- Eminem Difficult 歌詞
- Eminem
- Maximal R&B - Your First R&B Source!
They ask me am I ok. They ask me if Im happy 他們問我還好不好他們問我想沒想開 Are they asking me that because of the shit thats been thrown at me 他們這麼問都是因為你就這麼一走了之 Or am I just a little snappy 他們要是真的關心我的話 And they genuinly care 我可能還會振作一點 Doody, most of my life its just been me and you there 便便我這輩子大多時候都跟你混在一起 And I continuosly stare at pictures of you 我望著你的照片發著呆 I never got to say I love you as much as I wanted to but I do 我終究還是說出了本以為永遠不會說出口的那句我愛你 Yeah I say it now and you cant hear me 可你卻再也聽不見了 What the fuck good does that do me now 他媽的我真是受夠了 But somehow I know youre near me in presence 不管怎樣我知道你會一直在我身邊 Or I went and drop some presents off to ease it to them 復活節的時候我買了禮物送給他們 Two little beautiful boys of yours to try to ease their minds a little 你那兩個可愛的小男孩我叫他們別難過了 And dawg youll never believe this 哥們儿你一定不會相信 But Sharonda actually talks to me now 可Sharonda現在真的願意理我了 Jesus and everyone elese is just tryna pick up the pieces 上帝啊每個人都試著振作起來 Man how you touch so many lives and just leave us 哥們儿你感動了這麼多生命怎麼能就這樣丟下我們 They say grievance has a way of affecting everyone different 他們說一千個人有一千種悲傷 If its true how the fuck am I supposed to get over you 如果真是這樣我他媽的要怎麼忘記你 Difficult as it sounds 說得容易
便便我們這麼稱呼彼此 Doody, thats what we call each other 都忘了怎麼開始的可我們一直這麼喊 I dont know where it came from but it just stuck with us 我們是一輩子的兄弟 We was always brothers 從來沒想過彼此膚色的不同 Never thought about each others skin colours 直到有年夏天我們走在街上 Til one day we was walking up the block in the summer 那簡直有90度我快被燒著了 It was like 90 degrees I was catching a sun burn 我一個勁往樹蔭下走 Tryna walk under the trees 涼快點舒服點 Just to give me some comfort 我不停抱怨這鬼天氣只想快點到家 Im moaning I just wanna get home 我看見你脫了襯衫光著胳膊 When I look over in his shirt is off 我說你會燒焦的 Im like you gon fry and like 你說我不會的我是黑人笨蛋 No I wont, Im black stupid 黑人黑色素很多 Black people they got melatonin 所以皮膚不怕曬 And their skin dont burn 這時我的臉燒得火紅 Meanwhile, my face is glowing and I felt 像掉進火堆一樣 Like Im on fire 而你一直都在嘲笑我 And the entire time youre just laughing at me 用你的襯衫甩我臭小子 And snapping at me with your shirt bastard 雖然熱得不行我也不能不還手 And I still have to get you back for that shit 哦對還有你的花花公子戒指 And by the way them playboy rings 是我媽偷的 My mother stole from you 我把它們要回來了 Well I finally got em back shit 那至少是16年前的事了吧 It must have been at least 16 years ago 我把戒指放在你的棺… Well I put them in your casket 不說了我不相信你不可能走的 Moving past it, it still aint registered yet 但你要知道你是他們永世不忘的傳奇 But you can bet youre legacy theyll never forget 底特律汽車城 The motor city mo-town 嘻哈老手嘻哈店臟辮 Hip hop vet, hip hop shop, dreads 你的一切仍在繼續 It dont stop there 說得輕巧 Yeah, as difficult as it sounds 這說來可能有點奇怪但我告訴你
我找到了那件你忘在我婚禮上的夾克 And this might sound a little strange but Im tell it 我拿起來聞了聞 I found that jacket that you left at my wedding 然後用塑料袋包起來夾在玻璃裡 And I picked it up to smell it 然後掛在走廊裡這樣就像你還在我身邊 I wrapped it up in plastic until I put it in glass 對我來說D12 我們這幫人要去向何方 And hang up in the hallway so I can always look at it 我們的將軍他媽的就這麼死在我們前面了 And as for me and D12 we feel like fuck rap 我們關掉呼機 It feels like our general just fucking died in our lap 換掉號碼 We shut off all our pages, 家門口堆滿了垃圾 All our cell numbers is changed 狐朋狗友們另尋他路吧 Our two-ways are in the trash 我知道如今那些夢想都將隨你而去 So some cats will have to find a new way 但事實上我們都還在這你卻不見了 And I know the dreams will die with you today Purple Gang 你就這麼丟下不管了嗎 But the truth is there all still here and you aint 別忘了你的夢想啊兄弟 Purple gang, you gotta press on 我愛你們所有人 Dont ever give up the dream dog 便便你能把所有原本不可能 I got love for you all 呆在一間屋裡的人變成一支軍隊 And Doody, its true you bought people together who never 你是和事佬便便 Woulda been in the same room if it wasnt for you 我知道有時你也會有脾氣 You were the peacemaker doody 但是你厭惡爭執 I know sometimes you were moody 恨極了爭吵 But you hated confrontation 可你卻倒在了自己的矛盾爭鬥中 And truly hated the feuding 如果天意如此那也無可奈何 But you were down for yours whenever it came to scrapping 相信我我知道在Dresden的時候 If it had to happen, it had to happen 是你教會我去漂亮的還擊瀟灑的反抗 Believe me, I know youre the one who taught me to 而不是拿彩彈球槍往車上射 Throw them balls back on Dresden 然後被條子抓起來 From making cars to paintballing 呆在牢房裡嬉笑打鬧 To getting arrested 他們還想關我們5年呵呵 To sitting across from eachother in cells laughing and jesting 他們絕對不是妓女就是我們射過的那個流浪漢 They tried to hit us for 5 years for that, no question 後來都不敢來法庭露面 I guess them hookers and bums that we shot up 所以我們就這樣出來了 Didnt show up for court 我你還有那誰來著 So we got off on a technicality , left sweating 他媽的我忘了他名字 Me, you and whats his face 可恥他還有種來你的葬禮 I forgot his fucking name 他背叛了我們 Shame he even came to your funeral 那小子敢讓我再逮著一次我他媽的不打爛他的臉 He betrayed our team 以Hailie Jade, Whitney Lane以及Alaina之名起誓 And if I see him again Im a punch him in the fucking face 我和Obie去了你出事那裡 And thats on Hallie Jade, Whitney Lane and Alainas name 朝天開了一槍然後最後敬你一杯酒好兄弟 I let the pistol bang once just to leak a shot in the air 就在我們上車 For you and pour some liquor out for you with Obie in the parking lot of 54 來見你最後一面之前 Just before we were supposed to get in cars 說得簡單其實很難 To come and see you Its more difficult as it sounds