- Leonard Cohen It's Torn 歌詞
- Leonard Cohen
我看見你在敞開的窗邊佇立 I see you in windows that open so wide 窗口之外,別無他物;窗口之內,你孤身一人 There's nothing beyond them and no one inside 你踢飛拖鞋,來回搖晃著散發 You kick off your sandals and shake out your hair 你肩膀上的鹽就像空氣中的火花 The salt on your shoulders like sparks in the air 沙土堆積在你的腳踝,雙腳陷於泥沙之中 There's silt on your ankles and sand on your feet 河太淺,海太深 The river too shallow, the ocean too deep 笑對苦難是你對待人生最甜蜜的緩刑 You smile at your suffering, the sweetest reprieve 你為何離我們而去? Why did you leave us, why did you leave 你踢飛拖鞋,來回搖晃著散發
昔日玩樂的舞池人去樓空,你去過每一個地方都已物是人非 You kick off your sandals and shake out your hair 你的周遭一片衰敗零落 It's torn where you're dancing, it's torn everywhere 沒人能夠接受,事物從中心部分就開始分崩離析 It's torn on the right andit's torn on the left 美景終將淪陷成廢墟,墓地也終將崩裂,無法容納靈魂 It's torn in the center which few can accept 仁慈本身也會敗落,但願它能阻止一點衰落
一個國度從王冠開始衰敗 It's torn where there's beauty, it's torn where there's death 消息滿天飛,網絡卻因此癱瘓 It's torn where there's mercy but torn somewhat less 肩部瘀青一片,腕部道道割痕 It's torn in the highest from kingdom to crown 海盲目聽從著霧的指引,衝撞著家園 The messages fly but the network is down 對立者搖擺不定,就像飛速旋轉的螺旋槳,永遠摸不清它的走向 Bruised at the shoulder and cut at the wrist 為了脫離這個分崩離析的世界, The sea rushes home to its thimble of mist 夏娃必須重返出生前的長眠 The opposites falter, the spirals reverse 思想在各個統治的禁錮中迸發 And Eve must re-enter the sleep of her birth 現在一切都結束了,一切都結束了 And up through the system the worlds are withdrawn 姓名不會改變命數,連救世主也毫不例外 From every dominion the mind stood upon 來吧,把世間崩裂的碎片都收集起來吧 And now that it's over and now that it's done 謊言寄生於神聖,光明藏匿於黑暗 The name has no number, not even the one 故事早已被寫好,信件也已被密封
你贈與我的百合,現已葬身荒原 Come gather the pieces all scattered and lost 你踢飛拖鞋,來回搖晃著散發 The lie in what's holy, the light in what's not 昔日玩樂的舞池已人去樓空,你去過每一個地方都已物是人非 The story's been written the letter's been sealed You gave me a lily but now it's a field
You kick off your sandals and shake out your hair It's torn where you're dancing, it's torn everywhere