- Eminem Cleanin' Out My Closet 歌詞
- Eminem
- Wheres my snare?
小鼓聲在哪? I have no snare in my headphones 我耳機裡聽不到小鼓聲 There you go 有了 Yeah.. yo, yo 耶,喲,喲
你曾被人歧視和仇恨過嗎? Have you ever been hated or discriminated against? 我有過,我曾遇到過無情的反對和示威 I have; Ive been protested and demonstrated against 反對的標語牌遮擋在我憤怒有力的節奏面前,看看紐約時報吧(times指The New York Times的一篇對於Eminem反女性的諷刺報導) Picket signs for my wicked rhymes, look at the times 那些反對我的人,正如海嘯般騷動情緒背後的那個狗娘養的小子(Eminem)的思想一樣噁心 Sick as the mind of the motherfuckin kid thats behind 所有這些騷動情緒深沉的海洋explodin all this commotion emotions run deep as oceans explodin 我對那些家長的灼熱怒火置之不理,並繼續前行著(在美國有些家長認為Eminem的音樂使自己的孩子腐化) Tempers flarin from parents just blow em off and keep goin 我根本就不理會那些反對者,但只要我還活著我就時刻準備著好好教訓他們 Not takin nothin from no one give em hell long as Im breathin 我日夜兼程,披荊斬棘,繼續走在我的成功之路上 Keep kickin ass in the mornin and takin names in the evenin 讓他們品嚐酸腐得如同醋在嘴裡一樣的味道 Leave em with a taste as sour as vinegar in they mouth 瞧瞧,他們的確能惹怒我,但卻永遠沒法搞定我 See they can trigger me, but theyll never figure me out 看著我,我打賭你現在一定看我很不順眼了,不是嗎媽媽? Look at me now; I bet ya probably sick of me now aint you momma? 我現在就要讓您看起來非常的滑稽可笑 Ima make you look so ridiculous now 對不起,媽媽!
我不是故意傷害你的! Im sorry momma! 我不是故意氣你哭,但是今天晚上 I never meant to hurt you! 我得自暴一下家醜 I never meant to make you cry; but tonight 更多的時間 Im cleanin out my closet 我說對不起,媽媽! (one more time) 我決不是故意傷害你的! I said Im sorry momma! 我決不是故意氣你哭,但是今天晚上 I never meant to hurt you! 我得自暴一下家醜 I never meant to make you cry; but tonight 哈!我在我的櫥櫃裡藏了一些骷髏(指不為人知的醜事) Im cleanin out my closet 我不知道是否有人已經知道了這個秘密
所以在他們把我扔進棺材合上棺木之前 Ha! I got some skeletons in my closet 我要曝光它,我要帶你穿梭時空,回到1973 and I dont know if no one knows it 在我擁有一張多白金唱片之前 So before they thrown me inside my coffin and close it 我只是一個嬰兒,也許僅兩個月大 Ima expose it; Ill take you back to 73 我那同性戀般噁心的父親那時候肯定在外面淫亂快活 before I ever had a multi-platinum sellin CD 因為他拋妻棄子走了,我很好奇他是否曾和我吻別 I was a baby, maybe I was just a couple of months 不,那不是我真正所想的!與之相反的真實想法是我強烈地希望他死掉! My faggot father must have had his panties up in a bunch 我看著Hailie(我女兒),和她的離別的畫面我連想都不敢想 cause he split, I wonder if he even kissed me goodbye 即使我對Kim(我前妻,Hailie的媽媽)恨之入骨,我也咬緊牙關忍受著 No I dont on second thought I just fuckin wished he would die 完全看在Hailie的份上,我才竭力嘗試著容忍她 I look at Hailie, and I couldnt picture leavin her side 我也許也犯過一些錯誤 Even if I hated Kim, I grit my teeth and Id try 但我只是個普通的人,但是我有足夠的勇氣去面對自己的一切過錯的男人 to make it work with her at least for Hailies sake 我過去的所作所為無疑是愚蠢的 I maybe made some mistakes 但是其中最聰明的一件,便是我取出了槍裡的子彈(放棄了殺人的念頭) but Im only human, but Im man enough to face them today 因為我會殺了他(Eminem老婆的情夫John Guerrera)。操,我原本應該把Kim和他一塊兒殺了 What I did was stupid, no doubt it was dumb 這就是我的人生,我歡迎你們大家來到Eminem Show(雙關,既指我的人生又指這張專輯) But the smartest shit I did was take the bullets outta that gun 我說對不起,媽媽! Cuz Ida killed him; shit I woulda shot Kim and them both 我決不是故意傷害你的! Its my life, Id like to welcome yall to 'The Eminem Show' 我決不是故意氣你哭,但是今天晚上
我得自暴一下家醜 Im sorry momma! 更多的時間 I never meant to hurt you! 我說對不起,媽媽! I never meant to make you cry; but tonight 我決不是故意傷害你的! Im cleanin out my closet 我決不是故意氣你哭,但是今天晚上 (one more time) 我得自暴一下家醜 I said Im sorry momma! 現在我絕對不會通過侮辱我自己的媽媽,來獲取認識 I never meant to hurt you! 花上一點點時間來聆聽這張唱片在辱罵誰 I never meant to make you cry; but tonight 但是你站在我的位置來,試著想像一下 Im cleanin out my closet 親眼目擊你自己的媽媽在廚房裡吞服搖頭丸
喋喋不休地埋怨總是有人(指我)偷了她錢包裡的一點錢 Now I would never diss my own momma just to get recognition 穿梭在各種低收入政府住宅之間(搬家很多),得了孟喬森綜合症(一種幻想症,亦指利用自己得病來用於博取同情)的患者 Take a second to listen for who you think this record is dissin 在我一生中,我曾被迫認為自己得病了(搬家太多得的病much houses Syndrom 對應上面的Muchausens Sydrome)雖然我根本沒得 But put yourself in my position; just try to envision 直到我長大後才醒悟,現在我發飆了,反擊了,這讓你直噁心到胃裡去了吧(stomach,肚子也是懷Eminem的地方,所以這裡亦指當初後悔生了Eminem) witnessin your momma poppin prescription pills in the kitchen 難道不是嗎?不正是這個原因你給我做了那張CD嗎,媽媽? (因為Eminem公開對他媽的負面言論,他媽曾製作一張CD來辯解自己是個負責任的媽媽) Bitchin that someones always goin throuh her purse and shits missin 這樣你能夠嘗試著去證明你當時這麼對我的是正當的了,媽媽? Goin through public housin systems, victim of Munchausens Syndrome 但是,我提醒你一下,你正在一天天變老,在您孤獨的時候你會感到格外的寒冷(Eminem的言論讓他母親一直不能脫離單身) My whole life I was made to believe I was sick when I wasnt 同時Nathan(Eminem的同母異父弟弟)正在飛快的長大,他總有一天會知道你是個大騙子 til I grew up, now I blew up, it makes you sick to ya stomach Hailie也在長大,您真該看看她,她很漂亮 doesnt it? Wasnt it the reason you made that CD for me Ma? 但是抱歉,您永遠也不會看到她,她甚至連您的葬禮都不會出席的 So you could try to justify the way you treated me Ma? 知道嗎,最讓我傷心的就是您的死不認錯 But guess what? Youre gettin older now and its cold when your lonely 臭婊子,繼續做你歌曲吧,繼續反復對你自己說你是個母親 And Nathans growin up so quick hes gonna know that your phony 可是你怎麼敢試著去奪走你沒有幫助過我去得到的一切? (現在倒想從我這里分一杯羹?) And Hailies gettin so big now; you should see her, shes beautiful 你這個自私的婊子,我真希望你他媽的在地獄裡被烈火燒死以贖你犯下的罪 But youll never see her - she wont even be at your funeral! 還記得嗎? Ronnie(Eminem的舅舅,自殺)死的時候你說你寧願死的那個是我? See what hurts me the most is you wont admit you was wrong 我告訴你,其實我早已死了,對你來說我與死無異! Bitch do your song - keep tellin yourself that you was a mom! 我說對不起,媽媽! But how dare you try to take what you didnt help me to get 我決不是故意傷害你的! You selfish bitch; I hope you fuckin burn in hell for this shit 我決不是故意氣你哭,但是今天晚上 Remember when Ronnie died and you said you wished it was me? 我得自暴一下家醜 Well guess what, I +AM+ dead - dead to you as can be! 更多的時間
我說對不起,媽媽! Im sorry momma! 我決不是故意傷害你的! I never meant to hurt you! 我決不是故意氣你哭,但是今天晚上 I never meant to make you cry; but tonight 我得自暴一下家醜 Im cleanin out my closet (one more time) I said Im sorry momma! I never meant to hurt you! I never meant to make you cry; but tonight Im cleanin out my closet