- The Kinks ape man 歌詞
- The Kinks
- I think I'm sophisticated
我覺得自己是高級動物 'cos I'm living my life like a good homosapien 因為我過著精良現代人的生活 But all around me everybody's multiplying 但我周圍所有人都三頭六臂 Till they're walking round like flies man 像有頭蒼蠅一刻不停地飛來飛去 So I'm no better than the animals sitting in their cages 我比坐在動物園籠子的的動物們 In the zoo man 其實也高級不到哪去 'cos compared to the flowers and the birds and the trees 跟花朵和樹上的鳥兒比起來 I am an ape man 我就是個猿人 I think I'm so educated and I'm so civilized 我以為我被社會教化成了一個優秀的現代人 'cos I'm a strict vegetarian 因為我是個嚴於克己的素食主義者 But with the over-population and inflation and starvation 但人口激增通貨膨脹和飢荒 And the crazy politicians 還有瘋狂的政客們 I don't feel safe in this world no more 讓我覺得這世界不再是個安全的地方 I don't want to die in a nuclear war 我不想在核戰爭中被殉葬 I want to sail away to a distant shore and make like an ape man 我想出海去遠方未知的海岸像個猿人一樣生活 I'm an ape man,I'm an ape ape man 我是金剛黑猩猩我是伏都野蠻人(voodoo是西非和中美一種原始宗教) I'm an ape man I'm a king kong man, I'm a voo-doo man 我是個猿人 I'm an ape man 跟天上的太陽比起來 'cos compared to the sun that sits in the sky 跟繾綣的雲朵比起來 Compared to the clouds as they roll by 跟臭蟲蜘蛛和蒼蠅比起來 Compared to the bugs and the spiders and flies 我怎麼著都是個猿人 I am an ape man 隨著人類的進化城市被創造 In man's evolution he has created the cities and 機動車轟鳴但只要有半點機會 The motor traffic rumble,but give me half a chance 我都會脫下衣服住進叢林裡 And i'd be taking off my clothes and living in the jungle 是在椰子樹上盪來蕩去做體操 'cos the only time that I feel at ease 唉像猿人一樣生活是多麼奢侈啊 Is swinging up and down in a coconut tree 我是個猿人我是個猿人嘿我是個猿人 Oh what a life of luxury to be like an ape man 我是金剛黑猩猩我是伏都野蠻人(voodoo是西非和中美一種原始宗教) I'm an ape man,I'm an ape ape man,I'm an ape man 我是個猿人 I'm a king kong man,I'm a voo-doo man 我看向窗外卻看不到天 I'm an ape man 因為霧霾綁架了我的眼 I look out my window,but I can't see the sky 我想活著逃出這座城市 'cos the air pollution is fogging up my eyes 像原始人一樣生活 I want to get out of this city alive 快出現啊我們一拍即合我的原始人女友 And make like an ape man 我們在原始人的極樂世界裡放飛自我 Come and love me,be my ape man girl 我是個猿人我是個猿人嘿我是個猿人 And we will be so happy in my ape man world 我是金剛黑猩猩我是伏都野蠻人 I'm an ape man,I'm an ape ape man,I'm an ape man 我是個猿人 I'm a king kong man,I'm a voo-doo man 我是你的泰山你是我的Jane I'm an ape man 我們彼此依偎相互取暖 I'll be your tarzan,you'll be my jane 我們整體坐在樹上吃著香蕉 I'll keep you warm and you'll keep me sane 就像猿人一樣 And we'll sit in the trees and eat bananas all day 我是個猿人我是個猿人嘿我是個猿人 Just like an ape man 我是金剛黑猩猩我是伏都野蠻人 I'm an ape man,I'm an ape ape man,I'm an ape man 我是個猿人 I'm a king kong man,I'm a voo-doo man 我覺得這世界不再是安全之地 I'm an ape man 我不想在核戰爭中死去 I don't feel safe in this world no more 我想出海去遙遠的島上 I don't want to diein a nuclear war 做個原始人 I want to sail away to a distant shore And make like an ape man