- ナノ Nameless Nemesis 歌詞
- ナノ
黑暗滲近,看著死盯著鏡子的我 As the dark seeps nearer I look in the mirror 和周圍的景象 And the vision that I see 衝透過雙眼卻是蒼白靈魂無力的微笑 The lifeless soul smiling back through my eyes “與你的戰鬥,從今晚開始!” My fight with the enemy begins tonight 很久以前 When the days were younger 無辜的流浪者 An innocent wanderer 畢生尋覓容身之處 In search for a place to belong 縱使險情重重危機四伏 Barricaded by a danger 還有蛇蠍心腸的欺詐者 A merciless deceiver 不斷汲其利益 Who took advantage of me 當僅剩被麻木征服下的 When all that was left was weakness 軟弱無助 Overcome by a numbness 流浪者的世界分崩離析 The wanderers world fell through 每一種認同感如鏡般破碎成孤獨的碎片 Every sense of identity broken into pieces of loneliness 扳下扳機簡單易行 The trigger was simple 慾望支配逾越理智 Desire ruled over 弱肉強食適者生存 The strength to take control 但犧牲總是伴隨著沉重的代價 But the sacrifice came with a heavy price 於那頭怪物在我體內甦醒之時 When the enemy awoke inside 就在今晚結束這一切!一切都結束掉! It ends tonight it ends tonight 在你變成我的句號之前 Before I let you become the end of me 告訴我該如何戰勝它! Tell me how to win this fight 如何戰勝它來得我安然長存 How to win this fight to save my life 我一直在逃避答案 Ive been running from the answer 但時間已所剩無幾 But the time is running out on me 倒計時的迴聲正置我於死地 The echo of the countdown is killing me 這場無名的賭博 This gamble with the nameless side 就在今晚結束掉! Will end tonight 不知為何我已從一個受害者 Somehow Ive become a victim 變成一個毫無個性的毒害者 To a faceless virus 日益痛苦卻無計可施 And the pain grows stronger each day 我已切斷每根救命索 Ive cut every vital lifeline 我已擊潰掉我的理性 And Ive annihilated reason 但它仍舊侵食著我的心智 But its eating my sanity away 我已越過最後的底線 Ive crossed the line 已經看到未來的我揮金如土虛度光陰 Ive watched my life that Im wasting away 曾經耗費大量精力如今對我來說是一種恥辱 Ive spent my days giving into the shame 我也曾讓我的頭腦來一次危險的遊戲 Ive let my mind play a dangerous game 那就是失去我所擁有的所有 That Im losing now with everything I own 站立太久以至於奔入歧途 Ive stood so long that Im running astray 日畢我也一無所有 Ive nothing left at the end of the day 我已成為滿足於虛空的奴隸 Ive become a slave to satisfy the void 但那空虛的飢餓感仍然存在 But the hunger still remains 我已過於沉迷在 My mind is too addicted 這種扭曲的情感 To the this twisted emotion 即使它感染了我的心智 Even though it infects my heart 在我合上眼的那一剎那,我將明白 When I close my eyes and I will realize that 敵人就活在我的身體中! The enemy lives inside 就在今晚結束這一切!一切都結束掉! It ends tonight it ends tonight 在你變成我的句號前 Before I let you become the end of me 告訴我該如何戰勝它! Tell me how to win this fight 如何戰勝它來得我安然長存 How to win this fight to save my life 我一直在逃避答案 Ive been running from the answer 但時間已所剩無幾 But the time is running out on me 倒計時的迴聲正置我於死地 The echo of the countdown is killing me 這場無名的賭博 This gamble with the nameless side 就在今晚結束掉! Will end tonight 我內心的戰爭就要在今晚結束掉 The fight inside of me will end tonight 有些時候,我也覺得自己好像已陷入絕境 At times it may feel as if Im facing a dead end 深夜入睡,我又一次處於進退兩難的境地 At night when I sleep my dilemma is there again 但我知道,這就是我這就是我將會經歷的 But I know thatthis is who I am who I am 即使到了最後一刻 Even in the final hour 我也相信“有志者事竟成” Where theres a will theres a way 趁機會尚在,把握當下做出抉擇 So Im choosing now while the chance still remains 讓自己擺脫長夜噩夢 To release myself from this nightmare 我終於看見了,我終於明白了 I see at last I feel at last 原來我一直在迷失自我而不是尋找本真 Ive been losing myself instead of finding me 但最終我找到了我的對症解藥 But Ive found my cure at last 也知曉了,它一直在我的體內! And I know at last its been inside 就讓一切都結束在今晚! It ends tonight it ends tonight 在你變成我的句號之前 Before I let you become the end of me 告訴我該如何戰勝它! Tell me how to win this fight 如何戰勝它來得我安然長存 How to win this fight to save my life 我一直在逃避答案 Ive been running from the answer 但時間已所剩無幾 But the time is running out on me 倒計時的迴聲正置我於死地 The echo of the countdown is killing me 這場無名的賭博 This gamble with the nameless side 就在今晚結束掉! Will end tonight 自我內心戰爭,將在今晚結束 The fight inside of me will end tonight 心中遭遣之人,將於今晚死去 The nemesis inside will die tonight