- Hozier Talk 歌詞
- Hozier
- Id be the voice that waged Orpheus
我將會變成那俄耳甫斯的歌喉(Orpheus:希臘神話人物,阿波羅與繆斯之子,歌詞講述了他與其妻子的故事。) When her body was found (Hey, yeah) 當她的下落不再杳無音訊 Id be the choiceless hope in grief 我會成為那悲慟中選無可選的希望之光 That drove him underground (Hey, yeah) 步步指引著他下地獄 Id be the dreadful need in the devotee 我會變成那狂熱者危險萬分的慾望之果 That made him turn around (Hey, yeah) 使他按捺不住回過頭來 And Id be the immediate forgiveness 我會變成歐里狄斯內心深處(Orpheus:俄耳甫斯的妻子。) In Eurydice 突如其來的諒解 Imagine being loved by me 想像一下為我所愛的光景 I wont deny Ive got in my mind now (Hey, yeah ) 我絕不會否認此刻的所思所想 All the things I would do 那都是我所心甘情願的 So I try to talk refined for fear that you find out ( Hey, yeah) 所以我試圖著精簡地告訴你我的恐懼恐懼你最終發現 How Im imaginin you 我如何在腦海中臨摹你的模樣 Id be the last shred of truth 我會成為真知灼見那最後一塊碎片 In the lost myth of true love (Hey, yeah) 在我迷失的愛之神話中 Id be the sweet feeling of release 我會成為放鬆時那一抹甜蜜的感覺 Mankind now dreams of (Hey, yeah) 如今人們做著黃粱大夢 Thats found in the last witness 那是最後的目睹者去探知的機會 Before the wave hits, marvelling at God (Hey, yeah) 在那浪潮來襲之前為神之奇蹟所震驚 Before he feels alone one final time and marries the sea 在他孤寂難耐與滄海廝守一生之前 Imagine being loved by me 想像一下為我所愛的光景 I wont deny Ive got in my mind now (Hey, yeah) 我絕不會否認我此刻所思所想 All the things I would do 那都是我所心甘情願的 So I try to talk refined for fear that you find out (Hey , yeah) 所以我試圖著精煉地告訴你我的恐懼恐懼你最終發現 How Im imaginin you 我如何在腦海中臨摹你的模樣 I wont denyIve got in my mind now (Hey, yeah) 我絕不會否認此刻的所思所想 All the things we could do 那都是我力所能及的 So I try to talk refined for fear that you find out (Hey, yeah) 所以我試圖著精煉地告訴你我的恐懼恐懼你最終發現 How Im imaginin you 我如何在腦海中臨摹你的模樣。