- Owl City Humbug 歌詞
- Owl City
- That moment the first few flakes start falling
當纖細雪花微微落下的那一刻 Is the moment before I burst into tears 是否是我落下眼淚前的那一剎 Cause snow in the air means Christmas shopping 空氣中的水晶般的雪花是否意味著聖誕節購物開始了 Humph! 真棒! And the thought of it all just stresses me out 剛想到的那時我一切的壓力都宣洩了 Woah, it's me 哇哦,雪中的那是我 Woah, it's me 哇哦,打起雪仗來的是我
她會打扮成金絲雀那樣楚楚動人嗎? Would she kinda like this canary yellow? 亦或她已經按自己的方式帶上圍巾了 Or did she already own way too many scarves? 我會給她準備一個小背包來帶些東西 I could get her a backpack and something to carry 但這種方式對我來說壓力山大,漸漸使我的心支離破碎 But this is way too much pressure, it's breaking my heart 但哇哦,雪中的那是我 Woah, it's me 哇哦,堆起雪人來的是我 Woah, it's me 我已經準備好精美包裝我的完美聖誕禮物了但我至今還未尋覓到它 I'm ready to wrap that perfect Christmas gift but I haven't found it yet 但我沒有線索該給你準備些什麼禮物所以我將傾盡所有的心思把我所有的愛給你 Cause I don't have a clue what to get you so I'll give you my heart 我在禮品店裡徘徊不定,躊躇不決 I wander around the store again and again 但我所做的一切僅是聳聳肩 But all I do is shrug 因為我沒有提示該給你準備些什麼禮物而且我準備好大聲宣示了. Cause I don't have a clue what to get you and I'm ready to say 我看見你了! Bah Humbug! 你的欺騙偽裝都被我揭穿了 Bah bah bah bah bah 你這個小騙子! Bah Humbug! 你的虛偽謊言都被我識破了 Bah bah bah bah bah 我可以給她一張去橄欖花園(美國餐廳)的禮品卡 I could get her a gift card to Olive Garden 但要是紅龍蝦(美國餐廳)更符合她口味呢? But what if Red Lobster is way more her thing? 我不甚了解 I don't even know 好吧那一輛腳踏車或是一把尤克里裡(夏威夷小吉他)如何? Well how 'bout a bike or like a ukulele? 但躍窗而出怎麼樣? But how 'bout I jump out the window? 對啊但躍窗而出這個好主意如何? Yeah but how 'bout I jump out the window? 唱著'普世歡騰'(單曲)然後臉著雪地! Singing 'joy to the world' face down in the snow! 我已經準備好精美包裝我的完美聖誕禮物了但我至今還未尋覓到它 I'm ready to wrap that perfect Christmas gift but I haven't found it yet 但我沒有線索該給你準備些什麼禮物所以我將傾盡所有的心思把我所有的愛給你 Cause I don't have a clue what to get you so I'll give you my heart 我希望它能有成效 I hope it'll do 我在禮品店裡徘徊不定,躊躇不決 I wander around the store again and again 但我所做的一切僅是聳聳肩 But all I do is shrug 因為我沒有提示該給你準備些什麼禮物而且我準備好大聲宣示了. Cause I don't have a clue what to get you and I'm ready to say 我會把自己用包裝紙包裝好然後在樹下坐著等候你 I'll wrap myself in paper and sit under the tree 因為我所能給你的最美好的禮物是我身體裡的這份暖暖愛心! Cause the best gift I can give you is this heart inside of me! 我已經準備好精美包裝我的完美聖誕禮物了但我至今還未尋覓到它
但我沒有線索該給你準備些什麼禮物所以我將傾盡所有的心思把我所有的愛給你(這兒是我的心意) I'm ready to wrap that perfect Christmas gift but I ain't found it yet 我希望它能有成效 Cause I don't have a clue what to get you so I'll give you my heart (Here's my heart) 我在禮品店裡徘徊不定,躊躇不決,但我所做的一切僅是聳聳肩 I hope it'll do 因為我沒有提示該給你準備些什麼禮物而且我準備好大聲宣示了. I wander around the store again and again, but all I do is shrug 我看見你了! Cause I don't have a clue what to get you and I'm bout ready to say 對門手柄感到十分抱歉! Bah Humbug! 你這個小騙子! Sorry for the handles! 對揚基蠟燭(美國最受歡迎的香氛品牌)感到十分抱歉! Bah Humbug! 你的虛偽話! Sorry for the Yankee candles! 對所有這些無用的廢話感到抱歉! Bah Humbug! 因為我能給予的最美好的禮物是我滿滿暖暖的愛意 Sorry for all this useless junk! The best gift I have to give is my love