- James Blunt you Re beautiful 歌詞
- James Blunt
- My life is brilliant.
我的人生絢麗璀璨 My love is pure. 我的愛戀純如溪澗 I saw an angel. 我瞥見了一位天使 Of that Im sure. 對此我萬分確信 She smiled at me on the subway. 她在地鐵裡對我綻放笑靨 She was with another man. 儘管她身旁還有人相伴 But I wont lose no sleep on that, 但我不會為此而寢食難安 Cause Ive got a plan. 因為我的心已能從中倖免 Youre beautiful. Youre beautiful. 你美貌如花,你亭亭玉立 Youre beautiful, its true. 你風姿綽約,千真萬確 I saw your face in a crowded place, 你我目光相接,在那人群熙攘之地 And I dont know what to do, 我像失了魂魄,萬般無奈 Cause Ill never be with you. 因為我永遠無法與你相依 Yeah, she caught my eye, 是啊,她佔據了我的視線 As we walked on by. 在那擦肩而過的瞬間 She could see from my face that I was, 她能從我的臉上察覺出 Flying high 那滿溢的狂喜直升天際 And I dont think that Ill see her again , 我與她只是匆匆過客,無緣再見 But we shared a moment that will last till the end. 但相遇時那一刻的純美卻會持續到永遠 Youre beautiful. Youre beautiful. 你花容月貌,你閉月羞花 Youre beautiful, its true. 你風姿綽約,千真萬確 I saw your face in a crowded place, 你我目光相接,在那人群熙攘的地方 And I dont know what to do, 我不知所措,唯有慌張 Cause Ill never be with you. 因為我永遠無法伴在你身旁 La la la la, la la la la... Youre beautiful. Youre beautiful. 你花容月貌,你亭亭玉立 Youre beautiful, its true. 你風姿綽約,千真萬確 There must be an angel with a smile on her face, 在你微笑的片時,我定是望見了天使 When she thought up that I should be with you. 我真切地幻想著你我的命中註定 But its time to face the truth, 但是時候面對現實了 I will never be with you. 我永遠無法與你相依