- The 1975 The 1975 歌詞
- The 1975
- We are right now in the beginning of
我們現在正處於 A climate and ecological crisis, 氣候和生態危機的開端 And we need to call it what it is—an emergency. 我們將稱之為--緊急事件 We must acknowledge that we do not 我們必須承認 Have the situation under control, 我們並沒有掌控局面 And that we don't have all the solutions yet; 至於目前,我們還沒有解決方案 Unless those solutions mean that 除非這些解決方案意味著 We simply stop doing certain things. 我們只是停止做某些事 We must admit that we are losing this battle. 我們必須承認我們正在輸掉這場戰爭 We have to acknowledge that the older generations have failed. 我們必須認識到是上一代人失敗了 All political movements in their present form have failed, 所有基於當前形勢的政治活動都失敗了 But Homo sapiens have not yet failed. 但是智人還沒有失敗 Yes, we are failing, 是的,我們正在輸掉這場戰爭 But there is still time to turn everything around. 但我們仍然有時間來扭轉局面 We can still fix this. 我們可以解決這個問題 We still have everything in our own hands, 我們手裡仍然掌握著一切 But unless we recognise the overall failures 除非我們認識到當前體系 Of our current systems, 在整體上的失敗 We most probably don't stand a chance. 我們很可能沒有機會了 我們正面臨著一場無法言說的災難 We are facing a disaster of unspoken sufferings 對於大多數人來說 For enormous amounts of people, 現在不是說客氣話的時候 And now is not the time for speaking politely 或者專注於我們能說什麼和我們不能說什麼的時候 Or focusing on what we can or cannot say. 現在是表明立場的時候 Now is the time to speak clearly. 當前解決氣候危機是最重要的 Solving the climate crisis is the greatest 這對於我們來說是最複雜的挑戰 And most complex challenge 這也是上一代的智人所面對過的 That Homo sapiens have ever faced. 然而最主要的解決方法非常簡單 The main solution, however, 連幼兒園的小孩子都能理解 Is so simple that even a small child can understand it: 我們現在必須停止溫室氣體的排放 We have to stop our emissions of greenhouse gases, 我們要么這麼做要么什麼也別做 And either we do that, or we don't. 你認為生活中沒有什麼是黑白分明的 You say that nothing in life is black or white, 但這是一個謊言巨大的謊言 But that is a lie—a very dangerous lie— 要么我們阻止氣溫上升1.5度 Either we prevent a 1.5 degree of warming, 要么我們什麼也不做,對當前的情況不採取任何措施 Or we don't; either we avoid setting off 人類沒有控制不可逆連鎖反應的能力 That irreversible chain reaction beyond human control, 確切來說,我們沒有要么我們拋棄地球,發展另一種文明 Or we don't; either we choose to go on as a civilisation, 或者我們不這麼做這就是黑白分明的 Or we don't—that is as black or white as it gets; 因為在關乎生存問題上沒有黑色地帶 Because there are no grey areas when it comes to survival. 現在我們有一個選擇
我們可以採取創造變革的行動 Now we all have a choice: 這將為我們的子孫後代 We can create transformational action 創造生活的條件 That will safeguard the living conditions 或者我們可以像往常一樣繼續生活然後接受失敗的結果 For future generations, 這取決於你取決於我取決去世界上的每一個人 Or we can continue with our business as usual and fail. 並且我們需要的是體系的改變而不是個人的改變 That is up to you and me. 但兩者缺一不可 And yes, we need a system change rather than individual change 如果你回顧歷史 But you cannot have one without the other. 你會發現所有的社會巨變已經開始 If you look through history, 由像我們這樣的基層的人發起 All the big changes in society have been started 所以我請求你們快清醒吧 By people at the grassroots level—people like you and me. 並使這兩者所需要的改變成為可能 So, I ask you to please wake up 僅僅做到最好已經遠遠不夠了 And make the changes required possible. 我們必須攜手一起完成那些看似不可能的事 To do your best is no longer good enough. 目前我們每一天都消耗了 We must all do the seemingly impossible. 1億桶石油的量 Today, we use about 但卻並沒有任何的政策來改善這一點 100 million barrels of oil every single day . 沒有任何的規定是為保護地下的石油而製定的 There are no politics to change that; 所以,我們不能再通過重蹈覆轍來拯救這個世界了 There are no rules to keep that oil in the ground. 因為規則必須改變了 So, we can no longer save the world by playing by the rules, 一切都需要改變,並且就要從今天開始 Because the rules have to be changed 所以身為人類的一份子 Everything needs to change, and it has to start today. 現在是非暴力反抗的時候了 So, everyone out there, 是時候站出來反抗了 It is now time for civil disobedience. It is time to rebel.