- PJ Harvey In The Dark Places 歌詞
- PJ Harvey
- In The Dark Places
PJ Harvey
天色微亮我們便甦醒 We got up early, 起床進行洗漱 washed our faces, 走過田野 walked the fields 豎起十字架 and put up crosses. 翻越那 Passed through 連綿的山巒 the damned mountains, 走向地獄 went hellwards, 有人選擇了返途 and some of us returned, 有人則選擇繼續前行 and some of us did not. 在田野與山林間
在月光與日光下 In the fields and in the forests, 又度過了一個夏日 under the moon and under the sun 沒有一個男人 another summer has passed before us, 也沒有一個女人 and not one man has, 知曉這個秘密
這個世界的秘密 not one woman has 所以我們的年輕人啊 the secrets 攜著槍支,踏著泥土 of this world. 躲藏在昏暗的角落
我們的年輕人啊 So our young men 攜著槍支,踏著泥土 hid with guns, in the dirt 隱匿在灰暗的地帶 and in the dark places. 國家未來的光芒啊 Our young men 攜著槍支,藏在林中 hid with guns, in the dirt 潛藏在黑暗的境地 and in the dark places. Our young men hid with guns, in the forests and in the dark places.