- The Kinks Waterloo Sunset 歌詞
- The Kinks
- Dirty old river must you keep rolling
亙古的混濁河水請繼續翻滾吧 Flowing into the night 緩緩流入這沉沉垂暮 People so busy make me feel dizzy 都市人流穿梭車水馬龍 Taxi light shines so bright 讓我醺醺醉 But I don't need no friends 但是我不需要誰陪伴 As long as I gaze on 只要遠遠注視著 Waterloo sunset 滑鐵盧橋上落日 I am in Paradise 我就如同置身天堂 Every day I look at the world 時常我透過窗口 From my window 眺望外面的世界 Chilly chilly is the evening time 晚間寒氣籠罩寒意襲人時 Waterloo sunset's fine 滑鐵盧的日落美得正好 Terry meets July Terry和July Waterloo station 約定週五的傍晚 Every Friday night 相會在滑鐵盧站 But I'm so lazy don't want to wander 而我卻總懶於外出閒逛 I stay at home at night 於是獨自守著夜晚 But I don't feel afraid 但是我從不害怕 As long as I gaze on 只要我遠眺 Waterloo sunset 滑鐵盧橋上的落日 I am in Paradise 總有置身天堂的美好 Every day I look at the world 時常我透過窗口 From my window 眺望外面的世界 Chilly chilly is the evening time 晚間寒氣籠罩寒意襲人時 Waterloo sunset's fine 滑鐵盧橋上日落美得正好 Millions of people swarming 數以萬計的人 Like flies 'round 在滑鐵盧站輸向各處 Waterloo underground 忙碌得像蒼蠅打轉 But Terry and Julie 而Terry和July Cross over the river 偏愛從藍橋上跨越 Where they feel safe and sound 那讓它們安穩舒心 And they don't need no friends 他們不需要別人的陪伴 As long as they gaze 只要共同凝望 On Waterloo sunset 滑鐵盧的日落 They are in paradise 就如同置身天堂 Waterloo sunset's fine 滑鐵盧日落美如畫卷 Waterloo sunset's fine 滑鐵盧日落美如畫卷 Waterloo sunset's fine 滑鐵盧日落美如畫卷