- Lana Del Rey kin投訴GI 歌詞
- Lana Del Rey
- There's a certain point the body can't come back from
身體有一處特定的點這無法逾越 In one year we've learned the turn of the mouth 在一年內我們已習得巧舌如簧的方式 The depth that the chest cavity takes 胸腔所能承受的深度 Chuck was there for three out of three Chuck曾在那兒三次 I was there for the third 'cause I couldn't be there for the one who was closest to me 我曾為第三努力奮鬥畢竟我無法為了曾與我最親近之人而戰 But I can't say I'd run when things get hard 可我不能當事情變得困難之時選擇逃避 It's just that I don't trust myself with my heart 我只是無法全心全意地相信自己 But I've had to let it break a little more 可我必須得破釜沉舟 'Cause they say that's what it's for 因為他們說這就是它的作用
那便為光亮閃耀的方式 That's how the light shines in That's how the light shines in 那便為光亮閃耀的模樣 That's how the light gets in 那便為光亮進入的方式 Mm-mm 所以人人都到了場他們站在那兒大笑不止
So everyone was there, they were standing, laughing 而我在一邊淚流滿面淚珠也不斷滴落 And I'm on the side with my tears streaming down 緊握拳頭一切難以言說 Something about the clutch of the wrist 他還以為我的一切能夠刻進他嘴 He thought mine was his to carve into his mouth 留給我們的時間不多了 We only got hours 而我難以停止流淚因為你看見某人垂死的方式 And I just can't stop crying 'cause all of the ways 實在太多 When you see someone dying, a sea of your days flashing in front of you 你瞥見往昔歲月正閃過你眼前 And you think about who would be with you 而你考慮著誰將與你攜手相伴 And then there's a ton of you 而後Donoghue大駕光臨 Mm-mm-mm, mm-mm 爹地我想念他們
Daddy, I miss them 我正被山峰環繞 I'm in the mountains 當我考慮關於他們的一切之時 I'm probably running away from the feelings I get 或許是我正逃避著所獲得的情感 When I think of all the things about them 爹地我想念他們 Daddy, I miss them 我正在“路行者咖啡館” I'm at the Roadrunner Café 或許是我正逃離著腦海中整日浮現的一切 I'm probably running away from the thoughts in the day 對此我有需要解決的事情可他們說 I had things to do with them but they say 那便為光亮閃耀的方式
That's how the light gets in 那便為光亮閃耀的模樣 That's how the light gets in 那便為光亮進入的方式 That's how the light gets in 考慮到了三月的第三天那時我頓時開竅
The years by the third of my child was cracked open 那時的地面終於變冷他們無法開啟 Finally the ground was called, they wouldn't open 由精神的陽光帶來而後卻下起了傾盆大雨 Brought by the sunlight of the spirit to pour into me 對此日語裡有個對應的名字叫做: 金繕 There's a name for it in Japanese, it's kintsugi 他們唱著40年代的民歌 They sang folk songs from the forties even the fourteen year old knew Froggy 儘管十四歲的孩子也知曉'Froggie Came A-Courtin” Came a chord in 我的血親又是從何知曉這所有的歌曲 Had all my blood relatives know all of these songs 還有何人知曉我演唱的那些歌對此我毫無頭緒 I don't know anyone left to know songs that I sing 那便為光亮進入的方式
That's how the light gets in 那便為光亮進入的方式 That's how the light gets in 可是爹地我想念他們
But daddy, I miss them 我正在“路行者咖啡館” I'm at the Roadrunner Café 或許是我正逃離著腦海中整日浮現的一切 Probably running away from the feelings today 對此我有需要解決的事情可他們說 And there's no cab run ins into the desert 爹地我想念他們 Daddy, I miss them 我正被山峰環繞 I'm in the mountains 當我考慮關於他們的一切之時 Probably running away, I'm meeting to say 或許是我正逃避著所獲得的情感 But there's nothing to do except know that this is 光亮是如何射入的
How the light gets in 就如同有了一處裂縫從而光亮進入 Like the cracking, the light gets in 這便為光亮進入的方式 It's how the light gets in 那便為光亮進入的方式 That's how the light gets in 那便為光亮進入的方式 That's how the light gets in 而後你金光璀璨
Then you're cold and alone 啊啊啊 Ah -ah-ah 啊啊啊 Ah-ah-ah 又是一首民歌但我 Just another folk song in the daylight 已拼盡全力可那也沒關係 I was watching her pass away 這便為光亮進入的方式
That's how the light gets in 這便為光亮進入的方式 That's how the light gets in 這便為光亮進入的方式 That's how the light gets in