- G-Eazy These Things Happen Too 歌詞
- G-Eazy
- Yeah
I guess its about that time yeah You Know? 你知道嗎? Dakari, just let it run 達卡爾,就讓他跑吧
Uh 嘿 Party in a penthouse until I pass the **** out 在我終於從中走出來在頂樓開慶祝派對時 Reminiscing being broke and hoping I would luck out 回憶起那段心碎而又希望自己能從中僥倖脫離 Fast forward, that was then , I switched my perspective 向前衝,也就是那時候,我也閉上眼睛不想看任何結果 I was supposed to make it here, this wasnt luck, it was destined 我希望能做到,但這其實不應該靠久積的運氣,而是命中早已註定 Why the **** am I surprised? Will I ever feel I belong here? 為什麼我tm會感到驚訝啊,我會有過那麼一瞬間覺得這里為自己所屬嗎? Splitting my soul right now, the story gets long here 我的靈魂正在從我身體中抽離而出,故事就從這裡慢慢開展 Waiting for this album to drop, its been a long year 等待這專輯發行已經等了漫長的一年了 I feel like its been forever, the **** has been going on here? 是真的久啊等到人們差點忘了是不是還有這回事,這玩意到底還在不在啊? Sex + drugs + rock n roll added 性、吃藥藥和搖滾的完美融合 That equation mixеd with success and raw talent 那就是成功和天生的人才啊 They talk about mе, think I went crazy, goddamnit 他們在閒聊中談論著我,覺得我已經瘋得無可救藥,去他的 I really went crazy, goddamnit 因為我真的無可救藥了,他媽的 Pull the curtain, theres nothing left here to hide behind 拉開窗簾,沒有東西被藏在後面 I come with baggage, Im complicated, you know my sign 我渾身是傷,纏著繃帶,我是個複雜的謎團,而只有你知道屬於我的記號 Try factoring in what happens inside my mind 你試著去了解我的心思 Intoxicated on substances Ive been trying to find 陷入在那些我曾經去解密的問題當中 Reason to change, I found reason to rage 那我改變的原因,讓我找到了使我瘋狂的秘密 Play Jim Morrison, **** it, people are strange 玩弄Jim Morrison, 去他的,人們都是奇怪的 Deal with it, on God, theres no keeping me in a cage 同意吧,在上帝面前,沒有能把我禁錮的籠子 They tried to buy my soul, but its not an even exchange 他們嘗試收買我的靈魂,但這不是等價交換 I just had an epiphany, Im top ten in this industry 我只是有對事物真諦的頓悟罷了,因為我是在這流行音樂世界的前十啊 If you knew the end result, then what would you have done differently? 如果你深知最終結果,那麼你又會做出什麼不同呢? My Jekyll and my Hyde look like anything of a symmetry 我的Jekyll和我的Hyde啊,不就是每件事情都所有的善惡兩面嗎 But I aint looking for nobodys sympathy 但我不需要別人的憐憫 This is for the kids who buy tickets 這是給買票的孩子們的 This is for the fans of the music 這也是給音樂的粉絲們的 This is for the kids who get some inspiration from me and use it 這也當然是給那些從我這得到激勵並且付諸實踐的孩子們的 Its for myself, because after all this is therapeutic 這是給我自己的,因為畢竟這些都是對我的療愈啊 But I never lost myself, so dont you ever confuse it 但我依然從不迷失自我,所以你從不感到疑惑 Reading comments on my Gram, Im like 'damn, they really got me' 在我的gram下面看到那些評論,讓我覺得“天,也太能抓我心了吧” 'What happened to the old G? This sucks! Wont you come back, G? 那個老G發生了啥??這也太糟糕了吧!難道你不會回來了嗎? 'You said youd never be that rapper, this shit is tacky' “你說你再也不會成為一個rapper了,這話也太狗屎了吧” I make what I wanna make, but I wont make everyone happy 我做我想做的,但我不能讓所有人都開心 My skins fake, but Im not, ******proof 我的表層是假的,但我自己不是防彈的 Try to numb myself like when you goin to pull a tooth 試著麻木自己就像你要去拔牙時告訴自己不疼一樣 All I can be is myself, go and tell the truth 我只能做我自己,去告訴世人真相 I feel like I want my therapist when Im in the booth 在我被困在自己的世界中時我感覺需要治療師 Listen 我在自己走的路上啊,所以我在著急什麼啊? Im in my own lane, so what do I have to hurry for? 海灣為我紮根,就像庫裡得分時一樣 The Bay Area root for me like when Curry score 我把它收好了,放輕鬆,你不需要再為我擔心了 I got it covered, relax, you aint gotta worry more 我拐彎,轉入這街區裡面,毀掉了踏進30歲的門 I turn the corner, Im in the block now, broken down 30s door 我的前任們把我趕出去,我不再像以前那樣感受的一樣 My exes x me out , we aint feeling the same 她們其中一個上了國家電視台爆出我的名字 One of em went on national TV dragging my name 希望你能頂得住啊 Wish you would have handled it - eh 我不能抱怨,因為當活在痛苦中時你不能選擇做什麼反應 I cant complain, because you dont get to choose how people react to being in pain 天哪,去他的 Yeah, **** 被上了一課,才發現我們不是最完美的 Lesson learned, we werent the perfect match 未來啊,不能保持個人和工作緊密連接 Future ref, not keeping personal and work attached 我們想到方法防止青少年偷錢包而被抓住 We came a ways from going to juvie over purses snatched 給媽媽買個Birkin,我們依舊只能看到表面被刮破 Bought moms a Birkin, we still only seen the surface scratched wow Wow 一直在嘗試找到最適合自己的高度 Been tryna search and find the perfect high 來自Berkeley中學的年輕小伙 A young stoner from Berkeley High 我逐漸成為不一樣的人 The person I, became is a little different 猜猜我們的付出,試試看 Guess we work and try 她踢我出局讓我成為那隻會飛的鳥 She kicked me out to get the bird to fly, yeah 這就讓是Gerry蛻化成成熟的標誌了 This the maturation of Gerry, yeah 一直害怕承諾,不能明白為什麼不敢去做 Been terrified of commitment, cant understand why its scary 一旦我越陷越深,這也越來越難去說出來了 The deeper that I get, this shit gets harder to say 為什麼我總是把最愛我的人推開讓他們受傷呢? Why the ones who love me most, the people I push away? 為什麼我總是把最愛我的人推開讓他們受傷呢? Why the ones who love me most, the people I push away? 為什麼我總是把最愛我的人推開讓他們受傷呢? Why the ones who love me most, the people I push away? yeah Yeah 看著鏡子裡的影像,是你自己啊 Look in a mirror, this is you 沒有人告訴我這也會發生 No one ever told me, These Things Happen Too 操 **** yeah Yeah