- Eminem Kings Never Die 歌詞
- Eminem
- [Chorus: Gwen Stefani]
在這裡停留 Here to stay 即使當我已經離開了 Even when Im gone 即使我已經合上雙眼 When I close my eyes 時間可以流逝 Through the passage of time 但是王者永不逝去 Kings never die 我能聽到鼓手下的鼓在震動 [Verse 1: Eminem ] 以及喇叭的吹鳴,有人正在召喚著誰,我知道審判日即將到來(trumpet是上帝使自己被聽見的方式) I can hear the drummer drumming 但我飛奔逃離那裡,我站在山巒的頂點 And the trumpets, someones tryna summon someone, I know somethings coming 但是突然開始墜落,完全不是我所設想的那樣 But Im running from it to be standing at the summit 是不是,我太直接、給的太過,讓人接受不了(人們各種指責EM歌裡煽動暴力,反同性戀,毒品,妓女 And plummet, how come it wasnt what I thought it was 從前一無所有,到現在得到我所有想要的,但是不是得到的太多了(得到名聲的同時,失去了太多) Was it, too good to be true? 然後我要再重新失去一次?所以我磕了藥 Have nothing, get it all but too much of it 如果不,眼睜睜地現實又會再跌到哪裡去? Then lose it again, did I swallow hallucinogens 我坐在路西法(墮落天使)的惡穴中,坐在荷蘭烤箱旁 Cause if not, where the hell did it go? 我決定要墮入罪惡(EM與惡魔做抗爭卻失敗) Cause here I sit in Lucifer's den by the dutch oven 即使意味著我要出賣我的靈魂,我也要再次成為不容置疑的終極鬥士 Just choosing to sin 我會不惜一切代價就為了贏(白人的膚色使他更易遭到社會、他人的攻擊) Even if it means Im selling my soul, just to be the undisputed again 因為那該死的烏雲始終遮蔽著我的腦袋 Do whatever I gotta do just to win 圍繞著我的腦袋,荊棘叢中刺出 Cause I got this motherfucking cloud over my head 向內戳裂我,那些碌碌無為的傻子們 Crown around it, thorns on it 還真的以為我的墮落回地下,再也回不來了,是不是? Cracks in it, bet you morons didnt 那我現在再回去變成地下的失敗者,怎樣? (地下的underdog根本沒他的水平) Think Id be back, did ya? 但是無論我像瘋狗一樣吠地多響,但這遊戲是我從來不會屈服的(可能最近的風格有人會說他像狗一樣狂叫;但EM從不為了流行而特意添加水分;) How bout thatI'm somehow now back to the underdog 我抱怨著遊戲,我叫喊著、憤怒著,對它又愛又恨 But no matter how loud that I bark, this sport is something I never bow- wowd at 但是我發現可以消除我心頭那像山一樣沉重的疑惑、痛苦 I complain about the game, I shout and I pout, its a love-hate 即使你們婊子們打算把我驅逐出去,而我也確實很失落 But I found out that I can move a mountain of doubt 我唯一離開的時間是在城裡飆車,我下落不明,我深陷疑惑(指2011年代言克萊斯勒汽車超級碗總決賽時的廣告) Even when you bitches are counting me out, and I appear to be down for the count 因為,我迷失了,想要弄清楚我如何才能回歸,我絕不是懦夫(跟電影Southpaw中主角一樣,想要重新贏得尊重,並在音樂里走的更遠) Only time I ever been out and about is driving around town with my fucking whereabouts in a doubt 必須站起來,破釜沉舟,不然還不如直接放棄 Cause I been lost tryna think of what I did to get here but Im not a quitter 練習,短暫小息,或者進步,但是絕不停下 Gotta get up, give it all I got or give up 我想要繼續自己的堅持,但是好像又發生了什麼不對的 Spit on, shit on, stepped on, but kept going 你開始往下一個目標前進,但是好像他們的尊重早已不再(而且現在諮詢繁雜,媒體和人們的注意點幾乎每週都在變) Im tryna be headstrong but it feels like I slept on my neck wrong 但是有人曾經告訴我 Cause youre moving onto the next, but is the respect gone? 王者應該是永不逝去的 Cause someone told me that 不要給我那些講虛假的煽情故事,不要找藉口、給我布那些道, (Kings never die) 你都從沒直面那火焰,繼續往深攫取
從沒有人在我生命中給過我什麼,甚至是機乘人員 [Verse 2: Eminem] 我才不在乎其他一切與我登頂無關的事 Dont give me that sob story liar, dont preach to the choir 抹去我一路上的所有人 You aint never even had to reach in the fire to dig deep 我想我知道為什麼那麼多rapper想要在一首歌裡,想跟我合作來給他們的歌添彩 Nobody ever handed me shit in life, not even a flyer 那(EM的部分)確實足夠好,足以讓我早點去離去 Wouldnt even take shit into consideration 告訴那些新出的藝人,王者永遠不會逝去 Obliterate anyone in the way 我知道這麼多年裡事情變了很多,去他們的twitter,(EM討厭社交媒體, I think I see why a lot of rappers get on these features and try to show out on a track with me 剛剛是不是說我退到舞台後去了?別人用此來成名,他偏不。所以他的twitter沒有關注任何人) But itd actually have to be a fucking blowout to get me to retire 我為什麼要在網上?這讓我抓狂 Tell these new artists that kings never die 我拿著獵槍想要試著去看看 I know shit has changed in this age, fuck a Twitter page 我的東西網上挺火的,但是並沒有引起大轟動 Did it just say Ive been upstaged? 只是得到上台舞台表演的機會 Why am I online? Its driving me crazy 底下的留言搖擺不定,我可以聽到他們在說, Im riding shotgun tryna get a gauge 如果我繼續保持清醒和熱情,我可能還可以像Jay-Z一樣的傳奇(Jay_Z不像EM在圈中經常被被惡意中傷) Almost hot, but Im not gonna conform 要我捲土重來,看起來好像我曾經離開過(EM在09年休整後,即使歌火了,人們仍舊不滿意,覺得EM不如從前) With a stage pass and this shit 但是那些詆毀我隕落的人,又一直說些《Renegade》的屁話(EM與Jay-Z合作)(普遍認為EM在Jay_Z自己的歌裡完全蓋過他的風頭,你尊重Jay_Z,為何不尊重我) And opinions sway, I can hear them say 他們要逼我喪失我的理智 If I stay passionate maybe I can stay Jay miraculous 現在我重新開始,走上舞台,但我覺得我像困在籠子裡 Comeback as if I went away (EM在現實生活中是shy的,每次在台上表演都讓他覺得像被囚禁在籠子裡耍雜技一般 But detractors just say so much for the Renegade 他們極度渴望王者隕落(從職業生涯一開始,就很多人希望他被下架;還有惡意詆毀的人,看不順的人等等 Someones gonna make me blow my composure 難怪我會取笑他們,因為他們從來都贏不了我(在過去,EM會反擊那些針對他的人,並且從來都是他贏) Here I go again, center stage and I feel like Im in a cage 所以,管他媽的那些憤世嫉俗的人說什麼屌東西 Some want a champion to fall 我只管繼續前進,因為我有牆可以靠背支撐 I still wonder why I laugh at em, cause whycare when Im awesome? 而我現在又再次成為攻擊的目標,我看起來就像張貼在牆上的海報一樣明顯 Fuck what these cynics say 在這幽閉的籠子裡,看著錄音室里白金唱片(plaque也能指菌斑) Just goes to show that when my backs against the wall 從地板一直蔓延到門邊 And Im under attack again, that Ill act as if Im posted up 難道它們也單單只是像徵,為了他們叫我“回”到那個所謂“水準”(獎杯的意義本來就是人為附加的) With this pent up rage, cause all these plaques in my office 因為那些所有的成就,榮耀,獎項 On the floor stacked against the door 那些獎杯其實根本就什麼意義都沒有(真正的藝人不會在意獎杯,而是做好音樂) Are they just metaphors for the odds of when you comin back again? 因為即使我今天仍在,我也可能明天就會逝去 Cause all the accomplishments, accolades, awards 我不會一直在 And trophies just dont mean jack anymore 在這裡停留 If Im here today and gone tomorrow 即使當我已經離開了 And Im not gonna be 即使我已經合上雙眼
時間可以流逝 [Chorus: Gwen Stefani] 但是王者永不逝去 Here to stay 我想要的,我正在努力去爭取, Even when Im gone 所以你們不用手下留情,你們阻止不了我 When I close my eyes 批評家們最終會被批評,認為你的東西是毒品,你會得到的所有的東西都是被熏出來的 Through the passage of time 我不會停止,直到我再次,所有單獨和在一個寶座 Kings never die 像一個尊敬的象徵,或一首詩,或是我所欠的一個頌歌 I want it, Im coming to get it 扔在空中自己的手臂,並推出了這麼辛苦,我的鎖骨斷了
當我的時間去,我仍然沒有離開 [Verse 3: Eminem] 我不知道,但我已經告訴了一個障礙 So you son of a bitches dont duck you're gonna get Riddick Bowe'd 擋住你的路,把它敲了,時間去了那罐金子,因為 Criticsll end up in critical, think your shit is dope all youre gonna get is smoked then 他們說國王永遠不死 And Im not stopping until Im top again, all alone and on a throne 只問果醬大師 Like a token of respect, ora homage poem, or an ode Ive been owed 它們只是長出翅膀,它們飛翔 Tossed in the air by my own arm, and launched so hard I broke my collarbone 所以,舉起手,伸手到天空 And when its my time to go, Im still not leaving 試圖保持和延長這些時刻 Stop for no one, I dont know but Ive been told an obstacle that 引起眼睛一眨 Blocks your road, knock it over, time to go for that pot of gold, cause 他們將要結束了
在確保你的遺產像Shakur [Bridge: Eminem ] 並確保沒有人會成為你的 They say kings never die 所以在你離開這個地球之前 Just ask Jam Master Jay 你想讓人覺得一個純粹的邪惡的腦死亡的憤怒 They just grow wings and they fly 執事的話,音節的天才在工作 So, hands up, reach for the sky 再加上我認為他們錯認為我的善良軟弱,提煉它的吝嗇 Try to hold up and prolong these moments 我從奶粉普瑞納 Cause in a blink of an eye 在燒烤架上煎漢堡 Theyll be over 吉爾伯特阿里納斯的,叫我吉爾伯特阿里納斯,還呼籲的夢想家
我到了那裡的岩石仍然是屏幕的主題是什麼 [Verse 4: Eminem] Khalil正在戰場上,因為我從沒覺得我們是在製作節奏,我們是在毀滅中產生節奏(Khalil是EM自從Recovery開始製作伴奏) Tryna secure your legacy like Shakur 這讓我感覺到我真的是實實在在坐在王位上的感覺 And ensure that nobodys ever gonna be what you were 曾經這聲音,嘔吐物,對成功瘋狂的渴望,以及生活在貧民區時那些救濟糧 So before youre leaving this Earth 在外面肚子叫個不停,抽痛著,飢餓 You want people to feel the fury of a pure evil cerebral berserk 在外面到處尋找機會,但上帝只給我這一次成功的機會 Deacon of words, syllable genius at work 我向你發誓我不會讓你失望的 Plus Im thinking that theyre mistaking my kindness for weakness, distill it with meanness 我會名留青史,即使我在底下(地下)我也會 I went from powdered milk to Purina 你絕對不會聽到我說我不是 To flipping burgers on the grill for some peanuts 在這裡停留 To Gilbert's to arenas, call me Gilbert Arenas, still appeal to the dreamers 即使當我已經離開了 I made it to the silverscreen where Rockys still what the theme is 即使我已經合上雙眼 Khalil on the beat cause making the beat ain't the same feeling to me as killing the beat 時間可以流逝 So fulfilling to me is what filling a seat is 但是王者永不逝去 That sound, vomit, thirst and how common underground commons eat 王者永遠不會逝去 Outsider stomach growl, throbbing hunger Out-rhyming everyone, God just give me one shot I swear that I wont let you down Imma be around forever, entertain even in the ground You aint never gonna hear me say I aint
[Chorus: Gwen Stefani] Here to stay Even when Im gone When I close my eyes Through the passage of time Kings never die Oh, oh, oh Oh, oh, oh Kings never die