 從來不怕說任何事 what's on my mind at, any given time of day 任何時間,我腦子裡有什麼就說什麼 Cause I'm a (RENEGADE) Never been afraid to holler 因為我是個叛徒,我不怕說任何事 about anything (ANYTHING) anything (ANYTHING) 任何事,任何事! I had to hustle, my back to the wall, ashy knuckles 我必須奮鬥,背貼著牆,滿身是灰 Pockets filled with a lot of lint, not a cent 口袋裡除了毛絨,一分錢都沒有 Gotta vent, lot of innocent of lives lost on the project bench 我需要奮鬥,太多無辜的生命因為BENCH項目而失去 What you hollarin? Gotta pay rent, bring dollars in 但是你叫什麼?反正你都得付房租,都得掙錢 By the bodega, iron under my coat, feelin braver 在酒場旁邊,大衣下藏著武器,感覺膽子大一些了 Doo-rag wrappin my waves up, pockets full of hope Doo-rag把握的頭髮包起來,口袋裡裝著希望 Do not step to me I'm awkward, I box leftier often 別靠近我,我很尷尬,我經常拳擊 My pops left me an orphan, my momma wasn't home 我老爸把我變成孤兒,我媽不在家 Could not stress to me I wasn't growin, specially on nights 無法向我表達我沒有成長,特別是在夜晚 I brought something home to quiet the stomach rumblings 我在夜晚才帶回來點東西填肚子 My demeanor thirty years my senior 我早熟,比年齡大三十歲 My childhood didn't mean much, only raisin greener 我的童年沒有那麼多意義,只是個養家的生手 Raisin my fingers to critics raisin my head to the sky 頭望著天,像評論家們豎中指 Big I did it multi(i) before I die (nigga) 在死之前我做出了一番事業 No lie, just know I chose my own fate 我沒撒謊,我知道我選擇了自己的命運 I drove by the fork in the road and went straight. 我來到路口,我選擇直走 See I'm a poet to some, a regular modern day Shakespeare 對一些人來說我就是個詩人,現代的莎士比亞 Jesus Christ the King of these Latter Day Saints here 我就是個神 To shatter the picture in which of that as they paint me 我要粉碎我在他們想像中的形象 as a mother of hate, Satan and scatter-brained atheist 那個仇恨之母,撒旦,和沒腦子的無神論者 But that ain't the case, see it's a matter of taste 但這不是真實的,只是證明了你們的品味就是那樣 We as a people decide if Shady's as bad as they say he is 我們自己決定Shady有沒有他們說得那樣壞 Or is he the ladder, a gateway to escape? 或者他是一個雲梯,一扇逃避的門 Media scapegoat, they can be mad at today 媒體的替罪羊,他們今天會很生氣吧 See it's as easy as cake, simple as whistling Dixie 看,不過小菜一碟 while I'm wavin the pistol at sixty Christians against me 當我衝著60各基督徒揮動手槍 Go to war with the Mormons, take a bath with the Catholics 跟摩門教徒戰爭,跟天主教徒一起洗禮 in holy water no wonder they try to hold me under longer 難怪他們想把我淹在水里久一點 I'm a motherfuckin spiteful, delightful eyeful 我是個惡毒的,但又令人愉快的 The new Ice Cube, motherfuckers hate to like you 一個新的ICE CUBE,恨你,又不得不喜歡你 What did I do? (huh) I'm just a kid from the gutter 我做了什麼?我只是個來自貧民窟的小孩兒 makin this butter off these bloodsuckers, cause I'm a muh'fuckin 賺這些吸血鬼的錢,因為我他媽就是個叛徒 RENEGADE! Never been afraid to say 從來不怕說什麼事 what's on my mind at, any given time of day 任何時間,我想到什麼就說什麼 Cause I'm a RENEGADE! Never been afraid to talk 因為我就是個叛徒,從來不懼怕發聲 about anything (ANYTHING) anything (ANYTHING), RENEGADE! 任何事,任何事!我就是個叛徒 Never been afraid to say 從來不懼怕發聲 what's on my mind at, any given time of day 任何時間,我想到什麼就說什麼 Cause I 'm a (RENEGADE) Never been afraid to holler 因為我就是個叛徒,從來不懼怕叫喊 about anything (ANYTHING) anything (ANYTHING) 關於任何事,任何事!