- Leonard Cohen Everybody Knows 歌詞
- Leonard Cohen
- Everybody knows that the dice are loaded
所有人都知道牌局的結果已被操控 Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed 所有人仍舊在揭開胜負時暗暗祈禱 Everybody knows that the war is over 眾人皆知戰爭已塵埃落定 Everybody knows the good guys lost 眾人皆知沙場上善人死亡 Everybody knows the fight was fixed 眾人皆知紛爭從不單純 The poor stay poor, the rich get rich 窮人依舊窮,富人繼續富 Thats how it goes 天道有常 Everybody knows 無人不知 Everybody knows that the boat is leaking 眾人皆知船隻在緩慢而堅定地沉沒 Everybody knows that the captain lied 眾人皆知船長在說人生中最後的一個謊言 Everybody got this broken feeling 所有人都共享著一種支離破碎的情感 Like their father or their dog just died 好似伴己一生的父親去世,或是己伴一生的愛犬死去 Everybody talking to their pockets 所有人都在對著自己空蕩蕩的錢袋喃喃自語 Everybody wants a box of chocolates 所有人都在奢望一包來自愛人的濃情巧克力 And a long stem rose 附上一束刺人入心的玫瑰 Everybody knows 人人都在憧憬 Everybody knows that you love me baby 所有人都知道你真心愛我,我的愛人 Everybody knows that you really do 所有人都不懷疑你的真心 Everybody knows that youve been faithful 所有人知道你有一堵五顏六色的夢想之牆 Ah give or take a night or two 現實會用一兩天的時間來洗刷乾淨 Everybody knows youve been discreet 所有人都知道你對愛情不會將就 But there were so many people you just had to meet 但現實迫你在狼群中起舞 Without your clothes 魚沉雁落 And everybody knows 眾人皆知 Everybody knows, everybody knows 無人不知,無人不曉 Thats how it goes 天道有常 Everybody knows 人人自語 Everybody knows, everybody knows 無人不知,無人不曉 Thats how it goes 天道如此 Everybody knows 知而不語 And everybody knows that its now or never 眾人皆知放手一搏或就此放手 Everybody knows that its me or you 眾人皆知狹路相逢,勢難共存 Andeverybody knows that you live forever 所有人都知道你可以永世不死 Ah when youve done a line or two 只要你說出幾句值得流傳的名言 Everybody knows the deal is rotten 所有人知道協議已同虛設 Old black joes still pickin cotton 波瀾過後,老黑人依舊一如既往地撿起棉花 For your ribbons and bows 以換取存活在死亡邊緣的資格 And everybody knows 人人心知肚明 And everybody knows that the plague is coming 眾人皆知瘟疫堪堪將至 Everybody knows that its moving fast 眾人皆知恐慌予其順風 Everybody knows that the naked man and woman 眾人皆知一絲不掛的男男女女 Are just a shining artifact of the past 只是已成過往的華麗藝術 Everybody knows the scene is dead 所有人都知道表演已經穿幫 But theres gonna be a meter on your bed 風聲早晚會在你搖搖欲墜的權威下漏出 That will disclose 隆重華麗地揭開 What everybody knows 眾人早已知曉的謎底 And everybody knows that youre in trouble 所有人都知你是上帝的玩物 Everybody knows what youve been through 所有人都知你的命運所到之處 From the bloody cross on top of calvary 從受難地上高掛的紅色十字架 To the beach of malibu 到蔚藍相伴的馬里布海灘 Everybody knows its coming apart 眾人皆知真理已經支離破碎 Take one last look at this sacred heart 向那顆神聖的心靈最後一次回首 Before it blows 在它高調落幕之前 And everybody knows 眾人已隱約預見 Everybody knows, everybody knows 已知未知,未知已知 Thats how it goes 天自行其是 Everybody knows 人知又何妨 Oh everybody knows, everybody knows 眾人笑談,眾人泣悟 Thats how it goes 天理已容,眾人皆知 Everybody knows 皆可知 Everybody knows 不可言