- ナノ Eye of the Beholder 歌詞
- ナノ
- Your whisper seeps into my skin in the dead of night
你的輕聲耳語在更深夜靜之時,滲入我的肌膚 It cuts me deep beneath the cold like the ice of December 它無情地將我深深埋葬於冬日寒冰之下 Been starved on your words for too long 我已被你刻薄的話語折磨得夠久了 Drained up my soul like drought 它如同旱災一般逐漸耗盡我的靈魂 Just need a new motivation 我只是需要一種全新的動力 To keep this pulse from beating out 來保持脈搏持續跳動 Been asking God where I went wrong 吶,神啊,我到底哪裡做錯了呢? The finger is pointing at you 那骯髒的手指正絲毫不動地指著你 And now when there is nowhere to run 如此指責下,卻無處可逃 Ill be the last one standing in the line of fire 這樣,我將成為最後一個站在這戰場前線的人 KILL ME WITH YOUR EYES 用你那充滿欺瞞的眼神殺死我吧 The world I see through you could make this hell look like heaven 就算身處煉獄,透過你我也只能看到天堂 BREAK ME WITH YOUR LIES 就用你無數的痴言謊語毀了我吧 Youve taken every tactic to reduce me to nothing 畢竟你已經用了千方百計使我一無所有 When the sun rises and the smoke dies 當朝陽徐徐升起,朝霧緩緩消逝 All thats remaining 這一切依然保持如初 When I open my eyes 當我緩緩睜開我的雙眼 What I find is the innocence that lives inside 我發現那份最初的純真仍存在於內心的最深處 TAKE ME TO THE LIGHT 請引領我到光明的那方去吧 Before the only brilliance disappears in the morning 在黎明時唯一的光輝消逝之前 A beauty sleeps (in the eyes of the beholder) 一位笑靨如花的女子逐漸入睡【在這位旁觀者的眼裡】 A beast that hides (in the eyes of the beholder) 一頭野獸在角落裡披上人皮【在這位旁觀者的眼裡】 A rose that cries (in the eyes of the beholder ) 一朵即將凋零的玫瑰暗自哭泣【在這位旁觀者的眼裡】 A love that dies (in the eyes of the beholder) 一段消逝的戀情【在這位旁觀者的眼裡】 Echoing like a curse in my ear 你的聲音如同詛咒般在我耳邊迴響 Striking every hour 驚人地持續了每時每刻 The silence is deafening 令人窒息的寂靜對我來說卻極其喧鬧 And keeps getting louder 且越來越響,震耳欲聾 Better than giving in to the noise 但這好過向這煩人的噪音低首屈服 That creeps in my head 它不停地在我腦海裡蠕動,使我感到毛骨悚然 When midnight strikes 當午夜的鐘聲敲響 Nothing lasts 任何東西都不復存在 Been strained in your hold for too long 在你的束縛下一直緊繃神經太久了 Bleed through my soul like a flood 像氾濫的洪水般沖刷著我的靈魂 Just need a reckless diversion 我只是需要一種不計後果的消遣 To keep this life from falling out 來防止我的生活就此崩潰掉 Been asking God where I went wrong 神啊,我到底做錯了什麼 The finger is pointing at you 這骯髒的手指仍死死指向你 And now when the Im walking the plank 現在,我正行走在執行死刑的跳板上 Your touch is what I need to set my world on fire tonight 僅僅需要你的撫摸,來點燃我的今晚 KILL ME WITH YOUR EYES 用你那充滿欺瞞的眼神殺死我吧 The world I see through you could make this hell look like heaven 我透過你所看到的世界,發現你能讓煉獄看起來如同天堂 BREAK ME WITH YOUR LIES 就用你無數的痴言謊語毀了我吧 Youve taken every tactic to reduce me to nothing 畢竟你已經用了千方百計使我一無所有 When the sun rises and the smoke dies 當朝陽徐徐升起,朝霧緩緩消逝 All thats remaining 這一切依然保持如初 When I open my eyes 當我緩緩睜開我的雙眼 What I find is the innocence that lives inside 我發現那份最初的純真仍存在於內心的最深處 TAKE ME TO THE LIGHT 請引領我到光明的那方去吧 Before the only brilliance disappears in the morning 在黎明時唯一的光輝消逝之前 A beauty sleeps (in the eyes of the beholder) 一位笑靨如花的女子逐漸入睡【在這位旁觀者的眼裡】 A beast that hides (in the eyes of the beholder) 一頭野獸在角落裡披上人皮【在這位旁觀者的眼裡】 A rose that cries (in the eyes of the beholder) 一朵即將凋零的玫瑰暗自哭泣【在這位旁觀者的眼裡】 A love that dies (in the eyes ofthe beholder) 一段消逝的戀情【在這位旁觀者的眼裡】 In the line of fire 在這個戰場的前線 Nobody is hearing you now 現在,根本沒人聽得到你的嘶聲痛哭 So release yourself and let your heart scream out 所以,釋放你自己讓你的內心盡情嘶吼吧 In the end your faith will bring your soul to life 最後,你的信仰將會復活你的靈魂 Nobody is stopping you now 現在,根本沒人能夠阻擋你了 So release yourself before your time runs out 所以,在你的時間耗盡之前釋放你自己 Before the fire burns out 在這戰火燃盡之前 KILL ME WITH YOUR EYES 就用你那充滿欺瞞的眼神殺死我吧 The world I see through you could make this hell look like heaven 我透過你所看到的世界,發現你能夠讓煉獄看起來如同天堂 BREAK ME WITH YOUR LIES 就用你那無數的痴言謊語毀了我吧 Youve taken every tactic to reduce me to nothing 畢竟你已經用了千方百計使我一無所有 When the sun rises and the smoke dies 當朝陽徐徐升起,朝霧緩緩消逝 All thats remaining 這一切依然保持如初 When I open my eyes 當我緩緩睜開我的眼 What I find is the innocence that lives inside 我發現那份最初的純真仍存在於內心的最深處 TAKE ME TO THE LIGHT 請把我引領到光明的那方去吧 Before the only brilliance disappears when the morning comes 在黎明時唯一的光輝消逝之前 A beauty sleeps (in the eyes of the beholder) 一位笑靨如花的女子逐漸入睡【在這位旁觀者的眼裡】 A beast that hides (in the eyes of the beholder) 一頭野獸在角落裡披上人皮【在這位旁觀者的眼裡】 A rose that cries ( in the eyes of the beholder) 一朵即將凋零的玫瑰暗自哭泣【在這旁觀者的眼裡】 A love that dies (in the eyes of the beholder) 一段消逝的戀情【在這旁觀者的眼裡】