- ナノ Pentagram 歌詞
- ナノ
一點一滴我們的記憶落入沙漏裡 One by one our memories will fall into the hourglass 日復一日最美的風景也陸續錯過 Day by day the scenery will pass 指針不會停止過去正在流逝 The clock is moving the past is fading 被光芒所庇護的感覺 Feel the glow all around you 猶如即將破碎的五角星形 Ephemeral pentagram 隨著右邊(正確)的一角 Find the fifth star to the right 直到遇見希望 And straight on until the break of dawn 那天空深處 Deep in the sky 在我消失時為我而流淚 Cry for me when Im gone away 我永遠是你入眠前的搖籃曲 Ill always be your lullaby in the night 當你痛苦之時為我伸出雙手 Reach for me when you feel the pain 我永遠是守護在你身邊的那個人 Ill always be the one to keep you safe 當你牽起我的手與我一同墜入深淵之時 When you take my hand and jump with me 我總是不惜一切抵擋在前面 Ill always fall a little bit ahead of you 閉上你的眼睛與我一同祈禱 Close your eyes and pray with me 我會化為光芒照亮你將踏入的前方 Ill always be above to shed a light to lead the way 一步接著一步所走的路連接成一條線 Step by step the miles that we walk connect into a line 並肩同行的我們在黑暗中照亮四周 Side by side were shining in the dark 如繁星組成的海洋環繞著星座 Like a sea of stars in a constellation 探索著你四周的光芒 Trace the blaze shooting by you 猶如即將破碎的五角星形 Ephemeral pentagram 隨著右邊(正確)的一角 Find the fifth star to the right 直到遇見希望 And straight on until the break of dawn 當你迷失方向時尋找我 Search for me when youve lost your way 我永遠是你火焰帶來光明 Ill always be your firelight burning bright 當大雨傾盆之時來找我 Come to me in the pouring rain 我會化為庇護所等待著你 Ill always be the one to shelter you 如果你用望遠鏡看下周圍 If you take a look into the telescope 你會凝視前所未有的宇宙 Youll gaze beyond the universe you couldnt see 釋放你的恐懼與我一起逃離 Free your fears and run away with me 我總是站在你的身邊引導你繼續前進 Im always by your side to guide you on so carry on 即使蒙蔽雙眼仍然可以夢想 Even if you are blinded you can still dream 即使沒有聲音仍然可以歌唱 Even if you are voiceless you can still sing 即使心已碎了仍然可以去愛 Even if your heart is broken you can still love 即使你的世界正在結束生命也可以重新開始 Even if your world is ending life can begin 起伏的路上是對失去的人的遐想 The milk way is reverie of the lost ones 就像希望的燈塔般屹立不倒 Like a beacon of promise to hold on 擦乾淚水看向前方 Dry your tears raise your eyes now 在我消失時為我而流淚 Cry for me when Im gone away 我永遠是你入眠前的搖籃曲 Ill always be your lullaby in the night 當你痛苦之時為我伸出雙手 Reach for me when you feel the pain 我永遠是守護在你身邊的那個人 Ill always be the one to keep you safe 當你牽起我的手與我一同墜入深淵之時 When you take my hand and jump with me 我總是不惜一切抵擋在前面 Ill always fall a little bit ahead of you 閉上你的眼睛與我一同祈禱 Close your eyes and pray with me 我會化為光芒照亮你將踏入的前方 Ill always be above to shed a light to lead the way 迴聲不斷希望永存 Echoing echoing forever