- Eminem Campaign Speech 歌詞
- Eminem
- Jumped out of the 2 nd floor of a record store
從二樓的唱片店跳落 With a treacherous four cassette and a cassette recorder 帶著具有暴力傾向的四張盒式磁帶還有一款小錄音機 In Ecuador with Edward Norton 和愛德華諾頓在厄瓜多爾 Witness the metamorphosis 見證蛻變之路 Of a legend growing like an expert swordsman 像劍客專家一般擁有著傳奇的成長經歷 From the hessian war and 經歷過黑森戰爭 Hence the origin of the headless horseman 這就是今後那個無腦馬術師的起源地 Born with the endorphins of a pathetic orphan 一個可憐的孤兒含著內啡肽出生 Endless source and reservoir 水槽中的源頭永無止境 Of extension cords in dresser drawers 化妝櫃中的空間逐漸擴寬 And deadbolts on the bedroom doors 門栓將臥室房門緊鎖 And sexual torture kits kept in a separate storage bin 成套的性虐工具存放在儲藏庫的箱子裡 Excellent boyfriend 對於男友來說再好不過了 Use intercourse to settle scores 用性留下愛的痕跡 With women who have been vendettas towards men 和十分痛恨男人的女性一起 Dickhead is forced in til theres shredded foreskin 這個白痴被迫做愛直至他的包皮被扯成碎片 Reddish torn and theyre only being fed a portion 帶有少量鮮血的皮肉被撕扯著,它們不過是被滋養的一部分。 。 Bed sores and sore shins 褥瘡外加潰瘍脛 Pregnant whores can get abortions 懷孕的娼婦只有流產的下場 Fetish for sticking metal forks in self absorption 她對金屬叉有著執著的戀物癖:樂於從自己的身體裡吸東西出來 Skeletor I went to hell and fell a floor 撒旦,我自降一層來到地獄 A predator Im headed for competitors 作為掠食者我領先於其他競爭者 Better warn em what I lack in tact and a set of morals 最好警告他們我精神正常而非混沌 I make up for in metaphors like a cosmetic store 我用暗喻武裝自己就像使用美容院的化妝品一樣 Stegosaurus chuck norris with a thesaurus 猶如劍龍盤旋於黃石公園的故事存在於辭典中 Yes of course a mess of warrants 當然,證據還有待考究 You want some come and get some boys 你想僱傭一群人尤其是一群小男孩 Im giving daniel pantaleo a refresher course 我將丹尼爾潘塔萊奧贈與你並將他的專業課程好好補習下 On excessive force and pressure points 打壓他那過於極端的暴力傾向 And dressing george zimmerman in a fluorescent orange 糾正喬治齊爾莫曼的種族歧視言論 Dress and four inch heels to address the court 給他穿上四英尺的高跟鞋登上法庭 With a bullseye on his back his whole chest and torso 將一盞牛眼燈置於他身後透視他那顆扭曲不堪的心 Or left on the doorsteps of trayvons dad as a present for him 或者讓崔溫的父親留在門階處作為他兒子的代表 In my present form Im desert storm 正如我所說的我是一片被遺棄的荒漠 Appetite for destruction theres no suppressant for 無止境摧毀著這裡的一切是我的獨特嗜好 Aggressive forceful and less remorseful in every morsel 對武力的讚許和少許悔恨根植於每口獵物的肉當中 Unpleasant horrible hello gorgeous 不愉快的事和差勁的人總是愉快的和我們打著招呼 The rebel with devil horns just fell off the yellow short bus 上帝的叛徒撒旦正從黃色巴士裡跌落 Met a contortionist said when you wanna get sexual 一個柔術演員談論如何使你變得更性感 She said however I fit in your schedule Im flexible 無論如何只需靈活的按照對方的需求來做就是了 Expired tags on the saturn got catherine bach 與其這樣倒不如在土星(守護星座)上吐露出對凱瑟琳的愛慕之情 In the back in daisy dukes with the hazards on 於返程途中的一處偏遠地帶遇到了危險的攔車者 At a traffic stop getting harassed sign an autograph (一家人)在一個交通休息區索要令人厭煩的簽名 For this asshole cops daughter 為了給這對愚蠢夫婦的女兒 Laugh cause I called her a brat on it 我反受嘲笑只因我在上面將她稱作乳臭未乾的小屁孩 He spat on it and brought it back looking half in shock 一家之主朝那張紙吐了口唾沫並拿回看了一半。 。 。 Had a heart attack and dropped dead 突然心肌梗塞做猝死狀 Started falling back with it 開始隨著那張紙一起伏倒在地 And got slapped with a colin kaepernick practice sock 他的家人用科林卡佩尼克的訓練襪掌摑他也無濟於事 One ball and half a dick apple watch 只能怀揣希望之匣還有一半的apple watch的錶帶做著禱告 Crack front axle walked in a bass pro shop with david hasselhoff 裂紋前輪在一所bass pro shop戶外用品店和大衛霍斯夫一起漫步 Pulled tabasco sauce out of my satchel 讓他從我的小背包中拉出tabasco辣醬油 Knocked over a fishermans tackle box and 打翻那漁夫的工具箱 Asked if they had a laughing stock 質問他們是否還有什麼笑柄 That was fucking stupid 那太tm蠢了 You got it twisted all cause I offered this bitch 你具備了可以扭曲一切的條件由於我向你奉上了這個尤物 A doggie biscuit you call me misogynistic 一點狗糧不成敬意,請叫我厭女癖患者 Bitch get to massaging this dick 小婊砸快來給我兄弟按摩 Like spas in this bitch slob on it with gobs of lipstick 就像給這位狗糧養的懶漢做的那樣 Got a shopping list for you to run some odds and ends with 拿著你的購物清單去買些東西就這樣吧 Its not a bitch on this earth I can be monogamous with 這個星球上沒有一位女性能和我成為單配夫妻 Shes non existent 她不存在 Robin thicke with a throbbing dick on some suave and slick shit 羅賓西克可不會為此煩惱 But I shout derogatives at bitches like fucking missile launches 然而我就是樂意吐露出對放蕩女性的貶損之意 Misfit blond and nitwit 一個不合群且傻乎乎的金發男人 Like Ive gone ballistic with a frosting tip kit 就好像我那發霉拋瞄的彈道已經消失似的 Screamed I hate blondes and became one Im optimistic 對我所討厭的金發發出咆哮之聲然後成功蛻變為一個積極主義者 Love to start shit 開頭這段還不錯 Shoving clark kents undergarments in the glove compartment 掀起克拉克肯特儲物箱中的內衣 Of the bucket bumping bubba sparxxx 將一桶注滿的沸水倒在bubba sparxxx身上 Im double parking up at targets trouble causer a double crosser 由於兩個路人我兩次將車停在了錯誤的位置 Shadiest mothafucka youll ever come across 你們上輩子肯定偶遇過 Olympic gymnast been known for some assaults 奧運體操運動員由於一些攻擊性行為而被大眾所熟知 A couple lawsuits enough to cause a stomach ulcer 一對夫妻的案件足以應發胃潰瘍 Same damn brain scan results as rainmans is 類似無腦的瀏覽意味著 Somethings off but when dusting hoffmans 一波未平一波又起 Dressing up in your mummy costume 當毆打霍夫曼的事件成為你老媽衣服上的一道賣點 On stage dancing to brain damage whats the problem 台上跳舞的就像得了腦震盪一般不知所措 Nothings wrong the name brand is back to reclaim status 沒什麼,不過是大牌重出江湖而已 Run the faucet Ima dunk 把龍頭打開我打算浸泡 A bunch of trump supporters underwater 把一大群川普的支持者摁在水下 Snuck up on em in ray bans in a gray van with a spray tan 他們被困在一個免受打擾的灰色地帶且沉浸於ray bans的歌聲中 Its a wrap like an ace bandage 就像被織布繃帶所纏繞的那樣包裹住 Dont give a fuck persona to my last dna strand 別對我妄加評論 E j in the waistband at the vmas with the stagehand e j塞著腰帶在威瑪士和後台工作者一起 She wants kielbasa pre arrange an escape plan 他想在安排好逃跑計劃之前在身上揣幾根波蘭烤腸 Three inch blade on point like a see and say 三英尺的刀片瞬間解決的問題 Consider me a dangerous man 說我是個爛人 But you should be afraid of this dang candidate 那你們選擇川普呢 You say trump dont kiss ass like a puppet 你們說特普朗並非傀儡師 Cause he runs his campaign with his own cash for the fundin 那是因為他用他的票子發行債券來拉選票 And thats what you wanted 而那正是你們想要的 A fucking loose cannon whos blunt with his hand on the button 一個總是我行我素的呆瓜即將操控全局 Who doesnt have to answer to no one great idea 他不會聽取你們所謂的寶貴意見 If I was president 如果我之後成為總統 Getting off is the first order of business 著手的第一件事就是商貿 Once I get in office 一旦我在任 Second thing thatll make me happys walking up to uncle sam 其次就是讓我高興的沿著山姆大叔家溜達一圈 Naked laughing dick cupped in hand 毫不掩喻的自慰 Screaming fuck safe sex 去tm的性安全 Throw a latex and an aids test at him 在他身上投放些乳液並做個艾滋測試 Tell congress I run this land 告訴國會現在是我在管理這片領土 And I want the rubber banned and make it snappy 我還想使禁用橡膠成為潮流 Addiction to friction and static 對摩擦所帶來的觸電般快感上癮 Addict who cant escape the habit 直至每個人對它欲罷不能 Continue to chase the dragon 可以繼續吸食大麻 But as fate would have it I walked up in major magics 但必須沿用我的模式 Dressed as the maintenance man 男人應該勤儉持家 In a laser tag vest and a racing jacket 穿個激光打印的背心外加件賽車夾克就足夠了 With a gauge to blast it 買個計量器隨時備用 And sped away in the station wagon 開著房車疾馳行駛 Stacey dashs and casey anthonys stacey dash還有casey anthony Crazy asses in the backseat 這兩頭驢坐在後座 Throwing stayfree pads at me 正向我的位置投擲姨媽巾 Dead passenger in the passenger seat 客座上的乘客已死 Unfasten the safety latches 他沒拴安全帶 And slam on the brakes in traffic so hard 踩了腳急剎導致了場十分嚴重的交通事故 I snapped the relocation brackets for the monster tires 我折斷設備為這兩個討人厭的怪物重新設置了一個支架 Finna get a murder case and catch it 最後以謀殺罪逮捕了她們 Like you threw it at me encased in plastic 由於你們向我投擲紙質塑料品 And send dylan roofthrough the windshield of the benz 並派海洋之神將水從奔馳車的頂棚一直覆蓋到擋風玻璃 Until he spins like a pinwheel and begins feeling 直到他感覺像風車旋轉般眩暈 Like a windmiller with a thin build while his skins peeling 如同windmiller一樣骨瘦如柴 And skids til he hits a cement pillar 然後一個剎車使他撞到水泥柱上 Swing for the fence like prince fielder 彷彿普林斯菲爾德的全壘打 Knock it into the upper peninsula 把這兩個怪物打到密歇根的上半島 You wanna go against zilla the rap god 你想在饒舌之神的地盤與其抗衡 When will I quit never been realer 等我退休再說吧 The in stiller of fear not even a scintilla of doubt 沒有一點質疑之聲如死寂一般的恐懼 Whose pens iller than prince in a chinchilla 有誰的筆鋒比欽奇利亞更狠 Or ben stiller in a suspense thriller 或者如本斯蒂勒在恐怖電影中的懸疑身份那樣 Revenge killer avenge syllable binge 亦或是複仇者為syllable binge所做的事 Fill a syringe til I 直至我注射容器般的存在 Draw first blood 吸走他們的第一滴血 Even pop shit on my pop shit and its popular 甚至有許多pop歌曲因我的歌而走紅 Couldnt be more awkwarder 著能更拙劣了 Cause youre innocence I robbed you of 說我掠奪了你們的清白之身? Its my fingers that got stuck up 那可是我居功至偉的手段 Taught ya ta not give a 教導你們別說空話 Slapstick hockey puck 別像頑皮的小妖精那樣搞低俗喜劇 The broad hunter with the sawed off 這個寬膀子大漢即將砍下 Like an arm when its lopped off of ya 一條狂妄青年的手臂 But Im not gonna get the shotgun 由於我並不准備親自使槍 Or the glock Im gonna opt for the ox 而是將這款glock造的槍交給這名年輕人 Cause Im into objects that are sharp when I shop 因為當我購買時就已經進入角色了 And its not a shock Im such an obnoxious fucker 那並沒什麼可震驚的,我就是這樣這樣一個欠揍的討厭鬼 The rock hudson of rock cause who would have thought 洛克哈德森屬於搖滾樂中有想法的那類人 This much of a cocksucker to go across the buttocks of 那裡面有太多混蛋總是靠著他們的屁股吃飯 Vivica fox with a box cutter 薇薇卡福克斯拿著美工刀 That was for 50 little slap on the wrist be warned 拍打著手腕以示警告:這不過是五十件小事的其中一件 Im unrevealing quickly 我迅速隱藏了起來 My squabbles Im grappling with your time traveling with me 因為佔用了大量和你一起旅行的時間只為了我的那點口角 Try and follow as I wobble relapse into history with a flask of the whiskey 努力跟隨你於是我將relapse搖進了裝有威士忌的長頸杯中 Tip it back then Im twisting wine bottles 把它拋在腦後然後再擰一瓶葡萄酒 Like what happened to Chris reeves spine column 正如用南美格鬥刀刺柱子時所發生的情況 Thats the plan of attack when Im fixing my problems 當反思自我之時便是抨擊計劃展開之時 Wish my chest wasnt having to get these rhymes off em 希望我胸中別被這些所謂的韻腳給佔據 But the fact that I have so many rappers against me mind boggles 因為總有許多不可思議的說唱歌手敢來挑戰爺 And why I havent come back on these faggots who diss me is 我有什麼理由不在這些sb冒犯我時選擇回歸 More of a spectacular mystery than a fucking agatha christie crime novel 駭人聽聞的秘密比阿加莎克里斯蒂的犯罪小說還多 But my patience is wearing thin 然而我的忍耐力到達了極限 Swear I been contemplating rubbing shit in your face til I smear it in 我發誓已經揣摩出了你的醜惡嘴臉並打算公諸於世 Diss you in every lyric until you fear the pen 在每句歌詞詆毀你直至讓你為這支筆所顫抖 And never appear again 讓你永不再現 If you actually had fucking careers to end 是否真的想給這操蛋的說唱生涯來個了斷? But then I think of molly qerim and I steer em in that direction 然而我想到我正在按照猶太典故操縱著他們 And forget my ideas for them 但我忘記了對付他們的計策 Molly Im gone off you 哦!我要讓懦夫永絕於世 Man light some kush 真正的男人才懂得何為大麻 Youre my first take Ill nail you 你是我實施釘刑的頭號實施對象 Cant lie I gush 我可沒騙人 If I won you over you would be the grand prize 如果我完胜於你那麼你會得到這個特等獎 Im entranced by your looks come and give the shady franchise a push 我快被你的小眼神所迷住了,快讓shady美夢成真吧! You can get it in the can like some anheuser busch 你可以像得到百威啤酒那樣得到它的 Jeans too small least three pant sizes tush 呸!這條牛仔褲太小了,至少得三條褲子那麼大 Mushed against your damn side your puss 你那可憐的少女心正在受到一萬點傷害 And thighs are squished 事情多的喘不過氣? What kind of attires that 選一款你喜歡的 Im ready to be rode 我準備凌駕與你 Psychopath bet you well get it popping like a flat 保證在經歷過這些後你會成為神經病 Light the match to ignite the wrath 在競賽中點燃你的怒火吧! Got knives to slash and slice hermaphrodites in half 抄起小刀把那個雙性人切掉一半並削成片 Piper chapmans might just have to picket me 吹笛的小販可能才向我吹了聲警哨 Like a scab 就像工賊一樣 Hard to describe in fact 事實很難形容 Startling violent perhaps 也許是暴亂的開端 Are things that come to mind as soon as I start spitting rhymes like that 一旦我思維湧動開始把韻符像那樣吐出來 And you arent really surprised at that 你不會真的對此驚訝吧 But as far as these lines I rap 就我說唱的連慣性而言 And these bars wouldnt dial it back if I star 69 ed the track 然而這些酒吧的dj並不會撥我那69級的韻腳 Why am I such a dick 然而這就是我如此混蛋的原因