- J. Cole High for Hours 歌詞
- J. Cole
- This is called being high as shit, for hours
嗨起來吧,一直就這麼嗨下去 That's the name of this song, nigga 我就打算這麼叫這首歌了 'High as Shit for Hours' 一直瘋狂嗨幾個小時 Here we go, yeah 聽好了 American hypocrisy, oh, let me count the ways 典型的美式的虛偽,讓我給你掰開揉碎了講講 They came here seekin' freedom then they end up ownin' slaves 他們說為了尋找自由而來到這片土地,可他們也支持奴隸制 Justified it usin' Christianity which saves 用虛偽的教義為其正名 Religion don't mean shit, there's too much ego in the way 宗教也不是什麼好東西,那裡面摻雜了太多骯髒之物 That's why ISIS is a crisis 為什麼1515被稱之為危機 But in reality this country do the same shit, take a life and call it righteous 而我們這個國家做著和他們一樣的事情,卻被稱為“替天行道” Remember when Bin Laden got killed, supposedly? 還記得當初他們宣布本。拉。登是“好像”被殺死了嗎 In a hotel lobby after a show, was noticin' 然後在那會我正好完成一場演出在休息室裡,看到了一些事 These white ladies watchin' CNN, coverin' the action 一些白人小姐們正在看CNN對於那場行動的報導 They read the headline and then they all started clappin' 她們注意到了本。拉。登被殺死的頭條消息後,歡呼雀躍 As if LeBron had just scored a basket at the buzzer 就好像詹姆斯剛拿下一記壓哨得分一樣 I stood there for a second, watched them high-five each other 我看這她們互相擊掌的時候,當時都傻眼了 For real? I thought this was 'Thou shalt not kill' 逗我呢?我記得你們不是常說“上帝永不殺生”嗎 But police still lettin' off on niggas in the Ville 反觀在Ville的雷子們依舊對黑人不公 Claimin' that he reached for a gun, they really think we dumb and got a death wish 就憑著說看到了一個黑人手裡拿著槍,他們當真以為我們傻到這麼著急送死嗎 Now somebody's son is layin' breathless 現在某人的孩子就這麼橫屍街頭 When I was a little boy my father lived in Texas 在我小的時候,那會我爸住在德州 Pulled up in Toyota , drovethat bitch like it was Lexus 開著一輛豐田皮卡,他把它當做一輛雷克薩斯一樣珍貴 Put my bag in his trunk and headed off for Dallas 有時候我們會一起去達拉斯 Out there for the summer, feelin' just like I was Alice 去那裡過暑假,感覺我就好像是愛麗絲在漫遊仙境 Lost in the Wonderland where niggas still sufferin' 但發現那裡的黑人們也在遭受不公 Just like they was back home, and that's wrong 就像我家那邊的人們一樣,但是這樣一點也不對啊 So now it's 'Fuck the government! ' They see my niggas strugglin' 所以現在我們高喊“去死吧政。府”,你們明明看到了我們再受苦 And they don't give a fuck at all, and that's wrong, yeah 可你們仍然無動於衷,事情不應該是這樣的啊 The type of shit that make you wanna 這些破事讓你 The type of shit that make you wanna let go 這些破事讓你想放手不管 The type of shit that make you wanna 這些破事讓你 The type of shit that make you wanna let go 這些破事讓你想放手不管 I had a convo with the President, I paid to go and see him 我曾經和總統有過一次會面 Thinkin' about the things I said I'd say when I would see him 深思熟慮當我見到他時我應該和他說什麼 Feelin' nervous, sittin' in a room full of white folks 我無比的緊張,因為我正坐在一個滿是白人的房間裡 Thinkin' about the black man plight, think I might choke 我想我要和總統說我們黑人正面臨的窘境,我可能在面對他的時候會結巴 Nope, raised my hand and asked a man a question 算了,我示意總統要有一些問題要問他 Does he see the struggle of his brothers in oppression? 他是否看到了他的兄弟們正在困境當中掙扎著 And if so, if you got all the power in the clout 如果是這樣的,如果你得到瞭如此大的政治影響 As the President, what's keepin' you from helpin' niggas out? 作為一名總統,到底是為什麼你不去幫助你的兄弟姐妹們 Well, I didn't say 'nigga,' but you catch my drift 好吧,那會我出於禮貌沒說nigga,但你(奧巴馬)應該明白我的意思 He looked me in my eyes and spoke and he was rather swift 他很認真地正視我的眼睛和我對話,他是如此的聰穎 He broke the issues down and showed me he was well-aware 他直截了當的擺出這些問題,他是如此的了解這些(苦難) I got the vibe he was sincere and that the brother care 我感受到了他那種來自兄弟一樣的誠心誠意的關懷 But dawg, you in the chair, what's the hold up? 但是哥們,現在你獨掌大權,又是什麼讓你心知肚明但無所作為? He said there's things that I wanna fix 他說我有不少的事情想要糾正 But you know this shit, nigga: politics 但是你也懂,政治這些玩意兒 Don't stop fightin' and don't stop believin' 但是我想說的是,別放棄鬥爭和你的信仰 You can make the world better for your kids before you leave it 就算不為你自己,為了你的孩子們你也要做點什麼在你離開總統這個位子之前 Change is slow, always has been, always will be 事情的變化永遠是緩慢需要循序漸進的 But fuck that, I'ma bust back 'til they kill me 但是去他的吧,我現在就要反抗,除非他們殺了我 Change is slow, always has been, always will be 事情的變化永遠是緩慢需要循序漸進的 But fuck that, I'ma bust back until they kill me—feel me? 但是去他的吧,我現在就要反抗,除非他們殺了我 The type of shit that make you wanna (Aight, third verse) 這些破事讓你 The type of shit that make you wanna let go 這些破事讓你想放手不管 The type of shit that make you wanna 這些破事讓你 The type of shit that make you wanna let go 這些破事讓你想放手不管 Here's a thought for my revolutionary heart 我隨也想革。命,但我心裡有這樣的一個想法 Take a deeper look at history, it's there to pick apart 如果你仔細的看向歷史長河,同樣的戲碼一直在上演 See, the people at the top, they get to do just what they want 看,有權力的人們他們胡作非為 'Till after a while the people at the bottom finally get smart 在不久之後,底層的人們開始學著變聰明了 Then they start to holla 'Revolution!' Tired of livin' here, destitution 他們開始叫嚷著要革。命,厭倦了生活在這種環境之中,貧窮困苦 Fuck that lootin'! Can you tell me what's the best solution? 可你們也別搶劫商店啊,讓你們革。命也不是讓你們幹這個啊 I used to think it was to overthrow oppressors, see 我過去也以為這樣就算是推翻當權者了 If we destroy the system, that means we'll have less of greed 如果我們摧毀這壓迫我們的一切,就意味著我們能不再像他們那樣貪婪 But see, it's not that simple 但是看了,這事不是這麼簡單 I got to thinkin' about the history of human nature while this instrumental 我回想了我們人類的歷史,當我在寫這首歌的時候 Played, then I realized somethin' that made 然後我意識到了一些事 Me wonder if revolution was really ever the way 讓我不禁思考“革。命”真的就是這樣嗎 Before you trip and throw a fit over these words I say 在你嗨起來或者因為我說的這些話大發雷霆之前 Think about this shit for second, you heard the way 先動動你自己的腦子想想,你大概聽說過 The children in abusive households 如果孩子在小的時候遭受過家庭暴力 Grow up knockin' girlfriends out cold 那麼當他長大之後就會對別人家庭暴力 That's called a cycle 這都是一個惡性循環 Abused becomes the abuser and that's just how life go 受虐者變成一名施暴者,這就是我們生活的定式 So understand 和這個道理一樣 Look at the power, but you know what power does to man? 看看我們的權利是如何運作的,可權利又能對一個人造成巨大什麼影響呢 Corruption always leads us to the same shit again 貪污腐敗把我一遍又一遍的引向同一個結局 So when you talk 'bout revolution, dawg, I hear just what you sayin' 所以當你說要革。命的時候,我倒是要看看你能怎麼做 What good is takin' over 掌握權利又有什麼好的呢 When we know what you gonna do? 因為我們都清楚那會讓你變成什麼鬼樣子 The only real revolution happens right inside of you 真正的革命是來自你的內心的 I said, what good is takin' over 掌握權利又有什麼好的呢 When we know what you gonna do? 因為我們都清楚那會讓你變成什麼鬼樣子 The only real revolution happens right inside of you, nigga 真正的革命是來自你的內心的 The typeof shit that make you wanna (High for hours, nigga) 這些破事讓你 The type of shit that make you wanna let go (Volume one) 這些破事讓你想放手不管 The type of shit that make you wanna 這些破事讓你 The type of shit that make you wanna let go 這些破事讓你想放手不管