- Frank Ocean wither 歌詞
- Frank Ocean
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在樹木被燒毀的地方 Over where the trees burn down 在那被火焰包圍的場地 The place where the fields went down in flames 我們可以在地上挖個洞 We could put a hole in the ground 灑下種子跳舞祈雨 Throw seeds and dance for rain 連煩惱都開始憂愁 It takes a mind to worry 你們的良心受愧 Ya conscience to feel ashamed 這裡已經無處可藏 But there's no place to hide out here 因為天空上都是飛機 These skies are filled with planes 我們的手都很髒 And both our hands are filthy 直指向月亮 Pointing up at the moon 在晚上我們緊緊相擁直至留下愛的創傷 And tonight I'll hold you close, close enough to bruise 希望今天下午我們跳舞的地方有個花園 Hope a garden grows where we dance this afternoon 希望我們的孩子在春天盛開的時候散步 Hope our children walk by spring when flowers bloom 希望他們看到我的膚色 Hope they'll get to see my color 知道我享受這陽光照耀 Know that I've enjoyed sunshine 他們將會看著我老去 Pray they'll get to see me, me wither (when I was young) 看著我慢慢老去 See me (too) wither 知道我享受這陽光照耀 Know that I've enjoyed the sunshine (Know it happens all...) 知道我享受這陽光照耀 Know that I've enjoyed the sunshine... 知道這一切一直在發生 Know it happens all...all the time 知道這一切不會停歇 You know it happens all....all the time 一切總會發生 All the time 那時我還年輕 I was young