- Owl City Early Birdie 歌詞
- Owl City
- Good evening, shuttle bus! Tell me where you’re going to take us
晚上好,航天巴士!告訴我你將要把我帶去哪兒 ? …Someplace that I have never been 那一定是個我從沒去過的地方 It's chic transportation to new destination 在這個去往新目的地的時髦的運輸工具的玻璃窗上
清晰地反射著我的臉龐 where I leave my reflection on the glass 我還是很想問,因為我不知道這條洲際公路還有多遠 I 'd ask but we don't know how far these interstates go 或是這個城市的根在寒冷的地底鐵路下紮的有多深 Or how deep the city roots go down 早已風化的混凝土做的樓梯 In chilly sub-depth railways the weathered concrete stairways 像是在告訴我這是你回家的路徑我是否曾經來過這兒 provide me with a means of getting home … if I ever leave 在如水晶般的沙灘上
伴隨著撫慰的詞調我們手拉著手進入夢鄉 On crystal sand, we sleep hand-in-hand 這兒的景色使人目不暇接快醒來看看吧像那早起的鳥兒一樣 While soothing words 我們將登上那個最高點開始這一天的旅程
我們將登上那個最高點開始這一天的旅程 So many sights to see so wake up like an early birdie 如果我在離開之前回頭看了一眼,他們就會記住我的對嗎 And we' ll get a head start on the day 巡迴的航班拉彎了陽光我正坐在飛機上 Oh stained-glass skyways and crowded 6 lane highways 導遊都快把那個快樂的新娘吹成了天賜的仙女了 If I look back when I begin to leave, will they remember me? 晚上好,航天巴士!告訴我你將把我帶去哪兒 ? Circuit flights bend the lights when I am spent 在如水晶般的沙灘上 And tour guides make happy brides feel heaven-sent 伴隨著撫慰的詞調
我們手拉著手進入夢鄉 Good evening, shuttle bus! Tell me where you're going to take us 在夢裡就像蜂鳥一樣盤旋於花叢之間
晚上好,航天巴士!告訴我你將把我帶去哪兒 ? On crystal sand, we sleep hand-in-hand While soothing words On crystal sand, we sleep hand-in-hand While soothing words hover like hummingbirds
Good evening, shuttle bus! Tell me where you're going to take us<比如>