- Eminem when T和music stops 歌詞
- Eminem
- Music, reality, sometimes it's hard to tell the differenceBut we as entertainers have a responsibility to these kids
在現實中有時很難看出差別但是作為藝人我們有責任向這些孩子 Psyche! 引導他們的靈魂 Eminem Eminem If I were to die murdered in cold blood tomorrow 如果明天我被血腥地謀殺 Would you feel sorrow or show love 你會感到痛苦並愛我嗎 Or would it matter 或者對你而言毫無關係 Can never be the lead-off batter of things 我不是全能的 Shit for me to feed off 我居然這樣活下來了 I'm see-saw battlin 我看到戰爭正在進行 But theres way too much at stake for me to be fake 但是太多東西我無法去假裝 There's too much on my plate 路太遠了 And I came way too far in this game to turn and walk away 我在這場比賽中,轉身離開了 And not say what I got to say 並不是說我想說什麼 What the fuck you take me for? a joke? you smokin crack? 您帶給了我什麼呢,一個笑話或者可卡因嗎 Before I do that, I beg Mariah to take me back 在那之前,我請求瑪麗帶我離開這裡 I get up 'for i get down, run myself in the ground, 'for I put some wack shit out 我起床,沮喪之極,我在地上奔跑覺得自己是一堆愚蠢的狗屎 I'm tryin-a smack this one out the park, five-thousand mark 我在公園外吸食著毒品 Ya'll steady tryin to drown the shark 卻泰然自若 Ain't gonna do nothin but piss me off 好像事不關己 Lid to the can of whoop ass, just twist me off 這簡直是要要了我的命 See me leap out, pull the piece out, fuck shootin i'm just trying to knock his teeth out 看我不跳出來打斷他的牙齒 Fuck with me now, bitch, let's see you freestyle 來吧,讓我看看你幾斤幾兩 Talk is cheap, motherfucker if you're really feeling froggish, leap 說起來容易做起來難 Yo slim, you gonna let him get away with that? 喲,你會讓他那樣嗎 He tried to play you, you can't let him skate with that 他只是想玩弄你,不要讓他得逞 Man I hate this crap, this ain't rap, 我討厭這些廢話 This is crazy the way we act 我們太瘋狂 When we confuse hip-hop with real life when the music stops 音樂停止我們還沉浸在嘻哈音樂中 Swift Swift There ain't no getting rid of McVeigh 沒擺脫的那一刻 If so you woulda tried 如果你想嘗試 The only way I'm leavin this bitch is suicide 唯一的方法是自殺 I have died clinically, arrived back at my enemy's crib with hennesy, 我已瀕臨死亡,我想回到我對手的床上睡覺 Got drunk then I finished he 醉啦之後將他解決 I'm every nigga's favorite arch-enemy. 我是黑鬼最愛的宿敵
他們將牛肉大口塞進嘴裡 Physically fitted to be the most dangerous nigga with beef 我情願在黑暗裡與魔鬼交易 I spark willingly with a dillinger in the dark dilligently 我不是你想的那樣 I'm not what you think 我似乎輸了 I appear to be fucked up 精神崩潰 Mentally endangered 我一刻也不能離開 I can't stay away from a razor 我只想被記錄下來 I just want my face in a paper 我想一個黑鬼用炸彈去勒索周圍的鄰居 I wish a nigger had a grenade to squeeze tight to awake neighbors for acres 我殺了你 I murder you 我變成一個危險的瘋子,山姆的兒子,一個混蛋 Danger had me turned into a mad man, son of sam, bitch, I'm surgical 我對死亡過敏,你不覺得嗎,你算什麼,讓我們比試一下吧 I'l allergic to dyin, you think not? you got balls? We can see how large 當音樂停止 When the music stops Kon Artist Kon Artist 我很高興在開始時達成了協議 I was happy having a deal at first, 以為錢會讓我高興但 Thought money would make me happy but 他只是加重了我的痛楚 It only made my pain worst, 當你的朋友背信棄義時那感覺很痛苦 It hurts when u see ur friends turn their back on u dawg 當你一無所有,你只有你的言語和身體 When u ain't got nothing left butur word and ur balls 充滿壓力的原因 N ur stress full of cause 你的新朋友開始用他們的雙手 Of ur new friends they beggin with their hands out 盤算著出賣你 Checking for ur record when its selling 若不是,那就完了 When it aint, that's the end, no laughs 沒有朋友沒有女人 No friends no girl 開著車喝著酒 Just the gin u drink till u car spin u then Screech Screech 該死 Damn! 出車禍了 Crash 你撞到了牆上被甩了出去 U slam into the wall and u fall 你盡力想爬出車裡 Out the car, trying to crawl with one arm 都是酒精惹的禍 About to lose it all in a pool of alcohol 若我的葬禮是明天,音樂停止時我不知道他們會不會過問一下 If my funeral's tomorrow, wonder if they would even call when the music stops Kuniva Kuniva 讓我們看看有多少人對你是忠心的 Let's see how many of your men loyal, 當我伸出援手去拉你 When i pull up looking for you, 用槍去試圖打開一個罐子 With a pistol sipping on a can of pennzoil 我躍躍欲試,感覺自己的頭快要爆炸了 I'm revved up, who said what would lead bust ur head would just explode 滿手鮮血直到被送進囚牢 With red stuff i'm hand cuffed tossed in the paddy wagon 我像一個懦夫被子彈洗腦 Braggin about how u shot it like a coward, bullets devour you showered you 黑鬼,如果我是你我也會這麼做 Niggars, if i was u niggas , i'll run while given the chance 我知道我可以使人的精神強大起來 Understand i can enchance the spirit of man 死亡本身不會傷害我,只有孤獨的死亡才讓我絕望 Death itself, it can't hurt me, just the thought of dying alone that really 傷害我,你根本不值得我廢話 Hurts me, u ain't worthy to speak thoughts of cheap talk 戰爭毀啦你的生活時請你擁抱大地 Hug the floor while we plan to the war with ur life, fuck the tour and the mic 聰明點不要再像以前一樣生活 Be smart and stop trying to walk howg's walk before we spark 我寧願用刀子刺死一個娼妓
黑鬼你們在白天肆無忌憚在夜晚也不安寧 I'll rather fuck a whore with a knife, deliver that shit the coroner's like 當音樂停止的時候 You high hype poppin' shit in broad day light nigga ur a gonna at night Proof When The Music Stops 把煽動者關進牢籠裡 Proof 使他們屈服並控制其他人 Instigators, ?? pits in cages 不費吹灰之力 Let loose and bit the neighbours 我們不想要戰爭,你們要的是談判 wrist to razors 黑暗裡我的狗像狼一樣叫 Ya'll don't want war, you want talk 證明你們是狼,佔領你們的地盤 In the dark my dogs all bark like woof 像馴鹿一樣生存 Proof nigga I'm a wolf, get your whole roof 才在屋頂上,擊打地面 Caved in like reindeer hoofs 你越食言,我越侵犯 Stomped the roof shake the floor tiles loose 這該死的街,這噁心的歌 The more ya'll breach, the more I moves 拿起槍去搶劫屬於我們的財寶 This hell street, this is hardcore blues 讓事情愈演愈烈 Put a gun to rap checking all our jewels (nigga) 當槍聲響起,在音樂停下之前不要放下 Or make the news betcha all ya'll move Bizzare When the uzi pop, you better drop when the music stop 音樂在很多方面改變了我 Bizzare 5年級後我變得迷茫起來 Music's changed my life in so many ways LL讓我去做搖滾
NWA說讓警察見鬼去吧 Brains confused and fucked since the 5th grade 現在我在監獄裡了 LL told me to rock the bells 這很嚴肅 NWA said fuck the police 還有噁心的髮型 Now i'm in jail 聽Jodeci的 93 was strictly RNB Michael Jackson告訴我我是Mike Fucked up hair cut 臉上塗得蒼白 Listen to Jodeci 夜晚寂寞難耐 Michael Jackson, who go tell me i'm Mike 在夕陽下抽著煙 Ass cheeks painted white 在一個著裝古怪的人前面 Fucking Presilla at night Eddi Murphy在後面 Flying down sunset smoking crack MOP變了名字 Transvestite in the front Marilyn Manson把自己的頭髮染成藍色 Eddi Murphy in the back 長出了新的乳房 MOP had me grindy and griddy Ludacris 讓我放棄玩球 Marilyn Manson, i dyed my hair blue 現在我在醫院了 And grew some titties 鼻子歪了手肘裂了 Ludacris told me to throw them bowls 腦子裡的聲音讓我震驚 Now i'm in the hospital 我在找槍但音樂停止了 Broken nose and a fractured elbow Bang Voices in my head, i'm going in shock, I'm reaching for the glock but the music stops Bang