- Alan Menken She's in Love 歌詞
- Alan Menken
我在說Ariel啊 Alanna (spoken): Im talking about Ariel, thats who! 她怎麼了 Adella (spoken): What about her? 她最近很“魚” Alanna (spoken): She sure is acting fishy lately! 我也覺得!繞圈圈!追尾巴! Aquata (spoken): Ill say! Swimming in circles! Chasing her tail! 她絕對有事 Alanna (spoken): That girl is up to her gills in something! 她昏頭昏腦成天做夢 Alanna (singing):Shes dizzy and shes dreamy 她把頭埋在泡沫裡 Her heads up in the foam 她眼睛閃著光 Her eyes have gone all gleamy 表現得和家裡沒人一樣 Its like theres no one home 她天天漂游 Alanna, Aquata & Atina: She floats away the days 在海岸上悶悶不樂 Mopin on the coastal shelf 你問她要去哪 You ask her where shes goin 她笑得像個傻子 She giggles like a fool 她甚至都不把腳趾 She barely sticks a toe in 伸到潮池裡玩了 Down at the tidal pool 這也不是一天兩天了 Its more than just a phase 最近她有點不像她自己了 Face it, shes just not herself 她病了?瘋了?還是腦子進水了? Is she ill? Or insane? Is it water on the brain? 到底是什麼讓她這麼煩惱 Aquata, Atina & Alanna: What has got her bothered so? 是彎道嗎?是感冒嗎? Its the bends! Its the flu! 真希望我們有點線索 Gosh, I wish we had a clue! 等等! 天哪! Oh, wait! Oh, dear! 我的媽 很明顯 Good grief! Its clear... 她戀愛了! Shes in love! Shes in love! 心臟怦怦跳!鈴鐺釘釘響! Pounding heart! Ringing bells! 他還換了新的貝殼穿! Look, I think shes even wearing brand new shells! 她戀愛了! Andrina, Arista & Adella: Shes in love! Shes in love! 她絕對戀愛了! Andrina, Arista & Adella: Glory be! Lord above! 嘿比目魚!你最近注意到那-個-誰有點奇怪嗎? Gotta be shes in love! 你說Ariel嗎?我造! Arista (spoken): Hey, Flounder! Dya notice anything weird about you-know-who? 她對我視若無睹 Flounder (spoken): You mean Ariel? Ill say! 也不跟我說話 Flounder (singing): She acts like she dont see me 她把我當成生魚片 She doesnt even speak 從上週剩下來的那種! She treats me like sashimi 大晚上的 Left over from last week 她還在床上翻來覆去睡不著 You see her late at night 她喜怒無常 Tossin in her ocean bed 非常明顯 Shes moody as a snapper 你游過去拍拍她 Oblivious as rocks 她躺的像條死魚 You swim right up and tap her 非常確定 Flounder & Mersisters: She lays there like a lox! 她心裡有事 As sure as dogfish bite 她已經失去理智了 Somethins made her lose her head! 她又悲又喜 She has lost her head! 有時還哼著小曲 And she sighs, and she swoons 有時還會莫名臉紅 And shes hummin little tunes 還能是什麼事呢? Even has a sorta glow 傻子也看得出來 What on earth could it be? 鱗片之下她都熱血沸騰了 Any hammerhead can see! 鱗片之下她都熱血沸騰了
哎喲我說 Oh, no! - Shes in love! Shes in love! 你不想知道和她戀愛的是哪條幸運的魚嗎? Shes flipped, it never fails! 她戀愛了 All hot beneath her scales! 她找到了深海壯男! See her hips, how they swish! 她戀愛了! Well, well, well 絕對戀愛了! Dont you wonder whos the lucky seafood dish? 她又臉紅! Shes in love! 又偷笑 She found a deep-sea hunk! 絕對戀愛了! Shes in love! 和別人一起游泳了 And now shes as good as sunk! 機一接烏恩穩! See her blush! 她的臉不能再紅了 Mersisters & Flounder: See her grin! 非常清楚 Gotta be love shes in! 她沉醉了沉迷了無法自拔 Ariel-and-someone swimmin in the sea! Ariel 一見鍾情情不自禁拉也拉不回來了 K-i-s-s-i-n-g! 深陷其中 Her cheeks could not flush pinker! 她戀愛了! Its clear as H2O! 她戀愛了! Shes caught – hook, line and sinker! 她戀愛了! Aquata, Andrina, Arista & Alanna: Crushed out! Switched on! Worked up! Far gone! 她戀愛了! Knocked down! Hard hit! In deep! Thats it! 非常明顯!絕對沒錯 Shes in love! 看她身後的月光 Shes in love! 這就標誌著 Shes - in - love! 她戀愛了! Flounder & Mersisters: Shes in love! Shes in love! 啊我也好想戀愛 Plain to see! No mistake! 我!滴!媽!鴨! Look at those moonbeams in her wake! Obvious what they must be symptoms of – Shes in love! Shes in love! Shes in love! Shes in love! Yeah, yeah!