- Epik High Lesson Zero 歌词
- Epik High
- Things can change
万物皆可变迁 In the pouring rain 在滂沱大雨间 From the shadows 穿透漆黑暗影 See it towering 见其高耸而起 Half the light 半边灯火 Can fade away 会逐渐归于湮灭 Face your shadow 直面你的黑影 Then you follow it 而后追随于它 You follow it 继续紧跟它的步伐 You follow it 紧随其后 Half the light 半边灯火 Can fade away 会逐渐归于湮灭 Face your shadow 直面你的阴暗所在 Then you follow it 而后紧紧追随其后
他们指引你 教导你 去留心那从未言语的神灵之音 They teach you to heed the word of a god who has never spoken 而对触犯那已然崩坏扭曲的法律 心生畏惧 To fear breaking the law when it’s already broken 所谓用心感知 就是表现软弱怯懦 且隐藏真实情绪 That to feel is to be weak, to suppress emotion 由此 至死都无人知晓 你也拥有颗鲜活跳动的心脏 So no one sees you had a heart till your chest is open 为了向你兜售药物或幻象 他们让你对自身深恶痛绝 They got you hating who you are, to sell you pills and fiction 你分明诞生于璀璨星辰间 却令你伸手摘取 都遥不可及 Reachin’ for the stars when you were born up there with ’em 沉迷于新闻 舆论 以及迷信 Addicted to the news, views, superstitions 只为让富有远见的梦想家 止步于小小陋室 To keep the visionaries glued to their televisions 他们期望 你费尽一切心力去步入历史的正轨 They want you busy stepping to the right side of history 只为避免 你在历史的洪流中留下姓名 To keep you from the inside of history 给所有人予以确信的宣言 Give everyone a voice 却又用连接话筒的绳索施加束缚 But leash ’em wit the mic cord 不断引发彼此的琐碎争吵 Feed you things to fight about 却不指引你们同仇敌忾 为理想斗争 Instead of things to fight for 令你习得所有你愿景的 Teach you everything you want 却并非你真正所需 But nothing you need 不曾告知与你 天下没有免费的午餐 That everything’s got a price 一切皆有其代价 And nothing is free 将大千世界都贬得一文不值 They’ll turn everything to nothing 只为来让你相信 Then make you believe 一切都尽在你的掌控之中 That everything is under control 此处并无值得领略的风景 And there’s nothing to see 请不要再予我教诲 No more lessons please 令我回归零点吧 Take me back to zero 别再说什么老师学者 伟大先知 无畏英雄 No more teachers, no more prophets, no more heroes 请不要再令我吸取教训 No more lessons please 此刻 我对疑问所作出的所有回答 Now I see, the question to all answers 最终都只会令我卑躬屈膝 Will only bring me to my knees 我要重新归零 And back to zero