- The Killers Terrible Thing 歌詞
- The Killers
- The parking lot is rammed with shotgun pickup trucks
停車場擠滿了裝著獵槍的皮卡車 At the Jones Rubber plant where all the guys end up 這些人長大後就會在當地的橡膠廠做工 Beer-drinking boy scouts living life like they ain't stuck 喝啤酒的童子軍男孩的生活不會有什麼煩惱 On these quicksand streets with their girls in a sling 在有著流沙的街道上,他們的胳膊吊著繃帶,和女朋友在一起 I'm in my bedroom on the verge of a terrible thing 我卻在自己的臥室裡,瀕於崩潰的邊緣*(*暗喻自殺)
Around here, we all take up our cross and hang on His holy name 在這個地方,人們都拿起十字架,掛在上帝的聖名下。但是發給我的牌*卻會讓我被趕出這遊戲(*被當地主流不接受的性取向) But the cards that I was dealt will get you thrown out of the game 嘿,媽媽,你看不到你的孩子被束縛在這小鎮的文化絞絲中嗎? Hey momma, can't you see your boy is wrapped up in the strangle silk 這個蜘蛛網般的文化為王的小鎮裡 Of this cobweb town where culture is king? 我在自己的臥室裡,瀕於崩潰的邊緣 I'm in my bedroom on the verge of a terrible thing
我閉上雙眼,想到那溪水 I close my eyes and think of the water 在鹽溪*峽谷中流淌,那時我還年幼(*鹽溪這個地方是當地人受洗的地方) Out at the Salt Creek when I was young
在老磨坊公園,鎮裡一半的人都來了 Down at Old Mill Park, half the town's in tow 來見證是誰贏了競技前的泳裝選美比賽 To crown the Bathing Beauty of the rodeo 當她的母親忍住驕傲的淚水時,一個年輕的牛仔點頭示意 While her mother fights back proud tears a young cowboy gives the nod 門打開了,牛仔因衝出的牛而流血,這是上帝能接受的男子氣概之禮 The chute opens, bull draws blood, and the gift is accepted by God 我扣下扳機,子彈射中我自己,血流了出來,這是我對上帝的獻禮 The chute opens, bull draws blood, and the gift is accepted by God 在這個用帶刺的鐵絲圍繞成的夢想之鎮 In this barbed wire town of barbed wire dreams 我在自己的臥室裡,瀕於崩潰的邊緣 I'm in my bedroom on the verge of a terrible thing
我閉上雙眼,想到那溪水 I close my eyes and think of the water 在鹽溪峽谷中流淌,那時我還年幼 Out at the Salt Creek when I was young 我閉上雙眼,想到那溪水 I close my eyes and think of the water 在鹽溪峽谷中流淌,那時我還年幼 Out at the Salt Creek when I was young