- PJ Harvey All And Everyone 歌詞
- PJ Harvey
- All And Everyone
PJ Harvey
死亡無處不在 Death was everywhere, 隨處發生籠罩四周 in the air and in the sounds 自博爾頓山脈而下 coming off the mounds of Boltons Ridge. 死亡潛伏著 Deaths anchorage. 在你捲菸談笑的空隙 When you rolled a smoke or told a joke, 它就藏在笑聲和飲用水中 it was in the laughter and drinking water 它向著海灘逼近 It approached the beach 像一排排收割機 as strings of cutters , 沉入海洋在我們身邊伺機而動 Dropped into the sea and lay around us. 死亡在一個個古老的堡頭之中 Death was in the ancient fortress, 數百萬顆子彈將它瞄準 shelled by a million bullets 就位於灌木叢中的槍手們 from gunners, waiting in the copses 驚恐的心臟幾乎要將他們的胸腔撐爆 with hearts that threatened to pop their boxes, 我們朝著太陽行進 as we advanced into the sun 死亡是眾生之所向 death was all and everyone. 死亡是眾生之所向 death was all and everyone. 我們朝著太陽行進 As we, advancing in the sun 每一個人互相追逐 As we, advancing every man 我們朝著太陽行進 As we, advancing in the sun 死亡漂浮在煙霧裡
攀附在400畝無用的海岸上 Death hung in the smoke and clung 一捧紅土灑落 to 400 acres of useless beachfront. 死亡就在此刻 A bank of red earth, dripping down death 死亡無處不在 now, and now, and now 隨處發生籠罩四周 Death was everywhere, 自博爾頓山脈而下 in the air and in the sounds 死亡潛伏著 coming off the mounds of Boltons Ridge. 死亡就在驕陽底下 Deaths anchorage. 雙眼盯守著所有人 Death was in the staring sun, 它讓輕騎兵的骨頭間咔咔作響 fixing its eyes on everyone. 遊蕩在光天化日之下 It rattled the bones of the Light Horsemen 我們朝著太陽行進 still lying out there in the open 每一個人互相追逐 As we, advancing in the sun 我們朝著太陽行進 As we,advancing every man 高唱萬物的死亡讚歌 As we, advancing in the sun Sing Death to all and everyone.