- Eminem The Warning 歌詞
- Eminem
- [00:-0.52]「終極R&B」- 最新鮮的R&B/Hip-Hop音樂!
[00:-0.52]The Warning [00:-0.02] 我先攻擊你的唯一原因 only reason i disssed you in the first place 是因為你否認我的存在現在我是真的毛了 was because you denied seeing me now im pissed off 朋友放鬆做好準備好半大啤酒 sit back homie relax in fact grab a 6 pack 開個小型聚會順便聽我把事實抖出來 kick back while i kick facts dre做好的無敵音樂伴奏 yah dre sick track 被我用來反擊你再適合不過 perfect way to get back 想听點壞消息嗎? wanna hear some wick wack 我身上有個和nick背上一模一樣的刺青 i got the same exact tat thats on nicks back 你說我為你痴迷不已? im obsessed now 小賤人,你音樂錄影帶裡貼著山羊鬍子的那個就是我嗎? oh g that supposed to be me in the video with the goatee wow mariah 我真沒想到你會為這煞費苦心費盡周折 wow mariah i didnt expect you to go balls out 婊子不想我把電話錄音公佈於眾之前就趕緊閉嘴 bitch shut the fuck up before i put all them phone calls out 你和nick交往前沒少放縱也沒少來我的住所 you made at my house while you were wildin out 那時和我翻雲覆雨給了你多少樂趣 before nick when yous was on my dick ill give you something to smile about 你總共跑來我這兒多少次 how many times did you fly to my house 我至今還沒數清要是不希望nick發現這一切最好把你那說盡謊言的嘴閉上 still trying to count you better shut your lying mouth if you dont want nick finding out 你可能覺得事情已過了這麼久我要是想動真格早該出手了 you probably think cuz since its been so long if i had something on you i woulda done it by now 相反仙女瑪麗我準備把我們在錄音棚的作品做好混音這樣就可以讓全世界都聽到 on the contrary mary poppins im mixing a studio session down and sending it in to mastering to make it loud 我會讓你吃不了兜著走
因為用舌頭殺人是我的專長 enough dirt on you to murder you mariah你就沒想過我還留著當時我們的照片嗎? this is what the fuck i do 我看你還怎麼繼續否認?還有nick你也要幫她遮醜?同性戀你覺得我會怕你? mariaaahh did it ever occur to you that i still have pictures 想毀掉我的事業你怎麼也該有個像樣的事業才有資格整我 however you prefer to do and that goes for nick too faggot you think im scurred of you 好像我真的會跟你較真搶同一個賤貨 you gonna ruin my career you better get one 我還傻到要容忍這個和我混在一起六個月 like im gonna sit and fight with you over some slut bitch cunt 才劈開腿讓我乾一次的變態賤貨? that made me put up with her pscyho ass over 6 months 你還想說什麼?我很幸運?告訴媒體? and only spread her legs to let me hit once 我如此卑鄙 你酒醉之後才上了我的床? yeah what you gonna say im lucky tell the public that i was so ugly 還說只是掛了二壘?寶貝 你告訴nick的都是什麼謊言? that you fucking had to be drunk to fuck me 我們在一起的第二週就隔衣調情過了 這總該比二壘多吧? second base what the fuck you tell nick pumpkin 聽著小妞你肯定不希望我說出我提前射精那次 second week we were dry humpin that has to count for somethin “屏蔽屏蔽屏蔽屏蔽“ listen girlie surely you dont want me to talk about how i nutted early 你當時差點要嘔吐說我這麼噁心趕緊拿毛巾來 cuz i ejaculated prematurely and bust all over your belly 我讓你反胃的厲害?可能你是真的反胃把? and you almost started hurlin and said i was gross go get a towel 可現在我讓自己難堪的時同時也不會讓你好看 your stomachs curling or maybe you do 你敢說這些都沒發生過? but if im embarassing me im embarassing you 只要這首歌開始被播放我就是在還擊 and dont you dare say it isnt true 我距離過火和被起訴只有一步之遙 as long as that songs getting airplay im dissin you 我原打算在第16小節停止剛才那句是第32小節現在是第34小節了 im a hair away from getting carried away and gettin sued 我們還沒到這首歌的三分之一 i was gonna stop at 16 that was 32 this is 34 bars slim mariah耍了你 we aint even a third of the way through 哪個mariah? damn slim mariah played you 我有說蕩婦mariah嗎? nick?我的意思是“說謊蕩婦mariah” mariah who 現在我被你的挑釁逼到不得不回擊的地步難道是沒原因的嗎? oh did i say whore nick i ment a liar tooo 姑娘我看你是喝高了在發酒瘋 like i been goin off on you all this time for no reason 看看你的酒窖到底少了多少庫存 girl you out of your alcholic mind girl 好像我真的天天無事可做一秒不停的想著你 check you wine cellar look at the ammounts of all the wine 我覺得用饒舌突然猛拍你還真是有點意思 like i fucking sit around and think about you all the time 但是我玩夠了現在我要劃好這條底線 i just think this shit is funny when i count you on a rhyme 你想逾越這底線的後果將是你根本不想爬的山 but fuck it now im about to draw the line 我能說出你腳力的隱秘角落甚至在cribs節目拍你家的 and for you thats a mountain i doubt you would want to climb 那集都沒拍過的地方 i can describe areas of your house you wouldnt find 再挺你多說一句 on an episode of cribs 我會給你肚子來一拳 a blow below the ribs 所以閉上你的嘴 if i hear another word 因為每次你一開口說的都是謊言 so dont be openin your jibs 我不會再重複婊子你知道我的用意 cuz everytime you do its like an overload of fibs 這個是我抖出你所有秘密前的 i aint saying this shit again ho you know what it is 正式警告 its a warning shot 需要我對證的話我會公佈手上所有證據 before i blow up your whole spot 包括你在脫光前給我的語音留言 call my bluff in ill release every fucking thing i got 當時你的前男友luis和我差點同時上了你的床 including the voice mails right before you flipped your top slim shady slim shady 我愛你 when me and Luiz were trying to stick 2 cds in the same slot 我也愛你
讓我說些假惺惺的甜言蜜語給你聽女孩兒 ??MARiAH CAREY?? 現在有話要說? i Love you too 我們之間沒有過什麼 let me whisper sweet nothings into your ear boo 我要做的是 now what you say 要把你但是說的“我想要你” ?MARiAH? its nothing 的記憶恢復清晰 yeah so what ill do 我想要你 is refresh your memory 現在我是該繼續 when you said 還是休戰? ?MARiAH? i want you 你覺得你很可愛吧hahaha now should i keep going 沒錯小美人 or should i call truce 我是仙女瑪麗寶貝 ?MARiAH? you think you cute right 那我就是超人 you bet your sweet ass i do 仙女瑪麗 ?MARiAH? im mary poppins b slim shady and im super man uhm 跟你過來敘敘舊 ?MARiAH? Mary P 你要是繼續做我的 slim shaddyy 寶貝甜心 comin at you 那我還繼續做你的
超級英雄 so if you still be my 我的阿姆 ?Mariah? baby girl 我就是這兒 than ill still be your 你喜歡這樣 ?Mariah? super hero 不我不再喜歡了親愛的 ?Mariah? where my em 分手就是要一刀兩斷 yeah right here 我告誡過你 ?Mariah? you like this 好好過你的 nope not any more dear 現在我已經有了新的生活 it cuts like a knife nick 這個就是你老婆嗎? when i tell you 那讓她閉嘴吧 get a life 我也就不會再針對她了 but im moving on with mine 如果她不遵守這指令 nick is that your wife 那我也會捨命奉陪 well tell her to shut her mouth Mariah and ill leave her alone 這個不是我而是瑪麗安在說話哦: if she dont siNG THiS SCRiPT 瑪麗安在喊停機 than ill keep going 趕緊切了這段 ?Mariah? 快拿刀過來 its actually mary ann mary ann is saying cut the tape cut the tape knife