- Eminem Wicked Ways 歌詞
- Eminem
- I'm getting by with my wicked ways
我以惡制惡 I'm loading up and I'm taking names 我承載一切,冠我之名 I wanna dig my way to hell 我挖掘地域之通路 I wanna dig my way to hell 我挖掘地域之通路 I'm getting by with my wicked ways 我以惡制惡 I'm loading up and I'm taking names 我承載一切,冠我之名 I wanna dig my way to hell 我挖掘地域之通路 I wanna dig my way to hell 我挖掘地域之通路 Guess I got a way with words I could get away with murder 猜猜是什麼辦法讓我得以逍遙法外,為所欲為 Ever heard of Aspergers? It's a rare condition 知道自閉症嗎?這是一種罕見的疾病 It's what you're suffering from when you simply don't care if it's an 你患有當你根本不在乎它 80 degree day and theres no fricken air conditioning 是否是80°的天氣,不在乎現場到底有沒有空調 And you can't see the big terrace risen 開車時你看不到大露台的升降變化 'Cus you got the windows up blaring the system in your Chevrolet prism 因為你將車窗搖起,雪佛蘭汽車喇叭在棱鏡中嘀嘀作響 The devil ain't on the level same as him 惡魔與他根本就不在同一層次上 Just someone who rebels in straight masochism 只有一些叛亂者們正在承受著虐待 And imagine him giving him an adjective an ass whooping 想像他當時的情形,都可以用“放屁”這個形容詞來描繪 so bad they should put his ass in prison 真是差勁,他們應該好好地蹲在監獄裡 I word bully I verbally abuse verbs like he did something to me personally 我大聲恐嚇,張口大罵,他到底對我做了什麼 Used forgetfully so I cut class and ditch it now I fully rap 由於常忘事,因此我逃學擺脫這一切,全身心投入說唱當中 I'mma just scratch and sniff it 我將其毀壞,鄙視它 Caddilac from a K Car, My ass from a hole in a ground, 從K-Car到凱迪拉克,我的屁股還陷在地上的洞裡 still can't tell I made part 仍然無法辨別我製造的汽車零件 Came straight out the trailer park screaming I 'm proud 走出拖車的停車場,大聲叫喊我很自豪 To shop at k-mart and it became art 它也能成為凱馬特商店展列的藝術 And I'm still fed up and as pissed off as they are 我和他們一樣對此感到厭煩和憤怒 To this day I still get in fights with the same broad 為了這一天,我仍然和那些人繼續抗爭著 At the same Walmart arguing over the same cart 同樣地在沃爾瑪,他們為了手推車爭吵著 In the middle of the aisle whilin I don't give a fuck I don't play! 在過道中間,我就是不給你讓路,你能把我怎麼著 You think you saw this basket first? 憑什麼覺得是你先看到這個籃子 Yeah backwards like motherfucking Bob and Silent Jay 幹嘛後退,像那不要臉的Bob和Silent Jay一樣 Illest shit you could think I would say 垃圾敗類,你以為我會說 Mind's like a pile of clay 你們的心像黏土一樣噁心 When's the last time you saw a villain with a cape? 你最後一次看見披著斗篷的惡棍是什麼時候 Put a gaping hole in it 在裡面挖一個大洞 Look how, look how the drapes 看看如何,看看如何用窗簾 Tied him around my neck went down the fire escape of the Empire State 將他和我綁在一起,然後沿著帝國大廈的消防梯往下爬 Step down, straight down to the ground splattered all over the entire state 一直往下爬,直到回到帝國的土地上 And straight to hell got an impaled by the gates 通往地獄之門被刺穿 So Satan stuck his face in an ashtray 而撒旦如被困之獸,臉面盡失 But I sacheted around flames with a match and I gave him the gas face 但我用火柴點燃火焰,給他提供瓦斯 And this ain't got nothing to do with a scalar 這沒什麼衡量標準可設置的 Being here and those guys, they can find a way 待在這兒,那些傢伙能夠找到解決辦法 Thoughts are getting darker by the day 一天下來,思維越來越混沌 I'm a combination of Skylar Grey, Tyler the Creator, and Violent Jay 我是Skylar Grey、創造者Tyler和和暴力傾向者Jay的結合體 It's a fucking miracle to be this lyrical 這該死的娛樂大眾的奇蹟 Paint my face with clown make up and a smiley face I'm insane 我的臉被畫成一個微笑著的小丑,簡直要瘋了 Every rhyme I say sounding like an ultra violet ray 我說的每一個押韻聽起來就像一道紫外射線 I'm sellin hatred buffet style all the shit you can eat 我討厭市場上賣的自助餐,怎麼什麼狗屎你都能吃 $11.99 so come on and pile a plate 只要11.99美元就可以來一份 I'm throwin' down the gauntlet to see what hell I can raise 我扔下戰書看看我到底能夠上升到什麼地步 With the rhyme I'm spittin while I'm shittin' on the competition 我一邊哼唱一邊參與比賽 In the meantime it's always mean time 與此同時,總是在預定時間內 I'm getting by with my wicked ways 我以惡制惡 I'm loading up and I'm taking names 我承載一切,冠我之名 I wanna dig my way to hell 我挖掘地域之通路 I wanna dig my way to hell 我挖掘地域之通路 I'm getting by with my wicked ways 我以惡制惡 I'm loading up and I'm taking names 我承載一切,冠我之名 I wanna dig my way to hell 我挖掘地域之通路 I wanna dig my way to hell 我挖掘地域之通路 I've been a career asshole 我是本行業的混蛋 I don't see why these people always got my back 我不明白這些人為什麼總是出現在我身後 I done said so much fucked up shit, I was born a mistake 我行徑惡劣,我滿口髒話,我的出生就是一個錯誤 But I was put here not by accident 但我被安排在這兒並不是一個偶然 I had a purpose and that purpose was to beat a beat purplish 我來這兒的目的是為了擊敗這個,擊敗紅紫色的 Slaughter tracks, I done put my two dimes and a nickel in this shit 屠宰場,讓那銅臭見鬼去吧 And I'm coming to get that quarter back like in damakin 我要來拿回那四分之一 The drama can build, your mama can ask me for my autograph 戲劇能夠繼續演出,你媽媽也能繼續要我的親筆簽名 'Cause that cougar's a MILF, she's the oldest trick in the book 因為美洲獅是摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線,她們就是書中所描述的古老把戲 But I sure would fallfor that 但我必定會因那而摔倒 You done brought a bat to a rocket launcher fight 你竟然將蝙蝠放在火箭發射架上 When I get on the mic I 'ma snap 我拿著麥克風不斷叫喊 Make you wish the ambulance that took me to the hospital 希望救護車能來將我送去醫院 when I overdosed would have caught a flat 當我吸毒過量達到一定的極限 If it makes you sick to your stomach pass it 如果它使你生病,你的胃因此 Indigestion my suggestions pale, pectate 消化不良,我建議你吃些果膠 If it feels like I'm running away with the game 如果你覺得我是在逃避比賽 Its 'cus I am don't speculate spectate 那是因為我不要推測助陣 All I got is it for days and insults for decades 這幾十年來我所得到的盡是侮辱 But I get by my wicked ways lady you can suck a dick till your neck aches 但我以惡制惡,女士們,你們就盡情淫蕩吧 Cry till you get puffed eyes red face 累得你們哭腫雙眼,羞於見人 But I'm leaving on this jet plane 我要離開這架噴氣式飛機 You ain't fly, you're an airhead 你真是個笨蛋,竟然不會飛 I'm sick of pounding a square pagan around all, sorry never catch phrase 我討厭周圍到處都是異教徒,真抱歉沒找到個合適的詞來形容 But your baggage ain't gonna fit in my storage over headspace 但是我的預留空間太狹小,你的行李塞不下 Cuz you just ain't big enough to fit your damage goods 因為你還不夠強大以彌補損失的貨物 Other words don't try to put the heart in a headcase 換句話說,不要去聽信瘋子的瞎話 Cuz baby stable mentally I ain't I need my meds I peed my bed 因為我的精神並不正常,我大小便失禁,需要吃藥治療 I'm going blind I don't see my legs I keep on falling down 我將失明看不見我的腿,我一直都在摔倒 No wonder you can't stand me I need my cane 難怪你受不了我了,我需要依靠手杖 Someone help me I think my face is melting 當有人幫助我時,我那僵硬的面部表情被融化了 You can feel these migraines and see these maggot in my brain 你能感覺到我的大腦一直都很疼,就像有蟲子啃咬一樣 This G-I-A-N-T hole in my empty head 我兩腦空空,腦洞大開 If you read my mind you can see my pain 如果你讀懂了我的心就能感受到我的痛苦 And you'd see why I'd be this way 你就會明白我何以至此 Ever since I was knee-high playin' with G.I. Joe's 自從我放高姿態與G.I. 一起玩耍, Joe Told these or shut the P-I-E holes that peep my game 告知我一切,並關掉了能窺探我的遊戲的漏洞 'Cus I'm bout it 因為這是我的巡迴 Like a light bulb, on you all can echo echo 就像一個燈泡,在你身上一切都能產生迴聲 Sick psycho on a cyclone, 一場病態的精神風暴引發了 If I were in here I'd go, I'm out of control like no other mic 要是我在這我一定會去,可我手無麥克,已失去掌控 Go slap you til the night goes 將你打醒,直到夜晚離去 Or I'm nothing but a hole inside 或者我什麼也不是,但是裡面有一小孔 Just go where your eye goes 你的視線隨著射出來的光線移動 'Cause I'm socket to you 因為我將一切託付於你 Yea fuck, you don't like it 但你這該死的竟然不喜歡 Get a new Harley Davidson, menstrual cycle and ride it like a motor bike 重獲一個新的Harley Davidson,月經週期就像摩托車輪一樣有規律地轉動 I'm finna blow the mic the whole night 整晚我都快把麥克風唱爆了 So strike up the fuckin maestro, I'm nitro 所以那見鬼的大師都快要來和我談判了 If I go hand me my shovel 如果我手中有把鏟子 I'm reliable to dig my hole deeper 我確信能將這洞挖得更深 In a tar pit, AG double hockey stick psycho 在瀝青坑里,空氣壓力能將曲棍球球棍彎折 I'm getting by with my wicked ways 我以惡制惡 I'm loading up and I'm taking names 我承載一切,冠我之名 I wanna dig my way to hell 我挖掘地域之通路 I wanna dig my way to hell 我挖掘地域之通路 I'm getting by with my wicked ways 我以惡制惡 I'm loading up and I'm taking names 我承載一切,冠我之名 I wanna dig my way to hell 我挖掘地域之通路 I wanna dig my way to hell 我挖掘地域之通路