- The Kinks war is over 歌詞
- The Kinks
- Old soldiers talk about the battles fought
老兵們談論著當年那場 To build a better world for me and you 為你我創造一個美好世界的戰爭 They sacrificed their lives to make a dream come true 戰友們為此而英勇犧牲 .Now they're forgotten men remembered by so few 可如今有幾個人記得他們?
可戰爭早已結束多年 But the war is over and the fighting ended many years ago. 戰爭結束啦 The war is over 戰鬥勝利啦可誰是真的勝利者? The battle's won but what is there to show? 為了孩子們的自由 Side by side they marched together fighting so their children 而並肩戰鬥 Could be free 為了創造一個所有階級都能和諧共處的 ,To build a better world, a new society 美麗新世界而戰 All classes unified to live in harmony 如今戰爭已經結束把過去的一切都拋開吧 Now the war is over so let's forget and leave the past alone. 戰爭結束啦 The war is over 士兵們是該回家啦 it's time for all the soldiers to go home 貧窮之人與富有之人共創歷史 Rich men, poor men make history 為了希望與榮耀之地而戰 Fighting for the land of hope and glory 國家之聲匯成一首歌 A nation's voice will sing as one 我們勝利之後一起呼喊 A battle cry until we've won 戰爭結束啦愛國者們都去哪兒了 The was is over and the patriotic comrades are no more 戰爭結束啦 The war is over 如今他們將要回家過上如從前那般的生活 Now they're going home to live just like before 我們手挽手唱起充滿愛與感傷的愛國之歌 Arm in arm we sang our patriotic songs of love and sentiment 笑中帶淚 Tears of joy to hide the sorrow 我們將在新的明天重逢 ,New tomorrows till we meet again 新世界建成之際就是我們道別之時 With a new world to build we'll say auf weidersein 他們為我們做了什麼 .What did they do for us? 這又向我們證明了什麼 What did it prove to us? 我們站在寂靜的墳墓旁 As we stand beside the silent grave 安眠於此的無名士兵已經無法復生 The unknown soldier can't be saved 戰爭結束啦 The war is over 戰爭結束啦 The war is over 士兵們早該回家了啊 it's time for all the soldiers to go home 戰爭終於結束啦 The war is over