- Eminem That’s All She Wrote 歌詞
- Eminem
- Thats All She Wrote (Ft. Eminem)LRC歌詞
[] [ver:v1.0] 我不理會你們怎樣議論我 Now I dont really care what you call me 只要你們不認為我野蠻無禮就好 just as long as you dont call me rude 我打賭他們跟我有一面之緣的時候就早已察覺 I bet they knew as soon as they saw me 她寫下這樣的字句:“晚安,我們之間結束了。” Goodnight its over with thats all she wrote 冰冷的街道,如夢碎芝加哥一般 streets like cold Chicago 在我畢生經歷中從未所見 aint nothing new Ive seen it all before 但是我依舊拼死下注,明天似乎就是世界末日 but still I ball like no tomorrow 她寫下這樣的字句:“晚安,我們之間結束了。” goodnight its over with thats all she wrote 她大筆一揮,她大筆一揮 all she wrote, all she wrote 她寫下這樣的字句:“我們之間結束了。” I said its over with thats all she wrote 她寫下訣別詩,她寫下訣別詩,她寫下訣別詩 all she wrote, all she wrote, all she wrote 晚安,我們之間結束了 Goodnight its over with… 這很蠢,我才知道:每個人都知道 Its stupid how I go in knowing everybody knowing that im 我在控制這場遊戲我在說唱圈中沉浮多年,他們咬牙痛恨著我的才華 sewing up the game, strong like they hate me for it 他們自始自終都無法將我撂倒在地 Eventually see they cant beat than with me they join 有的人被誓言折磨得傷痕累累,其他人背負罵名,高飛遠走 others sworn under oath, or banished left completely scorn 你被人捉姦在床卻還滿嘴謊言, you tell lies, get caught, n-gga kick rocks 在這個大染缸中你只不過只是滄海一粟 you never did blend in with the big shots 歷史的車輪滾滾向前,溝壑縱橫也阻止不了它的前進 its on the fast track, aint no need for no pit stops 我仰天長嘯,你們可真是太慫啦哥們 I just laugh at, n-gga wishing it was this hot 那些狗丅雜種只能激起我的無窮業火 guess they mad at me huh, really pissed off 而無法真正擊中我的軟肋 better that than pissed on 我就是針尖,你丫就是麥芒 Im the Jetsons you the Flintstones 我是頭猛虎,卻墮入平陽被惡狗欺負 catch me in the end zone 昂首闊步,抬頭挺胸 high stepping prime time 你們這些渣滓 thought you n-ggas been on 無法阻擋住我的萬丈光芒 aint no blocking my shine 就像我的新款air yeezy鞋子,它的熒光會在夜晚晃瞎你的雙眼 like my new air Yeezys, you can see me in the night time 我就喜歡Checki My like Checki checki sigtig right 快來告訴我你到底想要什麼 So call me what u want 你一輩子只學會仇恨,你媽媽叫你回家吃飯啦 you wanna hate, have a nice time 我腰纏萬貫的同時,你還被關在瘋人院裡呢 while I get stupid paper, hey my dough aint in its right mind (介意,介意) (mind, mind) 我不理會你們怎樣議論我 Now I dont really care what you call me 只要你們不認為我粗魯無禮就好 just as long as you dont call me rude 我打賭他們跟我有一面之緣的時候就早已察覺 I bet they knew as soon as they saw me 她寫下這樣的字句:“晚安,我們之間結束了。” Goodnight its over with thats all she wrote 冰冷的街道,如夢碎芝加哥一般 streets like cold Chicago 在我畢生經歷中從未所見 aint nothing new Ive seen it all before 但是我依舊拼死下注,明天似乎就是世界末日 but still I ball like no tomorrow 她寫下這樣的字句:“晚安,我們之間結束了。” goodnight its over with thats all she wrote 兄弟告訴我這個婊子的暗示,最好的建議是翹起你的臀部 Man TIP told me on this hoe tip, best tip I could give you to hip you 不要讓這些特徵欺騙你 never let these traits trick you 你認為我愛的是模棱兩可的蕩婦,狗屎 mighty ambiguous of you to think I love slut, sh-t 婊子你拿著鏟子挖了一個陷阱 dig you a hole, take the shovel and dig you some dignity bitch 狗屎你談論一些被你操控的建議 sh-t you talk about some adivce that sticks with you 如果我應該聽別人告訴我應該拿緊我的槍 if i should listen to anyone tell me to stick to my guns 像雙截棍,除了修理他們,就是冷漠 like double stick, its you but f-ck em TIP, its cold 它的冷卻的感覺就像企鵝他媽的在冰屋裡吃乳糖 its chilling like and feeling like the penguin in its f-cking igloo eating fudgesicles 我寧願在狗屎上滑倒也不要愛上你 Id rather slip and fall in sh-t than fall in love with you 在我打他媽的領帶之前你成為一個婊子之前 before I tie a f -cking knot Id tie you in one bitch 你認為這是一些任天堂遊戲麼,他媽的愚蠢的是你 you think this is some Nintendo game how f-cking dumb is you 在我分裂出一些腫塊給你之前我會讓你得流行性腮腺炎 Ill give you some mumps before I split some lump somes with you 這是告訴我你在想什麼 so heres a penny for your thoughts 但它不會給你買chesseburger,雖然只是可能給你一個泡菜 but it wont buy you a chesseburger, although a nickle might just get you one pickle 他媽的,其官方告發我有一個信用問題 f-ck it, its official so blow the whistle I got a trust issue 這是一個重磅炸彈,飛毛腿飛彈! thats a bombshell, scud missle! 我得到了這個詛咒你他媽的詛咒你 I got this cuss at you to fucking cuss at you 像之前我說唱有不要臉的種馬 Like before I rap there was some motherfucking stud 狗屎,這將教會你不要喝醉了,在路上跌跌撞撞行走 Slut, this will teach you not to come drunk, stumbling my way fo shizzle 我仍然活得像個長鐵塊 I still live like I bought you the Gilbert slot checks stob bizzle 所以這些西洋棋子活得就像個水泡 So f-ck sissors these checkers are bust like a blood blister 我不理會你們怎樣議論我 Now I dont really care what you call me 你可以把我看做為冰雪冷酷 you can even call me cold 那些婊子跟我有一面之緣的時候就早已察覺 these bitches know as soon as they saw me 我才不會花時間來研究他們的 its never me to get the privilege to know em 我曾經絕望無地,可是現在我擁有了自己的目標 I roll like a desperado, now I never know where Im gonna go 依舊拼死下注,明天似乎就是世界末日 still I balllike theres no tomorrow 她寫下這樣的字句:“晚安,我們之間結束了。” goodnight its over with thats all she wrote 這滾軸開始轉動接近序幕,電影上演 The credit roller, curtain closer, movie over with 不要生我的氣噢 But dont get mad at me 你應該責怪那個寫出這些狗屁歌詞的傢伙 go blame the chick who wrote this shit 你的生活就像個婊子一樣 ya life is sure a bitch 但是她卻知道我富可敵國 but she know Im rich 所以你才盡力討好我,但我只掏出我的J8。 that why she give me what I want and I just throw her dick 我又固態復蘇啦 here I go again, 我開始努力進取,靈感蜂擁而至 I kick this shit, give a damn, got it pouring in 我花的可都是歐元,阿哈哈我有著豐厚的薪水,不用再露宿街頭 Peso, Euro, yeah, ah ha, Im paid never gon be poor again 我會大搖大擺帶著我的閃亮的鑽石奢侈品發售新專輯 see me posted in anything, wearing any chain 再也不會敷衍任何人 never gon see me toting anything 而你卻只能看到我光鮮的一面!! all you gon see is BANG! 我單身的時候多美好阿 its so nice where I kick it, 你要到來的時候卻總是讓我苦惱 hate you never get to visit 現在我早已升級到了另一個檔次 yeah Im on another level 你們這幫傻丅逼做不到了吧 but you n-ggas still can get it 在你起跑之前我就已經到達了終點 its all over fore you finish 不好意思,哥們我已經完成了這段旅途 sorry bro this road we end it 我不會讓你的事業滿足 wont give you the satisfaction of me giving you the business 是的,我說過我不會讓你得到我用過的餐巾紙 yeah, I said I wouldnt give you the dirt off my handkerchief 我會讓那些婊子深切的得到切膚之痛 Im giving these hoes a dose of there own medicine 讓他們好好嚐嚐吧 let em get a good taste of it 我知道你現在一定在回想我們之間的感情 Im sure you got that relationship memo by now, 但是如果你沒有的話 but in case you didnt 對不起,我會深深嗅向你的額頭,縈繞不走 this is so bad, stick a nose to your forehead and staple it 生命如此短暫,不容我浪費時間 life is too short and I got no time to sit around just wasting it 我會快點結束這段歌詞 so I pace this shit a little bit quicker 讓每一分每一秒得到充分的利用 that clock comer racing in double time 但是我在十分之一的時間內發出3倍的攻擊 but I still spit triple the amount of insults in a tenth of the time 可能需要你,刺痛我們的神經 it may take you pricks to catch on 當你擁有像阿姆斯特朗般強壯的膀臂 while you strong arm like Stretch Armstrong 我還說凱馬特像有一個撇號“S”的狗 man I still say K-mart like theres an apostrophe S on it dog 他們說麥當勞不是餐館我想我錯了 and they say McDonalds isnt a restaurant well I guess Im wrong 但是如果你百分百告訴我,最好的不是現貨熱狗 but if you gon tell me that the A&W aint the spot for the best hot dogs you can get the F on dawg 我不理會你們怎樣議論我 Now I dont really care what you call me 你可以把我看做為冰雪冷酷 you can even call me cold 我打賭他們跟我有一面之緣的時候就早已察覺 I bet they knew as soon as they saw me 她寫下這樣的字句:“晚安,我們之間結束了。” Goodnight its over with, thats all she wrote 我曾經絕望無地,可是現在我擁有了自己的目標 I roll like a desperado, now I never know where Im gonna go 我依舊拼死下注,明天似乎就是世界末日 still I ball like theres no tomorrow 她寫下這樣的字句:“晚安,我們之間結束了。 ” Good night is over with thats all she wrote 她大筆一揮,她大筆一揮 all she wrote, all she wrote, all she wrote 我們之間結束了。 I said its over with 她寫下這樣的字句,她寫下訣別詩 thats all she wrote, all she wrote, all she wrote 晚安,我們之間結束了… 她寫下訣別詩 Goodnight its over with thats all she wrote