- ナノ Beautiful Disaster 歌詞
- ナノ
當另一個警報拉響之時 你有何感受 What do you feel when another siren screams 尖叫所帶來的恐懼是否如同手榴彈直擊心靈? Fear attacks like a heart grenade 其將點亮最黑暗的時刻 Ignited in the deepest hour 孩子為挾持的純潔夢想而啜泣 A child cries kidnapped from their innocent dreams 祈望被槍雨所掩埋 Prayers drowned by the fusillade 我們在黑暗中戰栗 Trembling in the dark 告訴我!是否值得為之犧牲自我 Tell me is it worth the sacrifice 告訴我!是否值得為之奉獻生命 Tell me is it worth your life 我們在死寂之夜浴血奮戰 We fight in the dead of night 在死寂之夜 In the dead of night 世界被其所蒙蔽直至黎明初現 While the world is blinded until the early light 我們在如同地獄般的夜晚哭泣 We cry in the heat of night 在如同地獄般炎熱的夜晚 In the heat of night 告訴我!我們將殘留何物當黎明再現之際 Tell me what remains of us in the morning after 這個淒美的災禍 A beautiful disaster 告訴我! ! ! Tell me 你將會做何感想當你得知他們試圖展示 What do you feel when they try to show you 如何毀滅你的命運 Destruction is your destiny 無從抉擇接受無謂的誓言 No choice but to take the pledge 他們眼中所折射出的堅定的信念 In their eyes a determined sense of virtue 仍無法動搖你你仍知其遠離真相 But you know it's far from reality 仍站在真相的邊緣 Standing on the edge 告訴我!是否值得為之承受痛苦 Tell me is it worth the agony 告訴我!是否值得為之奉獻生命 Tell me is it worth your life 我們在死寂之夜浴血奮戰 We fight in the dead of night 在死寂之夜 In the dead of night 世界被其所蒙蔽直至黎明初現 While the world is blinded until the early light 我們在如同地獄般的夜晚哭泣 We cry in the heat of night 在如同地獄般炎熱的夜晚 In the heat of night 告訴我!我們將殘留何物當黎明再現之際 Tell me what remains of us in the morning after 我們將殘害生靈 當我們挽救彼此時 We take a life when we could save one another 我們將為賦予的權利而付出慘痛代價 We pay a price for the power bestowed upon our hands 但直至最後我們仍然堅信唯一的決意 But in the end we believe in a single purpose 我們堅信存在於戰爭後的曙光 We all believe in the light ahead in the life beyond this fight 在死寂之夜 In the dead of night 在死寂之夜 In the dead of night 我會在你身邊祈禱直到黎明再現 I will pray beside you until the early light 我們將為死寂之夜而生存 We live in the dead of night 在死寂之夜 In the dead of night 告訴我!我們將殘留何物當黎明再現之際 Tell me what remains of us in the morning after 我們將殘害生靈當我們挽救彼此時 We take a life when we could save one another 我們將為賦予的權利而付出慘痛代價 We pay a price for the power bestowed upon our hands 但直至最後我們仍然堅信唯一的決意 But in the end we believe in a single purpose 我們都堅信淒美的災禍過後光明將會再次顯現 We all believe in the light ahead in the beautiful disaster