- Poor Unfortunate Souls 歌詞 Alan Menken
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- Alan Menken Poor Unfortunate Souls 歌詞
- Alan Menken
- My dear, sweet child--it's what I live for: to help unfortunate merfolk like yourself.
我親愛的小朋友,幫助像你這樣不幸的魚族同胞,就是我的本行 Poor souls with no one else to turn to. . . 像你這樣沒有依靠,沒人相助 I admit that in the past I've been a nasty 我承認過去的我確實有一點點惡毒 They weren't kidding when they called me, well, a witch 有關我的言論也都不是調侃,比如說,叫我“女巫” But you'll find that nowadays 但如今你不難看出 I've mended all my ways 我已經離開了歧路 Repented, seen the light, and made a switch 懺悔,醒悟,走上歸途 True? Yes. 真的?那可不 And I fortunately know a little magic 碰巧我有幸略懂巫術 It's a talent that I always have possessed 這是與生俱來的天賦 And here lately , please don't laugh 待會兒,你可千萬別笑 I use it on behalf 施法的時候我可是代表 Of the miserable, the lonely, and depressed 所有痛苦、孤獨、壓抑的同類 (Pathetic!) (真可悲) Poor unfortunate souls 那些可憐不幸的靈魂 In pain, in need 深陷痛苦,渴求幫助 This one longing to be thinner 有人想要苗條身材 That one wants to get the girl 有人渴望女神青睞 And do I help them? 我會不會幫忙,你猜 Yes, indeed! 當然,責無旁貸! Those poor unfortunate souls 那些悲慘不幸的靈魂 So sad, so true 多麼可憐,多麼真切 They come flocking to my cauldron 他們湧向我的坩堝哭哭啼啼 Crying, 'Spells, Ursula, please!' “厄蘇拉,快施咒語,求求你” And I help them 我當然是奮身不顧 Yes I do! 出手相助 Now, it's happened once or twice 然而總有那麼一些情況 Someone couldn't pay the price 有人沒法支付我的報償 And I'm afraid I had to rake 'em 'cross the coals 我恐怕得做一些懲罰,敲響警鐘 Yes, I've had the odd complaint 沒錯,有時我會收到抱怨種種 But on the whole I've been a saint 但說到底我也一直是一個聖人 To those poor unfortunate souls 對這些可憐不幸的靈魂 Here's my bestoffer, babykins. I know a spell that will turn you into a human for three days. Now, it's got a procedural clause, sort of a 'squid pro quo.' Before the sun sets on the third day, you've got to get dear ol' princey to kiss you. If you do, you'll stay human forever. 小公主,這是我能給你提供的最好條件了。我有一個能把你變成人類的咒語,維持三天。當然,這個咒語有個一程序上的條件,也就是我們所說的“補償”。在第三天的日落之前,你必須得到你那位王子的真愛之吻。如果實現了 And if I don't? 萬一實現不了呢? Nothing drastic, darling, I'm sure. . . Oh, look--small print: 'Your soul is mine forever, and you're doomed to spend eternity in my watery, hell-soaked lair.' Lawyers! Don't you just love 'em? Of course, there is one more thing. . . my fee. 親愛的,那也沒什麼大不了。噢,看這裡有一行字:“你的靈魂將永遠屬於我,你注定在這個陰暗潮濕的洞穴裡度過你的一生。”怎麼樣,看上去還不錯吧。當然,還有一件事我們沒有談到......我的報酬 But I don't have anything! 可是我什麼也沒有啊 I'm not askin' for much , Only. . . your voice. 我要的不多,只要......你的嗓音 My voice? But if I give away my voice, how can I ever-- 我的聲音?可是沒有聲音,我怎麼- You'll have your looks. . . your pretty face. . . and don't underestimate the power of body language! 你年輕貌美......你面容姣好......還有,別忘了,肢體語言的力量 The men up there don't like a lot of blabber 陸上的男人不喜歡喋喋不休 They think a girl who gossips is a bore! 閒言碎語的女孩他們厭煩透 Yet on land it's much preferred for ladies not to say a word 那裡的姑娘,最好三緘其口 And after all, dear, what is idle prattle for? 畢竟話多的人能有什麼追求 Come on, they're not all that impressed with conversation 來吧,社交對話一點不吃香 True gentlemen avoid it when they can 真正的紳士可不會張口就講 But they dote and swoon and fawn 只有那些矜持的姑娘 On a lady who's withdrawn 會讓他們迷戀或瘋狂 It's she who holdsher tongue who gets a man 姑娘須知沉默是金,才能收穫夢中情郎 Come on you poor unfortunate soul 來吧你這可憐不幸的靈魂 Go ahead! 上前去 Make your choice! 做決定 I'm a very busy woman 老娘可要趕時間 And I haven't got all day 沒空和你耗一天 It won't cost much 我要的只有一點點 Just your voice! 只要你的嗓音 You poor unfortunate soul 你這悲慘不幸的靈魂 It's sad, but true 多麼可悲,但又多麼真切 If you want to cross the bridge, my sweet 親愛的想要得虎子 You've got the pay the toll 你又豈能不入虎穴 Take a gulp and take a breath 閉上眼,深呼吸 Go ahead and sign the scroll! 上前去,簽協議 Flotsam, Jetsam--now I've got her, boys 飄飄,浮浮,我就快成了 The boss is on a roll 王牌即將落入我手 You poor unfortunate soul! 你這悲慘不幸的靈魂 Beluga, sevruga, come winds of the Caspian Sea. . . 大白鯨,閃光鱘,請帶來里海之風 Larynxes, glaucitis, ad max laryngitis, la voce to me! 歌聲唱,喉嚨底,請把這嗓音奪取 Now, sing! Sing your voice over to me! 現在,唱!快唱!對著我唱出你的聲音! Ah-ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah-ah... Ah-ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah-ah... Sing and keep singing! 快唱,不停地唱! . . .ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah-ah... . . .ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah, ah-ah- ah-ah... Now swim, swim, swim! Swim for your life, human child! 現在,快遊,游到岸上,游向你的新生活,你這人類之子 Ha ha ha. . . Ha ha ha. . .